The 6 Best Ways To Encourage Yourself To Study And Motivate Yourself

Be encouraged to study

Most of us have to face challenges for which it is necessary to learn through methods that are not always fun or enjoyable. It’s a fact: there is a lot of content that by itself is not accessible enough for us to be eager to pounce on it to learn here and now. Learning requires effort, because learning is not there to make us have a good time; that is not its function.

In this article we will review several ways to encourage yourself to study find ways to motivate yourself, and not let procrastination or “I’ll do it tomorrow” syndrome defeat us.

How to encourage yourself to study

Having reached a certain stage of adulthood and mental maturity, most of us know that studying brings us great benefits. On the one hand, it is proven that having had a successful educational career gives us many more possibilities of earning more money and living better in general, and on the other, we must not forget that knowing more gives us a greater capacity to make well-informed decisions.

However, when standing in front of a sheet of paper with notes, a book or a computer screen, it is common that laziness and the desire to be doing something else tempt us to get off that path. One thing is our emotional part and quite another is that emotional side of us, for which medium or long-term goals do not have as much value as the appetites of the present.

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Fortunately, we can use intelligent strategies to act on ourselves and our environment rationally and make us feel more motivated to study. That emotional part that asks us to go out for fresh air or rest will always be there, but we can make sure that it does not affect us negatively or that it even works in our favor.

Below we will see several tricks to encourage yourself to study and get the most out of those hours of study to make the sacrifice worthwhile and not simply disorganized chaos.

1. Hide all temptations

It’s a very simple trick, but it’s also basic. Our environment greatly conditions how we study, and that is why we must do that has a disposition that favors our learning and don’t put obstacles in our way. Motivating oneself is not a task that is carried out in one’s mind through private mental processes invisible to the outside eye: what is external matters, and a lot.

So, actively work to physically hide any items that tend to distract you. Some classic examples of this type of elements are food, speakers broadcasting music, or friends or family members demanding our attention. But we must also take the digital environment into account. If you find social media very distracting, seriously consider finding ways to avoid its influence. For example, stand too far from a device with an Internet-connected screen, block certain web pages during your study, etc.

2. Make you have few excuses to get up

This is another tip that is in line with the previous one, and basically consists of reduce the chances that you will find yourself in a situation where you have to get up. For example, make sure you have a bottle of water on hand, all your study materials gathered in one place, adequate lighting, etc.

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3. Set very specific goals

A great way to encourage yourself to study is to segment your homework into smaller chunks that you can easily get to. This way, you will have a feeling of progression that will encourage you to continue studying. For example, if you need to read and learn the content of a 40-page document, set yourself a sequence of 4 objectives, one for every ten pages read. If you prefer, you can give yourself a small reward for completing each of these segments, but you probably won’t need it, because finishing each stage will already make you feel good. Which brings us to the next tip.

4. Sit in front of the material to be studied and memorize a phrase

This is a variant of a trick for creating creative content, according to which to create something and get out of writer’s block you have to sit down and write a sentence. The key is that the most difficult thing is to start, and once the first step is taken, the desire to complete what has been started They will pull us forward automatically.

5. Plan a goal when reaching a very important objective

You can combine small rewards with other bigger and more significant ones so that this motivates you more. For example, when you complete your one-day study day, you can go to eat at your favorite place, or go for a walk in a quiet place where you can disconnect and forget about your tasks.

6. Challenge yourself

After studying, it is good to mentally review what you have learned, asking yourself questions about what you have seen. This is a stimulating task about something that you know at least partially, so it will make you want to know more to resolve any doubts that may arise. The feeling of challenge creates a certain tension, but it can also be very pleasant and the fact that after several attempts the result is satisfactory makes us feel good.