The 8 Signs Of Internet Addiction

Signs of Internet addiction

The dependency problems associated with the use of new technologies and social networks are a relatively recent phenomenon, but their impact on society is increasingly greater and more palpable, especially in young people and adolescents. And when we are talking about addiction to the Internet and social networks, elements that are normalized even in minors and widely used in practically all countries in the world, the problems that can arise in this area are even more significant.

Therefore, in this article we will a review of the main signs of Internet addiction so that this phenomenon can be detected as soon as possible and it is possible to seek professional help before it definitively establishes itself in the person’s daily life.

The main signs of Internet addiction

The new modalities of social interaction, especially among the youngest, increasingly involve the use of virtual platforms such as chat rooms, social networks and even online video games, which results in an increase in all types of problems linked to the excessive use of the Internet.

And although the network of networks is not in itself something bad nor does it have to generate psychological problems, if we poorly manage the use we make of this type of resources, a problem can arise that is practically assimilated to behavioral addictions such as pathological gambling ( gambling addiction). This can happen especially in adolescents, who have fewer emotional regulation skills and are more oriented toward short-term goals. something that the world of immediacy that reigns in social networks can constantly provide them.

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Internet addiction

In order to learn more about this problem, below we will see a list of the main signs that may indicate a case of internet addiction in any person.

1. Intrusive thoughts

Frequently harboring obsessive thoughts or ideas about the activity carried out on the Internet is one of the most defining signs that we are facing a case of addiction of this type.

People with this type of addiction are there all day constantly and repetitively thinking about Internet activities they have done in the past or will do in the future in said virtual context.

The fact that you are thinking about connecting to the Internet all day long, at all hours, makes it difficult to correctly carry out other daily activities that may be of great importance, such as work or social and family responsibilities.

2. Wellbeing for the simple act of connecting

Internet addiction, like other addictions, generates an extreme dependence on the Internet connection, and a consequent well-being every time the person connects with their computer or any other mobile device even if it is in the form of entertainment and an escape from reality, something that quickly fades away as soon as you stop using that electronic device.

The reward system of the Internet addict’s brain occurs whenever he has the opportunity to turn on any electronic device and can browse the Internet completely freely or use any application or social network, something that gives him pleasure.

3. Discomfort at the inability to connect

Just as the possibility of connecting and browsing the Internet can bring great pleasure to the addicted person, the inability to do so usually generates a feeling of discomfort, suffering and helplessness.

What a person usually feels when they cannot connect to the Internet are usually high states of anxiety, stress, anger, physical symptoms and a wide variety of different symptoms depending on their personality and level of addiction. It is not an withdrawal syndrome of the same type as that which occurs in drug addictions, but is based above all on what is known as FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), that is, the anguish that the person feels when imagine everything you are missing by not following in real time the news that is being published on social networks, in friends’ WhatsApp groups, etc.

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This discomfort can be greater or lesser depending on the degree of addiction that the person has and usually manifests itself in irritability ; In the most serious or advanced stages, violent episodes may break out against people or objects of all kinds, due to frustration.

4. Social isolation

The progressive isolation of the person is another of the unequivocal symptoms of Internet addiction, especially if the person spends the entire day connected in their room and neglecting any of their daily obligations.

A progressive deterioration in face-to-face interpersonal relationships is also common, which become a source of stress, and a decrease in joint social activities that were previously carried out before. That is why the person will progressively stop seeing friends or family with whom they previously met frequently, assuming that this treatment can be replaced by chat times.

In addition to the well-known impact in the social sphere, Internet addiction also usually causes an alteration in the interpersonal relationships of those who suffer from this type of problem.

This affectation occurs both in friendship and family relationships and can also occur in the sphere of couples and romantic relationships.

5. Change in lifestyle habits

As with any addiction, people addicted to the Internet experience a progressive change in your daily lifestyle habits that usually negatively affects your physical and mental health.

In addition to losing friends, it is also common to stop playing sports or healthy activities, start eating poorly and at untimely hours, neglect personal hygiene, and worsen academic or work performance.

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6. Feeling of guilt

The feeling of guilt after having spent marathon days connected to the Internet, because of the feeling of emptiness and loss of time that occurs, is also one of the basic characteristics of people who have this problem, and a warning sign that should not be overlooked. However, guilt does not prevent us from soon ending up “relapsing” into the excessive use of digital platforms on the Internet.

7. Insomnia

Insomnia and sleeping difficulties are also considered a sign that must be taken into account to identify a possible case of internet addiction. It is common for the person to continue using their smartphone or laptop even when they are in bed with the light off and in turn, exposure to the intense light of the screen causes circadian rhythms to be altered in the body, making the body “believe” that it is not time to go to sleep.

8. Aggressive reaction to restrictions

Finally, another of the signs that we can highlight when identifying whether or not a person has an Internet addiction problem is the negative reaction to restrictions on the use of technology to connect ; This also makes the person refuse to stay in places where he knows he will not be able to access the web.

This phenomenon is more common in children and adolescents who are under the guardianship of their parents, and consists of a very excessive or negative reaction every time parents restrict access to the Internet or prevent it altogether, or when vacation plans They don’t mean going to a place with a good Wi-Fi signal.