The 7 Parts Of The Lung: Functions And Characteristics

Parts of the lung

Throughout the day, we breathe about 21,000 times, circulating about 8,000 liters a day through our lungs.

They are continually working and, in fact, cannot stop, since the rest of the body’s organs depend on their functioning. Not only because they oxygenate the blood, but it is also thanks to the action of the lungs that we can eliminate carbon dioxide, a waste which is toxic to cells.

Next let’s see the most important parts of the lung but not before highlighting its functions.

The parts of the lung and their functions

The lungs are very important organs for the body, since it is thanks to them that gas exchange can take place. First, by inhaling, they allow the oxygen present in the external environment to pass through and reach the blood and then, through exhalations, they cause the carbon dioxide to pass from the blood to the outside, being expelled.

The path that the air follows normally begins in the nose, although it can also be introduced through the mouth. Afterwards, the air passes through the pharynx, then to the larynx and then to the trachea, from where it will descend until it bifurcates and enters each of the two lungs that the human body has.

Inside the cells metabolic reactions are carried out that require energy, which is extracted by breaking down oxygen molecules In turn, these oxygen molecules bind to carbon molecules, producing carbon dioxide, which is a toxic waste for the cell. This is why breathing is doubly important, since it allows these metabolic reactions to occur and prevents them from becoming intoxicated.

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But in the same way that they are the way to obtain the oxygen necessary for the body to function, they can also be the entry point for many pathogens. That is why The respiratory tract is covered with a special mucosa, capable of trapping particles from the outside such as dust and germs, which, if not properly stopped, would seriously harm the individual’s health in general and lung health in particular.

Main parts of the lung

The lungs are two organs that resemble two pinkish balloons, which occupy a large part of the rib cage, along with the heart. In fact, it is because of the location of the heart that the lungs are not perfectly symmetrical to each other. The left lung is slightly smaller, since, at least in most people, the heart organ is positioned on the left side of the rib cage.

But despite this slight deformity, totally natural and asymptomatic, both lungs, if healthy, satisfactorily play their role: being the center of the respiratory system Due to this, they have special internal structures, which work together to allow gas exchange.

1. The trachea

The trachea is the respiratory tube that begins in the larynx, descending vertically to the fourth thoracic vertebra, more or less at the level of the heart.

Per se, It is not a part of the lungs, but is essential in the respiratory system since it is the duct that bifurcates to allow air to enter both respiratory organs and, in turn, giving rise to the right and left main bronchus.

2. The lobes

The lungs are divided into well-defined sections, called lobes These lobes are folds in the membrane that covers the lungs, called the pleura.

These lobes fulfill a fundamental function, since they are what allow breathing to occur correctly. It is thanks to them that the lungs can expand when breathing in air.

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But, as we were commenting before, Because of the heart, the lungs are not symmetrical, and this also affects the number of lobes While the right lung, larger, is divided into three lobes, upper, middle and lower, the left, smaller, only has two, being the lower and the upper.

3. The bronchi

The bronchi are extensions of the trachea, which penetrate the lungs and are responsible for air reaching other lung structures. As the tracheobronchial duct descends, it branches even more, forming small branches called bronchioles.

4. Bronchioles

The bronchioles become increasingly narrower, thus allow the exchange of gases that will occur at its ends this being the end of the journey.

Although small, bronchioles are of great importance, which is why there are about 300,000 in each lung. It is from these structures that the air will reach the next structure: the pulmonary alveoli.

5. The alveoli

The alveoli are located at the end of the bronchioles, and They are made up of small air sacs where gas exchange occurs The wall of these structures is made up of capillaries which are related to blood vessels, that is, it is the place where contact with blood is established.

Therefore, It is in the alveoli where respiration, itself, takes place while the rest of the structures of the respiratory system are responsible for making the air reach this point.

Gas exchange begins when the alveoli enrich the blood with oxygen, which passes into the bloodstream by simple diffusion through the capillary walls.

With oxygen in the blood, the red blood cells reach the alveolar capillaries loaded with carbon dioxide, which has been generated as metabolic waste after the oxygen has been used inside the cells.

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In order for red blood cells to bind to the newly arrived oxygen, they must release the carbon dioxide they carry which will be collected by the alveoli and, subsequently, will be eliminated to the outside through expiration.

Gas exchange occurs uninterruptedly, and it is thanks to the alveoli that the oxygen that we introduce from the outside reaches all the cells of the body, being able to carry out their metabolic functions.

Besides, It is also thanks to these structures that carbon dioxide can be released before it poisons the cells.

6. The pleura

As we had mentioned before, The pleura is the structure that covers the lungs, protecting their interior and having only two openings through which the two main bronchi enter.

The pleura is made up of connective tissue, which consists of a membrane of cells whose function is to support the internal parts of the lung. This membrane is also covered by a special mucosa that keeps the lungs lubricated.

Thanks to the pleura, the lungs have structural support, in addition to allowing them to expand and contract, avoiding friction with the rib cage and absorbing the impact in the event of a blow This keeps the bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli intact.

7. The diaphragm

Although it is not part of the lungs, the diaphragm is a very important structure for the proper functioning of the respiratory system. It is a muscle that is located below the lungs and has a shape similar to that of a vault

This vault has the function of contracting when you inhale, preventing the lungs from having obstacles when expanding their volume. In turn, the diaphragm relaxes during expiration.