The 4 Benefits Of Preventive Couples Therapy

Benefits of doing preventive couples therapy

Relationship problems can be very varied, but beyond their characteristics and the way in which they are expressed in coexistence, another factor must also be taken into account: time.

And trying to overcome these types of problems when they are just appearing is not the same as when the option of ending the emotional relationship is already on the table; The forms of discomfort to be treated are different, and so are the possible solutions.

Therefore, in this article We will talk about the benefits of preventive couples therapy that is, in the early stages of the problem to be overcome so that the love bond remains strong and stable.

Why attend preventive couples therapy?

It is common to talk about love practically as if it were an object, something that “one has” within oneself.

This essentialist view of what it means to love someone makes us forget that this set of emotions are actually a set of psychological predispositions, that is, they are based on actions. AND actions are always something that evolves: They are not located both in space and in time.

For this reason, it is important that, in the moments in which we identify problems in the coexistence of a couple, in the way of interacting with the other or in the way of expressing love, we take into account that Every emotional relationship is a process, something that develops over time and it has its different phases, each one with its own characteristics.

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This implies that the possible couple crises that may arise are not something irremediable, they do not mean that this relationship has never been authentic or that it is already based on incompatibility.

And it also means that The sooner we react to these warning signs, the better ; The simple fact of preventing the situation from creating conflicts and situations that are painful to remember is in itself a factor that protects the intensity and consistency of that love.

Benefits of preventive couples therapy

Go to couples therapy when the situation of the love relationship has not yet become a constant source of unhappiness It allows you to avoid many problems and suffering. These are the most beneficial aspects about this type of intervention by psychologists trained in couples therapy.

1. Prevents problems from becoming chronic

When relationship problems have barely begun, they can appear and disappear more fluidly, depending a lot on the context. However, as time goes by, it is more likely that the people involved in the relationship become accustomed to poor management of this problem, causing it to arise again and again and become part of everyday life.

That is why it is important to prevent from the first weeks in which it is possible to detect problems in life together. At this stage, conflicts will have arisen that can be worked on in an easier way, so that they do not become chronic and do not end up undermining the relationship in the long term, or directly triggering the breakup.

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2. Encourages honest communication

In the initial moments of a relationship crisis, there is less reason to harbor resentment toward the other person, since many strong arguments have not yet occurred. Therefore, it is easier to address this issue in couples therapy, since it costs less to open up and be honest about what one thinks and feels, exposing one’s own vulnerabilities.

3. There is more motivation to commit to couples therapy

Many people go to couples therapy when the situation in their love life It has already deteriorated so much that deep down they want separation or divorce

In these cases, going to the psychologist’s office is partly a last hope, and partly a moral alibi to be able to say “I tried”, and that demotivates, it does not invite commitment to the therapeutic process.

These kinds of problems are avoided if we go to couples therapy in the early stages.

4. You fall less into the fight of egos

When relationship problems already have a long history, those who are involved in them are more likely to prioritize the satisfaction of “winning the fight” than to overcome the conflict in the most constructive way possible.

Are you looking for couples therapy from professionals?

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If you are interested in having professional assistance through couples therapy services, contact us. The team of psychologists Psychotools We have many years of experience working with people involved in marriages and courtships in crisis, or who are beginning to be dysfunctional in some aspects of the relationship.

We currently serve both in person at our center located in Barcelona (Vallcarca area) and online via video call. To see our contact information, go to this page.

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