The 70 Best Pride Phrases

Pride phrases

Pride is a feeling whose excess can lead us to make many mistakes but which, in its right measure, can improve our self-esteem and drive us to improve as individuals.

Over time, there have been many celebrities who have spoken on occasion about pride, and from their opinions all of us can extract a large amount of advice that can be really very useful for our daily lives.

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Phrases about pride (from great thinkers)

That is why below you will have the opportunity to read a brief selection with the 70 best pride phrases some very interesting quotes with which you can discover how pride is a feeling that can be seen from a wide variety of points of view and at the same time be understood in many different ways.

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1. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst and cold. (Thomas Jefferson)

As many people learn throughout their lives, being too proud can be something that ends up being really expensive.

2. Proud people create sadness for themselves. (Emily Bronte)

Sooner or later, everyone who is too proud ends up discovering that having that attitude is something that brings them many more disappointments than celebrations.

3. The only thing capable of comforting a man for the stupid things he does is the pride he takes in doing them. (Oscar Wilde)

In the vast majority of cases it will always be our pride that ends up causing us serious problems or at least gets us into them.

4. A proud man is always belittling things and people; and of course, as long as you look down, you can’t see something above you. (C.S. Lewis)

Being too demanding with everyone around us is a way of being that can be very harmful in the long run. We should never wish for others what we do not wish for ourselves.

5. It is better to lose your pride with someone you love, rather than losing that person you love because of your useless pride. (John Ruskin)

We should never walk away from all those people we love, although to achieve this we sometimes have to get rid of all our pride.

6. I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine. (Jane Austen in a sentence from her famous book Pride and Prejudice)

Our own pride can often lead us to make bad decisions, we must not allow it to end up taking control over our lives.

7. Pride must die in you, or nothing from heaven can live in you. (Andrew Murray)

Only by getting rid of all our bad emotions will we be able to become the best possible version of ourselves in the future.

8. We rarely feel proud when we are alone. (Voltaire)

No one knows us better than ourselves and that is why, in practice, we cannot show ourselves as proud when there is no one around us watching us.

9. Time and time again, man’s pride influences your own downfall. (Criss Jami)

Pride is an emotion that can very easily lead us to underestimate our rival, which is why we should never allow it to lead us to make hasty decisions.

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10. Leave your pride, your ego and your narcissism somewhere else. The reactions of those parts of you will reinforce your children’s most primitive fears. (Henry Cloud)

As every educator knows very well, a bad attitude on our part will have a direct impact on the character that our children will possess tomorrow.

11. During my childhood I only longed to be loved. Every day I thought about how to kill myself, even though, deep down, she was already dead. Only pride saved me. (Coco Chanel)

Pride is an emotion that can greatly boost our self-esteem. Every person should always have minimum levels of personal pride.

12. Every rooster is proud of his manure. (John Heywood)

It is very common for us as people to value our own work above the work done by another person when, most likely, both tasks have been performed at a very similar level.

13. If we did not have our own pride, we would never regret the pride of others. (Duke de la Rochefoucauld)

Our pride is the feeling that often leads us to think that we are better than all those men and women who surround us.

14. The noblest man is worthy but not proud; the inferior is proud, but he is not worthy. (Confucius)

Only by abandoning our pride will we be better people in the future than we were in the past.

15. He who is proud eats himself: pride is its own vessel, its own trumpet, its own chronicle. (William Shakespeare)

As Shakespeare tells us very well in this quote, pride is the strongest feeling that egomaniacs possess.

16. Pride raises its head when everyone around you has theirs bowed. Courage is what makes you do it. (Bryce Courtenay)

Thanks to their own pride, some men have been able to demonstrate that human beings, sooner or later, always end up rebelling against injustice.

17. Pride erects a small kingdom and acts as sovereign in it. (William Hazlitt)

Pride can make us lose our perspective on reality and sometimes can make us believe that as individuals we are more important than we really are.

18. Pride is the mother of arrogance.

Pride and arrogance are two emotions that often go hand in hand. If we let ourselves be carried away by them in our personal lives, we will probably encounter more than one problem in the future.

19. All cemeteries are full of people who were considered essential. (Georges Clemenceau)

The ending will always be the same for all of us, no matter how many personal achievements or how much wealth we have managed to accumulate over the course of our lives.

20. Humility is nothing more than the truth, and pride is nothing more than lying. (Saint Vincent of Paul)

Humility will always be something that allows us to evolve as individuals while pride is a very negative emotion that will probably end up anchoring us forever in the past.

21. One adheres to one opinion because he is proud of having arrived at it by himself, and another because he has taken great pains to learn and is proud of having grasped it: and both do it out of vanity. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

In its right measure, pride can help us go very far, but by being too proud, we will most likely be, perhaps without knowing it, harming ourselves.

22. When you feel nervous, remember your pride.

We all have virtues that we can be proud of in one way or another, we should learn to remember them every time we are going through a difficult personal moment.

23. The boys were very proud, you always have to let them think that they are good at things. (Diane Zahler)

As parents we must know how to promote the most positive attitudes that our children possess and the only way to achieve this is by letting them feed their pride.

24. Our character gets us into trouble, but it is our pride that keeps us in trouble. (Aesop)

Not recognizing our mistakes is an attitude that will not allow us to move forward in our lives. We must be very aware that everyone sometimes makes mistakes.

25. Pride is the first of tyrants, but also the first of consolations. (Charles Ducios)

As human beings we all possess a certain amount of pride, how we manage it is really what sets us apart from each other.

26. For the proud, the slightest rejection or disappointment is the ultimate indignity. (William Hazlitt)

Pride is a feeling that we must be very careful with because it has the capacity to make us very unhappy people if we allow it.

27. A proud man is very difficult to please, because he always expects too much from others. (Richard Baxter)

As human beings we should learn to value all those acts that others selflessly carry out for us, regardless of whether they meet our expectations or if, to our regret, they unfortunately do not.

28. Humility and pride will fight forever whenever or wherever it comes to love. (Jeremy Aldana)

As men and women we all have a constant internal battle between our pride and our humility, but it is worth remembering that it will always ultimately depend on our personality which of the two sides ends up winning.

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29. A real man keeps his pride to himself. (Gonzalo Torrente Ballester)

Knowing how to minimize our pride is a very interesting ability that undoubtedly not all people possess, which is why in modern society the particular fact of knowing how to control or at least greatly reduce our own pride is usually highly rewarded.

30. The pride of the humble consists in always talking about themselves; the pride of the great, in never talking about themselves. (Voltaire)

He who has accomplished great deeds should never boast about it because in this way he will show us two things: being a humble person and having great control over his pride.

31. Since God humbled himself for man, man should be ashamed for being proud. (Saint Augustine of Hippo)

He who is too proud always ends up being harmed, on the other hand, the person who shows humility on most occasions usually ends up achieving his objectives.

32. Pride is the same in all men, only the means and the way of manifesting it vary. (François de la Rochefoucauld)

Rochefoucauld knew very well that all people possess at least a minimum amount of pride, regardless of their level of personal wealth or their importance within a given social scale.

33. Learning to live with less pride has been a great investment in my future. (Katerina Stoykova Klemer)

Pride is something that often makes us very unhappy people. Knowing how to get rid of it, although it may seem painful initially, may actually be a first step towards our authentic happiness.

34. Pride is a wound and vanity is the scab. Life chooses the scab to open the wound again and again. In men, it rarely heals and often becomes septic. (Michael Ayrton)

There are many people who find it difficult to let go of their pride, although those who manage to do so discover that their lives were not actually as negative as they perhaps previously thought.

35. If you are a proud man, you should love solitude: the proud always stay alone. (Loved nerve)

In this quote from Amado Nervo we can discover what is undoubtedly a great reality: Those most proud men and women very commonly end up losing all those people they love in the course of their lives.

36. Man only seeks pretexts to live, that is, to create an image of his pride. (Edgar Faure)

Only by learning to accept life as it is can we begin to improve it over time.

37. Human pride knows how to invent the most serious names to hide its own ignorance. (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

Excuses will never change the person we really are and the defects we have because, as is known, the first step to learning from our mistakes will always be to recognize them.

38. He who prides himself on his knowledge is as if he were blind in the light. (Benjamin Franklin)

He who boasts about the knowledge he possesses shows a type of attitude that will probably end up showing others many of his own intellectual shortcomings.

39. Pride does not like duty, and self-love does not like to pay. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

Pride can be a first step towards hypocrisy, although lies, no matter how many times we repeat them, will never change reality.

40. Nothing is as low and vile as being haughty with the humble. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

The man who usually appears proud is very likely to be simply trying to camouflage his own insecurities from others with his attitude.

41. We can be proud of what we have done, but we should be much more proud of what we have not done. That pride is yet to be invented. (Emile Cioran)

The fact of not making mistakes is also something that we can all be proud of, although many people, as Emile Cioran tells us in this quote, still seem to have not discovered that type of pride.

42. The brilliance of man walking proudly under the sky is reduced to nothing. (Aeschylus)

As many of us discover throughout our lives, in most situations, being someone who is proud is something that will not make it easier for us to achieve our goals.

43. The walls of pride are high and wide. You can’t see the other side. (Bob Dylan)

Pride tends to blind, in most cases, all those who possess it and it is even very possible that this blindness ends up turning them into extremely unhappy people.

44. Pride had breakfast with abundance, dinner with poverty and dinner with infamy. (Benjamin Franklin)

As it is often said, he who goes wrong ends badly and we should know that pride can be one of the most direct paths that we can all choose towards our own downfall.

45. God tears down the thrones of the proud and enthrones the humble in their place. (Apocrypha)

Only by possessing a humble attitude and a lot of patience will we be able to achieve our objectives. However, pride must be banished from our lives if we want the future to be truly kind to us.

46. ​​Pride is all very well, but a sausage is a sausage. (Terry Pratchett)

No matter how proud we are of a certain personal achievement, we must always be pragmatic men and women because it is the path that we must all take, if we want to become truly humble people in the future.

47. If I only had one sermon to preach it would be a sermon against pride. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

In order for society as a whole to be more prosperous, we must all leave our pride aside, otherwise we will never be able to leave our personal interests in the past forever.

48. Free at last, they took your life; They couldn’t take away your pride. (U2)

There are many people throughout history who have preferred to die than lose their pride, although it would be very interesting if we all learned to correctly differentiate the person who is proud from the person who is brave.

49. The tyrant is a son of pride.

Tyrants always tend to appear to the public as someone proud and haughty, an attitude that has proven to be very effective if we want to hide our insecurities from third parties.

50. Yes, I will try to be. Because I think it’s a pride not to be. (Antonia Porchia)

We can all be partly proud of the person we are, regardless of our social rank or purchasing power.

51. There is a paradox in pride: it makes some men ridiculous, but it prevents others from being so. (Charles Caleb Colton)

Like everything in life, having a minimum amount of pride does not have to be harmful to us, although being excessively proud people is something that without a doubt at one time or another will end up harming us.

52. Pride goes before the fall, they say, and yet we often find people throwing away all their pride. They are often left behind. (Edgar Guest)

To be competitive in today’s society we must all have a certain amount of pride because without it, we will most likely not have the ambition we need to be able to achieve the highest goals.

53. Pride divides men, humility unites them. (Fr. Enrique Domingo Lacordaire)

As this quote tells us very well, humility is an attitude thanks to which we can all be much more loved by all those around us.

54. If you see something in yourself that makes you proud, look a little harder and you will find enough to make you humble. (Wellins Calcott)

As human beings we all have defects and that is why being too proud is an attitude that we should never possess. If we do not want others to focus on our defects, we must learn not to boast about all our supposed virtues.

55. Pride carries with it a punishment, foolishness. (Sophocles)

Pride is an attitude that can lead us to make the mistake of underestimating our adversary, a way of acting that has proven to be very harmful to all those who have possessed it throughout history.

56. Pride is a very heavy burden.

We must all get rid of our pride at some point if we want to be happier in the future, otherwise we will never be able to live our lives to the fullest.

57. He who does not know how to endure fraternal correction is a proud man. (Adolf Kolping)

Not knowing how to appreciate the advice that our parents often give us can be something that directly leads us to make the same mistakes that they made during their youth.

58. Pride… is sometimes virtuous and sometimes cruel, according to the character in which it is found and the object at which it is directed. (Fulke Greville)

Throughout our lives we all deal with our own pride on countless occasions, some with great success and others being habitually defeated by it.

59. Pride, like cunning, becomes offensive only by the way in which it is discovered. (Norman MacDonald)

Most of us learn during our childhood or adolescence what types of attitudes are the most positive for us and in this way, we realize that excess pride is something that usually brings serious damage with it.

60. My pride fell with my fortune. (William Shakespeare)

Possessing great wealth tends to make us much more proud people and just as these riches may one day disappear, our pride will also disappear with them.

61. Pride, that invisible bone that keeps the neck rigid. (Stephen King)

He who has a haughty attitude is always usually due to an excess of pride, although we should know that in life, if we do not know how to look down, we will often not be able to see clearly where we are stepping.

62. Pride in the body is a barrier against the gifts that purify the soul. (George Eliot)

As we see in this quote, the writer George Eliot, who was actually called Mary Ann Evans, considered that pride was one of the worst attitudes that a person could possess in those times. A reflection that many of us probably agree with.

63. Much more than interests, it is pride that divides us. (Augusto Compte)

If we let ourselves be carried away by pride, it is very likely that over the years, we will end up losing the vast majority of our friends and loved ones.

64. Pride is a form of selfishness. (David Herbert Lawrence)

It is true that pride usually goes hand in hand with selfishness, to tell the truth, both usually form the attitude that we all know as egocentrism.

65. Pride helps us; and pride is not bad when it only urges us to hide our own wounds, not to hurt others. (George Eliot)

As long as we do not harm third parties, being a little proud does not necessarily have to be a very negative attitude.

66. Deep is the sea and deep is hell, but pride is even deeper; It coils like a poisonous worm on the foundations of the soul. (Martin Farquhar Tupper)

In this quote we can see a truly terrifying vision of what excessive pride represented for this famous English writer.

67. Nothing beautiful can come out of rivalry; and pride, nothing noble. (John Ruskin)

If history has taught us anything, it is that as human beings we need to collaborate with each other if we want to prosper and to do so, all of us will have to leave our pride and also our vanity aside at some point in our lives forever.

68. Pride is a cold, stormy and barren mountain. (John Thornton)

Negative attitudes will always cause us problems in the end, although as human beings, we are often forced to make a mistake in order to later learn from it.

69. Wealth is a gift from God, and pride was bequeathed to us by the devil. (Douglas Wilson)

As simple human beings we will always encounter difficulties throughout our lives and only by learning from them will we be able to achieve the future we really want for ourselves.

70. Pride and curiosity are two rods of our souls. The latter leads us to stick our nose into everything, and the former prevents us from leaving something unresolved. (Michel de Montaigne)

Just as excessive pride can be very negative for a person, possessing excessive curiosity is also something that can lead us to take many more risks than are strictly necessary.