The 8 Therapeutic Effects Of Creative Expression

The therapeutic effects of creative expression

There are a tremendous amount of profound benefits in recognizing and expressing your truth, both on an emotional level and on a spiritual and relational level.

When we express we mobilize our inner world, we welcome it, we process it, we honor it and we open ourselves to understanding and accepting it. In this way, we can also free ourselves, communicate and allow ourselves to be recognized by other people.

This gives us the ability to break through layers of ourselves to reach our deep, true Self. And that is the place where all our potential lies and from which we can apply that creativity that we have been training, in a big way in our life.

Because If you really look at it in perspective, how we live our lives is our greatest creative expression, and the only work of art that really matters

    Creative expression and its therapeutic effects

    These are the therapeutic benefits that creative expression brings us.

    1. We can express the inexpressible

    When we feel our inner world is very tangled and we find it difficult to define it with words, creative expression It offers us a wonderful alternative to be able to empty ourselves, process and understand our entire inner world It is a magnificent way of expression for sensitive people who cannot find words to define what they feel, for people who have difficulties relating to spoken communication or for people who need a more abstract and free way of communication and expression.

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    2. We focus on the present moment

    Creative expression can be another form of meditation, since through it we focus on what is present and how we perceive it at that moment. In this way, we can enter a state of harmony and relaxation in which it seems that the world fades away and only you and your creative object exist. When that happens, our mind is not focused on the past or the future, which is where our suffering arises, therefore we are connected to our deepest self.

    3. We connect with our curiosity

    There is a part of us that is greatly affected when we begin to identify with the socially established adult role, and that part is our inner child. Our inner child is that innocent being within us that truly understands the spark of life and can be fascinated by any small detail as if it were something wonderful to explore. And when we connect with that part of us, happiness and openness to new possibilities are guaranteed since, when curiosity is present, fear has no place.

    4. We open our minds

    Letting ourselves be carried away by creative expression and allowing ourselves to flow with it in an unexpected way helps us break fixed patterns of behavior, limiting beliefs and limited perspectives on our reality that limit our freedom and our way of living. Release our impulses in a creative context and play with new possibilities of doing, It can be a wonderful training to bring a more open mind to our lives integrating a creative way of facing it.

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    5. We open ourselves to understanding and accepting each other

    Self-expression is a wonderful way to get to know ourselves and investigate our emotions and inner landscapes. When we turn our internal abstraction onto something external, we allow ourselves to distance ourselves and have a different perspective on it so the possibility of clarity is greater, and from that place we can understand and embrace each other with compassion, accepting all of our parts.

      6. We open ourselves to welcome our inner world

      Accepting ourselves as we are is the basis of our self-esteem And to do this, we also need to welcome and accept all our emotional dynamics, with its lights and shadows. This can become complicated in many situations, so creative expression can help us with it.

      When we are ready to express our emotions, we open ourselves to them, observe them carefully and feel them deeply. This process helps us stay in gentle touch with our emotional dynamics rather than avoiding or rejecting them, which helps us navigate difficult internal processes. Furthermore, when we express our inner world, we are symbolically offering it homage, giving it importance and space and recognizing its beauty.

      7. We process our emotions

      Expressing our emotional dynamics, apart from being clarifying and self-reconciling, can also be very healing. To express ourselves, we mobilize our emotions, inviting them to flow creatively from the intangible to the material world.

      This way, we are allowing certain emotional energy stagnant in our body and responsible for personal blocks and limitations, to flow again This helps us to be freer, more fulfilled, and to live with integrity the life we ​​choose.

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      8. We connect deeply with other people and support each other to heal

      When we immerse ourselves in a process of creative expression in a group, we are creating a precious space of complicity and emotional depth, difficult to create in other relational contexts This has the potential to create true and deep relationships, where the personal growth of all parties is supported by the energy of the entire group.

      Furthermore, in a creative expression therapeutic group we can be seen and recognized in our emotional depth, in the same way that we also have intimate access to the inner world of other people.

      This gives us the possibility of seeing ourselves reflected in the internal processes of others, which invites us to relax more in who we are and in the moment we are in. And furthermore, being welcomed and accepted without judgment in all our vulnerability by a group of people has a magnificent healing potential that gives us a dimension that we do not have in individual therapy.