The 30 Talents (or Skills) That Every Psychologist Should Possess

Those who are familiar with organizational psychology or human resources will have heard of corporate talent management, in which it is detected those skills that workers possess so that their full potential fits with the needs of said organization

Although some experts assure that talents are innate and differentiate them from the concept of competence, others speak interchangeably of talents and competences, assuming that they are abilities that can be learned and that are necessary for the good professional performance of a job or task. In this article We review those skills or talents that a psychologist must possess for the good performance of their profession

The skills and talents of the psychologist, according to Europsy

The European Federation of Psychologists Association (EFPA) is an institution that brings together and leads, within the European space, the associations of the different countries of this continent. This organization issues EuroPsy certificates, which facilitate labor mobility within this space There are three certificates: EuroPsy Basic, EuroPsy Specialist in Psychotherapy and EuroPsy Specialist in Work and Organizational Psychology.

The EFTA, through the Europsy portal, defines the primary competencies or talents that psychologists must develop and demonstrate before being able to practice as professionals. Talents fit the roles that psychologists play in different occupational contexts, and have to do with knowledge, understanding, practical and ethical skills, and attitude and predisposition towards their work.

Talents necessary to be a good psychologist

Psychologists are professionals who can work in different areas of application: clinical psychology, educational psychology, organizations, etc. However, all of these professional opportunities depend on certain skills that are shared requirements among them. Europsy states that There are a series of talents or competencies that all psychologists must possess (both independent and those who work for an organization). They are the following:

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Primary talents

They are the talents that every psychologist should possess and demonstrate (both independent and non-independent). They are grouped into six groups, depending on professional roles

Objective specification

Basic competencies of interaction with the client to define the objectives of the service that the psychologist offers.

1. Needs analysis

Use of appropriate methods to obtain information according to the client’s needs.

2. Goal setting

Negotiation and goal setting skills with the client. These goals must be achievable and attainable.


Diagnose and know the characteristics of individuals, groups. organizations and situations using the necessary techniques.

3. Individual evaluation

Carry out the diagnosis and evaluation of individuals with questionnaires, interviews and observation techniques.

4. Group evaluation

Carry out the diagnosis and evaluation of groups of people with different methods.

5. Organizational evaluation

Specific assessment of the organizational environment with the techniques mentioned above.

6. Situational assessment

Use interviews, surveys and other techniques to correctly evaluate the situation.


This talent is related to the ability to develop existing psychological services or products so that they can be used by psychologists or clients themselves.

7. Definition of services or products and analysis of requirements

Have the ability to know what product and service to offer and identify and analyze interested customers.

8. Design of the service or product

Once the product or service is defined, it is necessary design it knowing the client’s strengths and limitations

9. Test of the designed service or product

Know how to evaluate the reliability, validity and other characteristics such as, for example, the viability of the product or service.

10. Evaluation of the service or product

Capacity of evaluate product utilization and customer satisfaction regarding the product or service offered.


Identify, organize and carry out interventions necessary to achieve the objectives based on the evaluations and planning of the product or service (mentioned in the previous section).

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11. Intervention planning

Organize and develop the appropriate intervention plan to execute the required service in the specific context.

12. Person-oriented direct intervention

Carry out the intervention and its methods directly on a person or group of people.

13. Situation-oriented direct intervention

Be able to carry out these intervention methods directly on the situation, following a specific intervention plan.

14. Indirect intervention

The capacity of carry out interventional techniques that help individuals or groups make decisions on their own and for a specific interest.

15. Implementation of products or services

Promote services or products and encourage their correct use by clients or other psychologists.


Be able to assess and adapt interventions based on compliance with objectives proposed for said intervention.

16. Valuation planning

Have the ability to design and plan the assessment of the intervention carried out to know if it has been useful.

17. Measurement of valuation

Use the specific and necessary techniques to carry out the assessment of the intervention.

18. Valuation analysis

Once the evaluation data is obtained, it is necessary perform an analysis of this data taking into account the context in which the intervention has been applied.


Clients must receive the necessary information adequately so that their needs and expectations are met.

19. Provide feedback

Feedback is key when offering services or products related to psychology whether by oral or audiovisual means

20. Preparation of reports

Psychologists must prepare reports as part of your job and therefore it is necessary to master this competence.

Enabling competencies

These skills are related to professional activity in general. Through them, independent professional psychologists demonstrate primary competencies, but They are exclusive for those professionals who decide to carry out their work independently

21. Professional strategy

It is the ability to choose the best strategy to manage and plan one’s professional situation using reflection to understand the professional situation in which one finds oneself and the skills one has.

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22. Continuing professional development

a good professional must continue their training throughout life In this way, you will be able to update and develop the different skills necessary for the correct exercise of the profession.

23. Professional relationships

It is necessary to know how to manage interpersonal relationships at work, which is why it is essential to possess social skills adapted to this context.

24. Research and development

For him development of new services and products that meet the needs of customers and generate new business alternatives.

25. Marketing and sales

It is necessary that these new products and services are shared with the target audience in order to get new clients or inform potential clients.

26. Management of professional responsibility

Correct management of professional responsibility includes: establishing relationships with clients, controlling and observing their needs and their satisfaction, as well as recognizing business opportunities.

27. Practice Management

Are the operational aspects, both economic and people management to design and manage a psychology company.

28. Quality guarantee

Quality is essential in this profession, that is why it is necessary establish and maintain a quality system

29. Self-reflection

A psychologist must have a good critical thinking ability Essential to carry out your work in the best possible way.

Other skills

Psychologists, in addition to the aforementioned competencies, must carry out ethical behavior.

30. Be ethical

For good professional practice, it is the responsibility of the psychologist respect the dignity of their patients and protect their fundamental rights And responsible use of psychology must be made in all contexts.