The 5 Best Training Courses In Sexual Abuse Prevention In Spain

Training courses in prevention of sexual abuse in Spain

Currently, there are still minors who are suffering situations of sexual abuse by adults in the family environment, at school, or in certain extracurricular activities, where a defenseless situation of the minor is taken advantage of to commit sexual abuse. .

These types of experiences generate significant psychological traumas for their victims, which can give rise to psychological disorders of varying severity, which will affect the present and future of that boy or girl. Prevention and detection play a fundamental role in this type of abuse given that these factors make it possible to minimize the damage that the minor will suffer.

The best training courses in sexual abuse prevention in Spain

There are a large number of professionals in the educational and sports fields who are in direct contact with minors throughout their work day. It is very important that this type of professionals have specific training on sexual abuse of minors, in this way this type of situation can be detected more quickly and effectively.

In the following article you will find the best courses in sexual abuse prevention in Spain

1. IPF (online)


Institute of Forensic Psychology located in Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), is one of the great references in terms of specialized services in forensic psychology, and they develop several highly recommended webinars in Spanish focused on specific content in this branch of Psychology.

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Thus, in its IPF Premium webinars it is possible to learn online from renowned experts in fields of knowledge such as the prevention of sexual abuse, aggressive behaviors, psychological evaluation in investigations linked to the judicial field…

Among these hour-long webinars we find one on violence and sexual assault, another on the process of change of abusers in prison, another on the psychological and psychopathological profile of violent men, etc. It is worth reviewing all of them, since they focus on specific aspects for which it is not easy to find courses. In addition, there is the possibility of taking them individually, selecting some of them, or taking them all at a discount.

2. PreventSI


The PrevenSI organization has specialized courses in prevention, detection and intervention in situations of violence or child sexual abuse Sometimes it is difficult to detect cases of child abuse, and furthermore, assistance to this type of victim is usually very delicate due to the age of the children and the potentially traumatic situations they may have experienced.

For these reasons, this organization offers training courses focused on professional groups that are in constant contact with children and for people who are in the family environment, with the aim of providing tools to detect possible situations in which they are taking place. sexual abuse of minors.

Carrying out quick action is key in this type of case, given that the minor’s suffering can lead to possible traumas and disorders in the future, as a consequence of the traumatic situations they may have suffered.

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Thanks to PrevenSI, you have courses focused on the prevention of sexual abuse at your disposal, both online and in person, to be able to train you in the most important aspects that affect child sexual violence. Some of the topics covered in the course are the following:

3. Vicki Bernadet Foundation

The Vicki Bernadet Foundation offers a sexual abuse prevention course, which is aimed at professionals who work with children, students and to any type of person interested in knowing the main problems that child sexual abuse entails for this group as vulnerable as children.

Currently, cases of sexual abuse are still being discovered, both in the family environment and outside the family environment, such as in schools or in certain extracurricular activities. To reduce the risk of this type of abuse, we must be alert to some indicators that may make us think that something strange is happening.

Thanks to the course offered by this foundation, you will be able to have the appropriate tools to minimize these types of risks, through training that will cover topics such as the following:

4. National Polytechnic School

The National Polytechnic School offers a course on Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse aimed at families, schools, psychologists, educators, teachers and people who work with children. The intention is to offer the appropriate tools to prevent situations of sexual abuse of minors, in order to reduce the impact that this type of situations can have on the minor.

Thanks to this type of courses, the detection of this type of case can be much faster, minimizing the damage to children, and being able to treat in a more advanced way the psychological impact that certain abusive behaviors will have had on the minor.

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In the course, you can find the following topics:

5. Cardenal Cisneros University Center

This renowned university center, the Cardenal Cisneros University Center has a course on Prevention and Intervention in Child Sexual Abuse, dedicated to personnel who work with children, for people in the family environment, or for psychologists specializing in this field.

In this course, the main concepts will be worked on from a theoretical-practical perspective, where situations and methods of action will be worked on, focused on protecting minors and acting as quickly as possible to avoid abusive behavior.