The 54 Best Quotes From Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is one of the best known singers from the actuality. He is of Canadian origin, and rose to fame at a very young age thanks to the viralization he experienced through YouTube, when he posted a video in which he appeared in his room playing the guitar and singing.

Thus, Bieber rose to stardom quickly, and In 2016 he won his first Grammy

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Famous quotes from Justin Bieber

Throughout his short career, this artist has uttered many memorable phrases and verses. In the following compilation you can find 50 of the most famous Justin Bieber quotes

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1. Love is a feeling. People think it’s a fairy tale because they’ve seen it like that in the movies. The reality is different

Hollywood movies have done a lot of damage to the beliefs we have about love, leading us to believe that it is perfect.

2. In sex it is best to wait for the person you love

Having sex is not the same as making love.

3. I am not a fighter by nature, but if I believe in something, I will fight to the end to achieve it

Bieber tells us How is he when faced with challenges?

4. The sense of forgiveness, people make mistakes. Only God can Judge Me

We should not judge others, because we can all make mistakes.

5. In my opinion between Madrid and Barcelona, ​​I am more from Barcelona since I prefer Messi instead of Cristiano Ronaldo

An opinion from Bieber on which La Liga team he prefers.

6. Love is a choice

We choose who we want to be with.

7. Think before you say something that hurts another person. They may seem like they are fine, but they are not. Words are more powerful than you think

Sometimes we say things without thinking about the damage our words cause.

8. Well, maybe I like soccer more than basketball. Is it because I’m not that tall?

An opinion from Bieber on which sport he prefers.

9. When you become famous, you get people to cheer you up and love you. You’ll do something and they’ll say, “That was amazing, Justin!” In fact, it’s amazing to feel this when you’re young.

Fame changes your life especially in the way others treat you.

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10. I was born on March 1, 1994, Celine Dion was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart with The Power of Love. Not bad to start

Bieber was born on the same day that one of the best singers in history was placed first on one of the most prestigious lists in pop music.

11. When you said you hated my friends, the problem was yours and not theirs.

There are people who feel great frustration and are angry with everything around them.

12. Am I in love with you or the feeling I feel?

Bieber questions whether what he feels is towards the special person or how the person makes him feel.

13. I always read all the letters that fans send me. Many send sweets, but I am not allowed to eat. My mom fears they might have something poisonous in them.

fanaticism Sometimes it can lead people to do crazy things.

14. I love knowing how to speak French because, let’s be honest, if a boy speaks French, girls fall at his feet, for them it is the language of love. And I love my French fans! Très jolie!

A wink towards followers of French origin. Bieber has fans all over the world.

15. God loves you

Biber, with this phrase, concludes all his concerts.

16. I want to be known as a good person, I have my bad days, but not everyone is perfect

People can make mistakes, but this does not mean that we are bad people.

17. Don’t fall, follow your dreams. Everything is possible

A motivational phrase from someone who has achieved success in their life.

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18. I want to thank my mother for everything, she is wonderful and beautiful.

A Bieber quote that shows the most sincere thanks to your mother

19. Although I know that as a singer I should eat dairy products before every concert, I break the rules: the pizza is too good!

Dairy products are not good for the voice and that is why they are not recommended before a concert.

20. For a girl to impress me, she must be a good person, although it is difficult to find a good girl.

Love is not given to anyone, but to those who deserve it.

21. If I could, I would take my special girl in a hot air balloon.

A romantic confession from the singer about what he would do for the person he loves.

22. Fame is not everything in this life

There are individuals who think that having fame and money is the same as being happy. In reality, it is not exactly like that.

23. My first kiss was with a girl from school, her name is… wait, I don’t remember her name.

A quote from Bieber with a touch of humor.

24. Try being a bad skater, a talentless video editor, or a clumsy golf player. If we only did what we are good at we wouldn’t learn anything

A way of saying that you don’t have to fear anything, we always have time to learn new things

25. Take my hand, I will always be there, you should not fear

A way to transmit confidence.

26. If I manage to do ten percent of what Michael Jackson did for the world, I will know that I will have achieved something great.

Michael Jackson is considered the King of Pop, and He was one of Justin Bieber’s idols

27. God sent you an angel to help you. He gave you directions, taught you how to read a map for this long long trip. he said it’s not over

A quote that appears in one of his most popular songs.

28. The only thing I can compare what I feel to is the experience of bungee jumping in New Zealand. It was not an easy journey but I found myself there, prepared to jump into the void without knowing what would happen. But I was sure it would be something I would never forget.

Bieber tells one of the experiences that have marked him the most.

29. I can’t get you out of my mind, I need you to save me. If one day I lose you, know that I’m crazy

Love is a feeling so intense that it can almost drive us crazy.

30. It takes me five to ten minutes to fix my hair, well maybe eight.

A confession from Bieber about why he always wears his hair so well.

31. I broke my foot in the middle of a song. In front of 12,000 people and Taylor Swift. I won’t tell you what crossed my mind

Bieber tells one of the worst experiences he has gone through as a singer.

32. My mother doesn’t like you and she likes everyone

A quote that appears in his song Love yourself.

33. They laugh at me for being different, I laugh at everyone for being the same

A great phrase with a certain touch of irony, but that leaves a clear message.

34. Insulting a person takes minutes, and it can take that person a lifetime to repair that pain.

Sometimes we are not aware of the damage that words do, so we must take care of what we say.

35. I listen to a lot of songs on the radio, and I am not a big fan of the music that is heard today

A critique of the music industry about the songs that are currently playing.

36. Nothing makes my heart beat faster like hockey. Well, same with Beyoncé, but it was from the age of 12. One day I opened my eyes and discovered that the world was full of beautiful girls, now I can’t think of anything else

A quote that talks about the women the singer likes.

37. Life is not easy. I am not made of iron. Don’t forget that I’m human, don’t forget that I’m real.

Despite being a music superstar, Justin Bieber is a person of flesh and blood.

38. I’ll take all the blame if you want, but you know there’s no one innocent in this game.

A quote that appears in one of his songs called “Sorry.”

39. It’s a waste of time if your waist is not mine, think about it

A declaration of love.

40. I paid attention to you when no one was there. I gave you my shirt off my back, what do you say now?

This verse appears in the song “Where Are U Now.”

41. I didn’t really have many friends at school, since I played sports they talked bad about me

Justin Bieber confessing that in his student years, he was not a popular person

42. I would like to make movies where they show my comic side

Justin Bieber would like to be an actor.

43. I have been inspired by Michael Jackson, I see all his steps, movements and dances. When Michael Jackson died, I cried so hard… I never thought he would say it but since you ask…

Bieber has never denied that his great inspiration is Michael Jackson.

44. Happiness is found in the little things

Despite having everything in this life, for Bieber, what makes him happy are the day-to-day things.

45. I was once told to never dream. I told them never say never

Bieber has reached the top of music, that’s why believe that it is possible to achieve what each person sets their mind to

46. ​​Every day we wake up is a blessing. Pursue your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you.

A motivating phrase to inspire us to fight for what we like most.

47. Rumors are created by enemies, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

Rumors, despite not being true, can sometimes have the same value as truth to others.

48. I don’t love money, once you start loving money, you have a big house, nice cars, and an empty heart

Being rich does not make you a happy person. Money can make you miserable.

49. We are the generation, who is going to fight for it? We are the inspiration, do you believe enough to die for it?

A phrase taken from his song “Children”.

50. It doesn’t make sense if I don’t do it with you

Another phrase from one of his songs. This time, “No sense.”

51. There is nothing better than working on what you are passionate about

When you love something and you work for it you are closer to being happy.

52. No matter how talented you are, not everyone is going to like you. But that’s life and you must be strong

Life is not always easy, but you have to keep fighting and get up after you fall.

53. I don’t believe in late-term abortion, it’s like killing a child

A Bieber critique of abortion, as he understands it.

54. Love is incredible, although sometimes you love your partner and other times the opposite

Being with someone you love is not a bed of roses, sometimes you have to resolve conflicts. .