The 50 Best Virtues That A Person Can Possess

We all have a series of virtues and defects that make us unique people. Luckily, the defects we have can be worked on, but to do so it is necessary to know our strengths and weaknesses.

If in our article “The 35 worst defects that a person can possess” we review the negative aspects of a person’s personality that create rejection, in this article we will talk about the opposite: We will focus on what makes us enjoy greater well-being and have healthier interpersonal relationships

The best virtues of a person

When we talk about virtues, we refer to values ​​that are part of the main references that we can have when promoting our personal development; These values ​​usually reflect a balance between the desire to mature emotionally as individuals, on the one hand, and the desire to contribute good things to society, on the other. In this way, a virtue is something that brings us closer to being better versions of ourselves and that also has a positive impact on our environment.

But, What are the virtues that human beings should possess? Below we present a list of qualities and skills that have a positive effect on us.

1. Acceptance

Accept yourself It is one of the keys to well-being and has a positive effect on self-esteem and self-efficacy. It is the ability to recognize, despite not being perfect, that we are valuable and worthy of being loved and respected by others and by ourselves.

On the other hand, acceptance also serves to face day-to-day challenges and problems with a constructive attitude. Not denying what represents an obstacle allows us to progress and overcome it.

2. Responsibility

The willingness to take full responsibility for our choices. It is an act of maturity and it is the moral or legal obligation to fulfill duties, which involves efforts on one’s part.

On the other hand, being responsible helps to live in society, since it creates the framework of relationships necessary to not interfere negatively in what others do.

3. Gratitude

It is seeing the good side of life and expressing gratitude and satisfaction. Satisfaction is the awareness of sufficiency, a sense that we have enough and are enough. It makes us value even the simplest things.

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4. Assertiveness

Assertiveness is a communication style that is characterized by the person talk about what you think is fair, establishing clear limits. It is the expression of one’s own opinion in a correct way and respecting the rights of others.

5. Respect

Being respectful is not only being kind to others, accepting their possible flaws and not judging their opinions and ideas. It is also about offering dignified and non-condescending treatment, and creating a communication framework in which even the opinions of those who have ideas that conflict with ours are taken into account. Those who stand out for being respectful people know that no one has an obligation to be perfect.

Virtues and personal development

6. Care

Caring is a great virtue. It means paying attention to yourself and the people we care about. Listening with compassion helping with kindness.

7. Caution and prudence

Prudence is the virtue that prevents us from behaving thoughtlessly and impulsively in the multiple situations that we must navigate in life. A cautious individual is cautious and prudent because he understands the meaning of his life and that of other people.

8. Generosity

Generosity is the habit of sharing with others and taking care of their needs. Being generous is one of the best virtues a person can possess.

9. Joy

Always happy people They provide positive energy because they see the good side of things and do not spend their lives regretting.

10. Cleaning

Keep our bodies, our thoughts and our spaces clean. An environment of order and beauty It brings peace to our minds, in addition to preventing all types of diseases.

11. Commitment

Being committed to a person, a goal is positive. It is the willingness to give all our effort and keep our promises and not bet everything on the here and now, but rather accept long-term projects.

12. Compassion

It is deep empathy for the suffering of others. Compassion Happens when we have a non-judgmental mindset

13. Trust

It is a feeling of security and the appreciation of the capacity we have in ourselves regarding different tasks. It helps us get through difficult times.

14. Cooperation

Working together with another person for a common goal is a virtue. In this way each person can give free rein to their talents and the result is greater than acting independently.

15. Sense of humor

The sense of humor helps us have very fun moments and It is one of the most valued qualities for others.

16. Bravery and courage

A quality that allows you to face danger without showing fear and transforms this fear into determination, managing to overcome adversity.

17. Creativity

Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas and it is ease of creating and inventing something. Be open to inspiration, which increases our originality.

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18. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to understand their emotions and behavior. It is key to relationships with others.

19. Decision

The ability to decide is the firmness of the mind in taking a position, reaching a conclusion. It requires courage and discernment.

20. Democratic

To be democratic is to be brave. It is the opposite of authoritarianism or autocracy in which the person does not impose their ideas or try to control, not being afraid of the opinions of others.

21. Persistence

People who never give up despite adversity are much more likely to end up achieving their goals and objectives in life.

22. Devotion

Commitment to something that interests us deeply. An unconditional service to the purpose of our life. Give yourself completely to what you love.

23. Dignity

Dignity is honoring the worth of all people, including ourselves, and treating everyone with respect.

24. Integrity

The whole person is one who has moral integrity who does what he considers right for himself and others in accordance with his principles. He does not do to others what he does not want them to do to him.

25. Patience

Being patient is a virtue that helps us endure difficult and/or prolonged moments without losing our cool.

26. Self-control

Self-control is necessary for coexistence with other people. The person with self-control is aware of his or her emotions and behaviors and is able to regulate them.

27. Resistance

Resistance is perseverance and patience when obstacles arise It is staying afloat even if things are not in our favor.

28. Enthusiasm

It is facing life with a positive mentality and with an exaltation of spirit. It is an attitude about life, characterized by an open mentality towards the things that happen to us every day.

29. Resilience

It is the ability to move forward even when we do not see the future very clearly and to face adversity. It’s about accepting disappointments and learn from unflattering experiences

30. Justice

Seek justice and give each person their share. Make sure everyone’s needs are met.

31. Loyalty

Loyalty to ourselves and others. regardless of what happens. Be faithful to the people we love.

32. Mental flexibility

The ability to adapt and change in the midst of life’s fluctuating circumstances. Mental flexibility is also being open-minded and not having prejudices.

33. Authenticity

Authenticity is a quality possessed by those people who go forward and who you know will not go behind you if they have a problem with you at any time. They are individuals who go without the mask on which are just as shown.

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34. Forgiveness

Forgiveness in reference to oneself and others. It is the acceptance of mistakes and moving on with life with a clear conscience. Avoid feeling resentment and desire for revenge.

35. Friendship

Offering friendship is one of the best virtues that an individual can possess. It is the ability to be there for others in difficult times and appear warm and close.

36. Autonomy

Autonomy is the opposite of being a dependent person. The individual can take care of itself on an emotional level and feels empowered in life.

37. Self-reflection

Self-reflection is the ability to reflect on yourself and the experiences that occur around you. It is key to learn from difficult situations.

38. Sacrifice

The action of letting go of some things to achieve what we really want. It’s a matter of priorities in which one can also put aside some personal interest for the benefit of others, not just oneself.

39. Self-awareness

Being aware of the present and one’s own emotions and behaviors is necessary to be able to regulate behavior.

40. Optimism

Be optimistic It is an adaptive attitude towards life, which helps us in many aspects. He is not only good on a physical level, but also physically. Scientific studies show that optimistic people have better physical health.

41. Self-esteem

Good self-esteem is essential to become a virtuous person, since by loving ourselves we will also know how to love other people well.

42. Know how to listen

Knowing how to listen to the people around us is one of the most important skills that a person can have to become someone admirable.

43. Self-love

Self-love is similar to self-esteem and is the ability to perceive our strengths or virtues and have a good opinion of ourselves, without underestimating or underestimating ourselves.

44. Honor

Honor is the moral compass that pushes us to behave according to a series of codes of conduct acceptable in the society in which we live. Without it one can hardly be a virtuous person.

45. Sagacity

Sagacity is the ability to read situations at all times and detect where dangers and opportunities are located at every moment of our lives

46. ​​Experience

Making good use of the experience you have and living life according to what you previously learned is another indicator that we are dealing with a virtuous person.

47. Honesty

Honesty is the virtue that makes us be honest with ourselves and with the rest of the people around us and always act in accordance with the established law and our codes of honor.

48. Kindness

Kindness is an innate quality in many people and it is what allows us behave according to the rules of coexistence and provide help where necessary

49. Perspective

Perspective and the ability to put things into perspective in life, being aware of the good things we have in our daily lives will bring happiness and well-being to both us and those around us.

50. Mercy

Mercy is the ability to sympathize with the feelings of others and see the suffering in others. It is similar to empathy and has more to do with the suffering of others.