The 4 Keys To The Emotional Well-being Of People In Companies

The keys to the emotional well-being of people in companies

Although every company that functions properly must have productivity and efficiency standards, it is important not to lose sight of a very simple fact: These types of organizations are not simply machines for the production of goods and services

They are, above all, groups of people who coordinate with each other to achieve short, medium and long-term goals. That is to say, the human component is inserted into the reason for being of every company.

The fact that there are no companies without people may seem very obvious, but unfortunately, the implications of this are often overlooked. For example, there are many management teams that take the helm of their companies understanding that ensuring the well-being of workers is a kind of price to pay, an uncomfortable toll to which there is no choice but to adjust due to external circumstances. to that organization.

But actually, take care of the emotional well-being of the people who are part of a company It is part of its correct functioning: the psychological and the productive are not two separate realities. Let’s see what the keys to this process are and how it affects an organization’s staff.

    The 4 keys to emotional well-being in the company

    It is clear that companies have a limited capacity to help the people who form them solve the problems in their lives, those that often go beyond the work context. Sometimes it is necessary for the State to get directly involved, and in general the participation of the family is always positive. However, this is no excuse for not incorporating programs to support workers and enhance emotional well-being at both an individual and collective level.

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    This idea has been penetrating more and more deeply into the operating dynamics of companies of all types, so that the number of organizations that incorporate psychotherapeutic support and coaching initiatives for enhance the personal and professional development of workers as well as to design work environments and workflow protocols more adapted to the psychological needs of people.

    Now… What are the key ideas in which we can summarize all these initiatives to ensure the emotional well-being of the people who work in the company? Let’s see them below.

    1. It is an expanding field of research and work

    Relatively little time has been invested in understanding the psychological and behavioral dynamics behind emotional well-being in organizations.

    Until well into the 20th century, it was assumed that it was sufficient to pay employees the promised salary and provide them with a minimum of physical comforts in the place where they spent most of the workday. That is to say, It was assumed that they already felt well enough through the rational calculation of effort invested per payment received

    But today it is known that these types of approaches are totally reductionist and leave many sources of discomfort and possible elements of motivation, job satisfaction and even happiness out of focus. Currently** it is crucial to take care of the emotional well-being of people within the organization**, and this is still a path to be discovered, so small changes can produce spectacular results in a relatively short time.

    Wellbeing in the company

      2. Emotions are always there even if we pretend that they are not a factor

      Although we try to leave them out, emotions enter the company, define our actions and mark our relationships and our results.

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      But this is not necessarily a bad thing, since We can use it to generate positive changes both as workers and company managers Organizations can find in coaching a tool to promote spaces and practices of well-being and personal and emotional growth of people.

      For example, the simple existence of human motivation, essential for the existence of companies, has an eminently emotional core that we can manage and modulate so that it corresponds to the interests shared by all members of a team, department or organization in general.

        3. Emotional well-being involves learning and managing time better

        Making intelligent use of time and optimizing learning processes are part of the processes that greatly benefit both the individual worker and the company in general, which is why Training in skills associated with this type of aptitude is very beneficial, and its drastic results can be seen in a matter of a few weeks

        In this sense, executive coaching and team coaching improve performance and productivity, personal development, learning, relationships, quality of life at work, creativity, skills and resources, response to situations of emergency and flexibility and adaptability to change.

          4. It is necessary to create a good work environment

          Not all variables of emotional well-being at work arise from intervening on the worker’s abilities. Many of them are psychosocial and “float” in the environment of a company

          Aspects such as incentives and motivation programs, the aesthetics of the place where you work, the ability to make friends in the workplace, the correct application of communication and conflict resolution protocols… These are aspects that go beyond the individual and make a difference.

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