The 9 Types Of Meditation And Their Psychological Benefits For Our Mind

What are the different types of meditations that exist? Which one is the most suitable for you? Discover the different meditation techniques that exist and what their benefits are.

The different types of meditations that exist

Although the meditation It comes from religious traditions, research around this practice suggests that practicing it can benefit us on a psychological and mental level. In fact, although the different types of meditations that exist derive from ancient traditions, the reality is that their main objective is not faith but the search for consciousness and tranquility.

Due to this, the different meditations They are usually in high demand currently due to the great need to reduce the stress that usually accompanies our daily lives. How can we know which meditation is best for us?

What is meditation?

The meditation It is defined as a set of techniques designed to promote a heightened state of consciousness that allows us to have greater attention. In this way, the different types of meditation focus on creating a change of consciousness in our bodily and mental perceptions. According to research, there are many benefits of meditation on a psychological level.

Types of meditation and their benefits

Behind each of the different types of meditation There are a series of benefits for our mind and psyche.

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1. Mindfulness meditation or mindfulness meditation

This type of meditation It is also known as Buddhist meditation. Currently, it is one of the most popular techniques in the West. Mindfulness or full attention meditation is usually characterized by focusing on paying attention to our thoughts as they pass through our mind.

In this way it is not about judging, eliminating or getting involved with our thoughts but rather observing and trying to perceive a pattern in them. Normally this practice is also combined with trying to perceive greater body and mental awareness. If you want to practice one of these types of meditation, it can be very useful for you to observe both our bodily sensations and thoughts or feelings.

2. Focused meditation

These types of meditation It implies that people try to focus their concentration with the help of one of the five senses. For example, staring at one point and concentrating fully on it.

3. Meditation in motion

Although most people believe that the meditation It implies being still, the reality is that there are some types of meditation that can be practiced while walking or doing some exercise with little body movement. This can become the perfect meditations for those more nervous people who prefer to let their minds wander.

The different types of meditations

4. Meditation with mantras

Meditation with mantras can cause rejection by atheist people, but its use does not have to imply anything religious. This type of meditation use a repetitive sound, like mantras, as a tool to clear the mind. Sometimes a repetitive word, sound, or phrase may be used.

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5. Transcendental meditation

These types of meditation They are usually similar to those that use mantras, but instead of using these sounds they change them for words with meaning for those who perform them.

6. Progressive relaxation

This meditation involves a progressive relaxation of our body, which is why it is also known as body scan meditation These types of meditation are very suitable for those people who suffer from tensions in their body. This meditation involves slowly tensing and relaxing a group of muscles in our body. Therefore, it is usually very suitable for people with a lot of stress or anxiety.

7. Spiritual meditation

Are ways to meditate They have many similarities with the prayers of the Christian faith. In it, people reflect on what surrounds them to seek a deeper connection with ‘God’ or the ‘universe’. It can also be used to find more emotional connection with oneself to address the moments of existential emptiness that we may suffer at certain times in our lives.

8. Loving-kindness meditation

Through these meditation techniques People can strengthen positive thoughts such as kindness, self-acceptance, and compassion toward others. In this way, it can be a practice that helps us counteract the negativity in our lives.

Ways to meditate

10. Visualization Meditation

These types of meditation They involve focusing on positive images that allow us to feel better about ourselves.
For example, these meditations can really help you motivate yourself if you visualize yourself succeeding at specific goals.

Benefits of meditation

There is much scientific evidence that supports that the meditation It has very positive effects on our mental health. In fact, among the most notable benefits are the following.

  • Reduce anxiety and feelings of distress
  • Reduce emotional and physical pain
  • Relieve symptoms of depression
  • Improve our sleep
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Despite all the benefits of meditation, if you experience psychological problems these techniques will not help you completely overcome it. Therefore, it is important to combine the different meditation techniques with consultation with a psychology professional in the presence of a mental disorder.