The 4 Exceptions To The Psychologist’s Professional Secrecy

Exceptions to the professional secrecy of the psychologist.

When studying psychology, professors highlight again and again the rules that must be followed in the context of the therapist-patient relationship. Among many of these rules is the confidentiality agreement and, of course, the code of ethics reflects this set of rules.

Our patient has the right to have the information they give us and everything that happens in the therapeutic context be confidential, and perhaps that is what often puts us “between a rock and a hard place.” And it is that There are situations in which psychologists who offer therapy must break professional secrecy Let’s see what they are.

Exceptions: when to break professional secrecy as a psychologist

First we must understand that professional secrecy is a very important part of the therapeutic framework. Simply letting the patient know that they can completely trust you, as their therapist, and that everything talked about and done in the session will be confidential, establishes the foundation for a positive and productive therapeutic relationship.

Having said that, exceptional situations that lead to breaking professional secrecy of the psychologist are the following.

1. Sexual and Physical Abuse

Being prepared to handle all types of cases is something that only experience can provide. But there are cases that are more difficult than others, and in students, the therapist must position himself beyond the framework of the therapy and its objectives.

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Sexual, physical and psychological abuse is quite common; The problem is that silence and fear usually dominate the majority of people who suffer from it. In the office, those who put the therapist in a more difficult situation are the boys and girls, since there are cases that come for suspected sexual abuse. In this situations, The psychologist must investigate, collect and verify if the abuse is real

When the therapist finds that such abuse is happening, it is his or her job to notify the parents, but what happens if the abuser is someone in the nuclear family and none of them take action on the matter? This is a very serious issue, since this is where we must break that confidentiality beyond the framework of the family. This will depend on the country in which it occurs, but in most cases, the psychologist You must immediately report it to other family members and to the corresponding authorities Take note, you should only break confidentiality beyond the family framework if none of the child’s caregivers does anything to stop this situation.

2. Suicidal patients

Another very common case in the office has to do with patients who suffer from depression, especially severe depression. As a summary, those who suffer from major depressive disorder often present with certain characteristics such as sadness, hopelessness, loss of energy, loss or increase in appetite, problems falling asleep, and suicidal thoughts or acts.

These patients usually have crises if they are not receiving adequate psychotherapy treatment and if they do not take antidepressants from a psychiatrist. The most appropriate thing is that when you notice suicidal ideas, plans or acts work with the family and prepare them to be aware of the patient

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What is done when no family member is aware that the patient wants or plans to commit suicide? It is this moment where you must break the confidentiality rule and notify parents, siblings or closest relatives.

3. Judicial processes

Sometimes we will attend patients who are referred by a court or some justice institution This means that perhaps at some point our presence in the process will be necessary, therefore breaking professional secrecy.

There are many situations that can reach this point, and all of them put psychologists in complex situations. For this reason, I suggest knowing the laws well and the responsibility that psychologists have with them, depending on the legal framework of the country.

4. In risky situations

Any situation that puts the life of the patient or other people close to him at risk (or not close if the case is serious), will force the psychologist or psychotherapist to break this professional secret, regardless of whether this occurs within the framework of a judicial process or not.

Remember that…

These situations are very special, and for that same reason the psychotherapist breaks the professional secret, in order to protect and provide the best service Otherwise the psychotherapist should not break this commitment.