​The 8 Basic Tips To Avoid Spoiling Your Child

When you imagine a brat, you may imagine a child in a house full of toys. But it is not excessive gifts or toys that cause a child to grow up spoiled, but rather it is the behavior of parents and the way of educating them which will really affect your future personality.

To get along with a spoiled child, it may be easier to let yourself be carried away by their demands and give in to their manipulation, but the only thing this achieves is making it clear to them that they can get whatever they want whenever they want.

Although, at times, giving in to blackmail may seem appropriate, in the long run the person who will suffer from the parents’ bad education is the spoiled child himself.

If you have a child, How can you recognize that you are spoiled? Below are the 8 mistakes you can make if you are a father or mother.

1. Make your child the center of the universe

Surely you want the best for your child, but doing everything they want is your priority in any circumstance, it teaches him that the world is only for him This can have a negative effect on your child’s development, as he or she may not consider the needs of other people in the future. Children must learn to give and receive, not just receive. Furthermore, they must learn to understand that not everything in life can be achieved without effort. Progressively, the child must free himself from the egocentric attitude.

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2. Not reinforcing their positive behavior

Busy parents may not notice when their child is calm and doing nothing wrong. If you don’t reinforce your child’s positive behaviors, he or she may not understand that he or she is doing well In addition, this is a very good way for her to become aware of her progress towards the behavior of a mature person for her age. If you show satisfaction when he behaves in an exemplary way, letting him know will also make it more difficult for him to break the dynamic of being a person from whom exemplary behavior is expected.

Tips to not spoil a child

3. Reinforce negative behaviors

On many occasions, parents not only ignore positive behaviors, but also reinforce negative behaviors If you only recognize your child when he cries, you send him the wrong message, since he may associate that only by crying does he get your full attention.

4. Don’t set limits for your child

If you do not set rules and enforce them for your child, it is possible that he will grow up being rude, uncooperative and disrespectful Young children need to know where the limit is so that they do not become individuals incapable of constantly invading the freedom of others. Part of a parent’s job is to teach social values, such as I respect wave patience and this involves setting clear rules about how they should behave, among other things, to ensure their safety.

5. Failure to consistently enforce rules

While some parents do not set limits on their child’s behavior, others set ambiguous or incoherent limits For example, a father who doesn’t let his son play with food for a few days but his older brother does. If the rules you set for your child are inconsistent or ambiguous, this will harm your child’s rule learning.

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6. Give your child gifts when it’s not time

What you give your child is not as important as the when you give it to him. For example, buying your child a bicycle just because he is bored with the one you gave him two months ago can teach him not to value the things he has.

7. Give in to tantrums

Giving in to your child’s tantrums is one way to reinforce negative behaviors and teaches your child that he can get everything he wants by crying, kicking and with constant tantrums and outbursts, and not by talking or fulfilling his obligations.

8. Acting like a spoiled child

You are a role model for your child, and how you interact with your family members is something they can learn. If you behave childishly in front of your child, it is very possible that he will think that this is the way to act

One more strategy: learning the importance of child self-esteem

Children’s self-esteem should not be based on praising their merits excessively and in an artificial way. When we are able to get the child to have a positive but realistic self-concept about himself, it is very likely that he will relate to his environment in a healthy way.