The 4 Benefits Of Therapeutic Communities For Women

The benefits of therapeutic communities for women

Although addictions are diseases, that does not mean that the way to overcome these health problems is completely consistent with what is usually understood by “medical intervention,” which is usually focused on the individual patient.

In fact, addictive disorders are characterized by having a very important psychosocial facet. Thus, these are not alterations that go unidirectionally from inside the body outwards, towards the person’s behaviors; On the contrary, its appearance and maintenance can be partially explained by the influence of society and the people who surround the addicted person. Therefore, social and cultural dynamics are a fundamental element to take into account in the treatment of addictions, and in the case of them, this is something that is addressed very well from therapeutic communities for women. Let’s see why.

What do we understand by therapeutic community?

Therapeutic communities are social contexts deliberately generated to help people who are undergoing addiction treatment, in which group dynamics are established that offer support so that the people who participate in them can recover as soon as possible thanks to the group synergies that occur.

That is, they are communities designed to intervene in patients who are going through a similar process of addiction therapy, drug-free and designed to minimize the risk of relapse in which people are helped to get out of the vicious cycle of withdrawal syndrome and reinforcing addiction through the joint influence of professionals and patients who support each other.

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The objective of therapeutic communities is that the influence of several people at the same time allows each patient to internalize a series of routines and healthy living habits that, together with constant exposure to situations of social interaction and communication, allow them to “connect.” with another way of living day to day capable of providing sources of motivation and interests that have nothing to do with the temporary well-being produced by the act of satisfying the addiction.

This type of group-based treatment is based on the idea that in the same way that social contexts facilitate the appearance of addictions and the maintenance of this type of pathology (through constant exposure to drugs in leisure situations with friends, for example), it is also possible to reverse addictions from the social context, making the person “unlearn” the psychological patterns from which the addiction has emerged.

Therapeutic center for women with addiction

There are several types of therapeutic communities, and one of them is the therapeutic community for women; As its name suggests, it is a social support system for women who are struggling to overcome addiction and that is energized by health professionals who work from a gender perspective, taking into account the experiences and particularities that affect them above all.

What do therapeutic communities for women provide?

These are the main benefits and advantages that therapeutic communities for women provide.

1. They offer a safe environment for women with trauma and/or anxiety problems

Many women who have developed an addictive disorder suffer from emotional stability problems as a cause and/or consequence of addiction, which is why they feel very vulnerable.

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In this sense, the therapeutic community allows them to feel safer being surrounded by other women who are going through a similar experience and that, due to their biological characteristics, they are not perceived as a danger to one’s own physical integrity (something important in a context of living with people prone to feeling fear or reliving traumatic experiences).

2. They adapt better to the type of addictions most common among women

Although the drugs most consumed by women are the same as those consumed by men, there are certain addictions that are relatively common among them that are not so common in the case of men. Specifically, inhalants and tranquilizers are more used by women. In this sense, therapeutic communities for women make it possible for them to come into contact with a greater number of people facing the same addiction which has an impact on the effectiveness of the treatment and on motivation and self-motivation strategies based on group dynamics.

3. They adapt to gender-related relapse risks

Gender roles mean that women have to deal with stress triggers specifically linked to femininity, and as we know, addiction is closely linked to stress and anxiety. For example, Drug use is often a dysfunctional strategy to escape from problems and mask the discomfort through a more intense experience that “covers” it.

In this sense, therapeutic communities for women allow us to talk about this entire set of daily experiences and expectations associated with the condition of being a woman, and to jointly seek solutions from empathy in order to avoid relapses.

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4. They offer a support system in rehabilitation and reintegration taking into account gender roles

We must not forget that the final objective is to make it possible for patients to leave the therapeutic community and lead a normal life as part of the rest of society. For this reason, this type of community prepares women when it comes to facing social situations involving relationships with the family, managing friendships and coping with daily responsibilities. taking into account gender roles to avoid a “clash” with the rest of the world by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying away from drugs, gambling, etc.

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Are you looking for professional help to overcome an addiction?

If you have developed an addictive disorder and want to start addiction treatment, contact us.

In Seville Addiction Center We specialize in the therapeutic approach to this type of pathology, both from outpatient care and from treatment through admissions in our two centers equipped with fully equipped residential modules for short, medium and long-term stays. We offer comprehensive health coverage in all phases of addressing addiction, from detoxification and cessation to patient rehabilitation and reintegration.

In addition, we make our therapeutic center for women available to anyone who may need it, designed taking into account the common needs and problems experienced by them, in order to offer appropriately adapted professional support.