The 9 Best Academies To Prepare The PIR

Not many people outside the field may know what these letters refer to, but those who have studied or are studying psychology will undoubtedly recognize the acronym Resident Internal Psychologist: PIR.

In Spain, The PIR opposition is an exam or test that gives access to a period of training and work carried out for four years in which psychology professionals can obtain the qualification of Specialist in Clinical Psychology, which gives access to the public Mental Health care network. It is, together with the Master of General Health Psychology, the only legal access to the practice of Clinical Psychology, and the only one that allows practice at a hospital level.

The complications of studying the PIR

Obtaining a place within the PIR training is tremendously complicated There are very few places and a very high level of demand. Specifically, this last year a total of 128 places have been offered throughout the country and a total of 4,173 people have applied (the increase in the number of places being something highly demanded by the majority of professionals in the sector).

The competition is fierce. This forces those who take it to make a great effort in order to obtain the best possible grade in the exam, for which a large part of them choose to either buy the materials or take courses in order to prepare for the exam, in different academies. In this article We will review the 10 best academies to prepare the PIR

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The best academies to prepare the opposition to the PIR

Below you will find a selection of the best academies to prepare for the PIR competitions in Spain.

1. Estrella Munilla PIR Academy

Together with CEDE, another of the most recognized academies, especially for his notes and diagrams along with their support to the student during the course.

Dedicated solely to the preparation of the PIR, it offers both distance training, in which the evolution of the students is monitored, and in-person training (in Madrid, Seville, Valencia, Zaragoza, Alicante and Albacete) in which they usually take a class a week or two (in the case of Madrid) with the exception of the intensive ones. Like the previous one, it offers simulations, and It is not necessary to purchase the syllabus to take the course

2. FOCO Academy

This academy located in Santiago de Compostela and currently also in Madrid It is also widely known. It offers face-to-face courses (with weekly classes) and blended classes (once a month) in which it aims to promote an active methodology.

They have review summaries, but it is intended that the study be carried out through the original manuals. There is also an online modality

3. PERSEVER Academy

This academy based in Barcelona It is another option available when preparing the PIR, with great success. It offers face-to-face modality with one class a week or remotely. They do not prepare their own manuals, but classes are carried out based on reference manuals, although these are not included in the price. Two monthly simulations are carried out and they offer advice, completion of a Mindfulness course and tutoring.

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4. APIR Academy

This academy offers both in-person and online modality and provides manuals, drills, updates and video classes, among others. The in-person modality takes place once a week on Saturday mornings with the exception of Madrid, where the course takes place on Thursdays and Fridays. If the PIR is not approved, a free repetition of 11 months of the course is offered

The APIR academy has offices in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Zaragoza, Alicante, Mallorca, Bilbao, Salamanca, Santiago, Valencia, Córdoba, Granada, Murcia, Tenerife, Málaga and Seville. Especially relevant is the fact that they allow preparation for the PIR exam to be accredited as a University Master’s Degree in Basic Fundamentals and Theory of Psychological Intervention.

5. ADELANTE Academy

Academy that offers a face-to-face preparation with few students per class, offering limited places. It prepares a study guide based on reference manuals and, like other academies, performs various mock exams. It offers the title accrediting the training specifying the hours completed. It has a presence in Madrid and Granada.

6. Official College of Psychologists

Although it is not an academy itself, the Official College of Psychologists offers preparation courses in some territories to take the PIR exam. Examples of this can be found in Bizkaia and Asturias. They offer updated theoretical manuals, official exams, information about the call and the possibility of being tutored. There may be the option of completing the training in person (which includes obtaining an accrediting diploma) or remotely.

7. PIRES Academy

This academy It is characterized by offering distance training, in a non-face-to-face manner. They prepare their own manuals and diagrams, and carry out various drills (some open to anyone who wants to do them). In addition, you can also purchase audio classes whether or not you are a student of this academy.

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8. ARKE Academy (Higher School of Applied Studies)

Based in the community of Aragón, this academy offers preparation courses for the PIR oppositions in two face-to-face modalities, annual or intensive (five months). They offer their own materials as a complement, but the main material is the original manuals. They also conduct drills and offer advice.

9. Lluís Vives Study Center

In a study center located in Valencia offer intensive courses preparation for the PIR, holding classes on Thursdays. They do not generate their own manuals, although they do provide summaries and dossiers with exam questions. This is an economical option that allows you to purchase a base.