The 6 Best Courses For Companies In Madrid

If there is something that defines the functioning of companies, it is their need to constantly adapt to new market demands and social, technological and even political changes.

This potential to respond quickly to the new rules of the game does not appear out of nowhere: it arises from the knowledge and skills of the members of the organizations. That is why it is so important to never stop training if you work in the business world.

Now, choosing the right courses and workshops is not always easy. If you live in the Madrid area and are interested in expanding your repertoire of skills and tools to work more efficiently or in sectors that you still have little knowledge of, keep reading. This selection of the best courses for companies in Madrid it may interest you.

    The most recommended courses for companies in Madrid: where to train?

    These are different options to expand your theoretical-practical knowledge on topics that affect the world of organizations.

    These are courses for companies recommended to improve your communication skills, stress and emotional management, time planning and many other essential aspects to progress professionally.

    1. School of Communication and Public Speaking (D’Arte Human & Business School)

    D'Arte Training

    The business context is much less rational than is often believed, and that is why communicating in a resolute, charismatic way that connects emotionally with those listening is crucial to capturing the attention of potential investors, clients, partners…

    This public speaking program organized by the business school D’Arte Human & Business School It is a very good option for those who want to speak and persuade in a simple and direct way, using methods that really work.

      2. ACTP Executive Coaching Certification Program (European School of Coaching)


      European Coaching School It has offices in several Spanish cities and outside of Spain, and in its Madrid facilities it organizes one of the most interesting courses for middle positions, CEOs, executives and other professionals whose functions are vital for the company: the Coaching Certification Program ACTP Executive.

      This is a training program lasting several months that focuses on several crucial areas in corporate functioning: leadership, communication, problem detection, conflict resolution, etc.

        3. 8-week Mindfulness Course MBSR (UPAD Psychology and Coaching)

        The UPAD Psychology and Coaching center makes this 8-week Mindfulness course based on the classic MBSR program available to any company that requests it, one of those that has proven most effective in promoting the physical and psychological well-being of those who take it. they practice.

        By integrating Mindfulness into your daily life, you will learn to focus your attention, take control of your body, as well as your mind, and achieve a state of balance, well-being, and security that will accompany you throughout the week.

        Some of the proven benefits of Mindfulness are the reduction of anxiety and stress, the improvement of interpersonal relationships, the increase in attention and concentration and greater diligence when resolving conflicts or daily problems at work.

        4. Mindfulness-based stress reduction MBSR (Mindfulness & Dharma Awakening)

        The psychology center Awakening Mindfulness & Dharma offers its Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course, one of the techniques that have proven most effective in improving people’s quality of life.

        The team of professionals at the Despertares center has been offering Mindfulness training, meditation and other highly effective relaxation techniques for several years, both in groups and in individual sessions.

        With this course you will learn to integrate the practice of Mindfulness into your daily life, a strategy with which you will be able to reduce your stress levels and acquire a greater state of physical and psychological well-being.

        5. The 4 essential roles of leadership (Cegos Group)

        He Cegos Group offers a consulting, training and selection service for companies that want to improve in a certain aspect and its course offering for 2021 is very varied.

        Among the courses offered by Cegos on Management and Leadership, the course “The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership” stands out, whose duration is 12 hours, the start date is April 14 or July 6 and its price is 1190 euros with discounts for the first registrants.

        This course is taught live and online and is aimed at managers who have any level of experience and want to improve their results in the company.

        Some of the course contents are: training in trust and character with oneself and towards others; learn to create the vision and execute the strategy and coach the development of the potential of each team member.

        6. English for Business (American Language Academy)

        The American Language Academy offers an English course for companies that has a structured program and a proven methodology, based on learning and continuous practice of the language through recreational activities.

        This English course for companies is offered taking into account the linguistic and professional needs of each of the students who are part of the company.