The Alba Emoting Experiential Method: What It Is And What Ideas It Is Based On

The Alba Emoting Experiential method

Alba Experiential Emoting (AEV) is a transformational method for working, improving and releasing emotions.

It was created in the 70s by the German Psychophysiologist Susana Bloch after extensive research to discover what the patterns of pure basic emotions were.

Characteristics of the Alba Emoting Experiential method

According to Susana Bloch’s point of view, human beings live in Mixed Emotions, or secondary, as Antonio Damasio mastered them in “Descartes’ Error”. This means that we do not experience, for example, joy in a pure way, but rather it can be linked to sadness (as when we cry with emotion).

If we stop for a moment and take a trip into our daily life, we will realize that The emotional experience is full of grief, sadness, anger, fear, fear, anguish, sensuality and tenderness.. Each of these emotions are linked to others and, on rare occasions, we experience them genuinely.

Therefore… what is Alba Emoting Vivencial? It is a method scientifically validated after the discovery of the effector patterns of pure basic emotions in a large population.

The first contact began at the School of Medicine of the University of Chile, continuing the project in the USA, France and Spain. The emotions that were studied were: joy, sadness, fear, anger, and love. After the investigation, Love was divided into two subjectively, physiologically and behaviorally differentiable ways: eroticism (sexuality) and Tenderness. (filial love, parental love, friendship and camaraderie).

The division of love into two forms is postulated in the sense that both emotions are necessary in relation to the survival of the species. If there were no Eroticism, the species would become extinct and there would be no universal elements to recognize the other person’s desire. On the other hand, the emotion of tenderness is vital for the protection and care of all human beings in the first years of life.

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These six emotions gave way to the subsequent development of the search for effector patterns.. After years of meticulous and systematic experiments, this effector system for each emotion could be certified.

The basic emotions

When we enter the pure basic emotion, we unblock the stuck material and a release occurs that translates into a bodily sensation of well-being and calm.

According to Darwin in 1868, basic emotions meet certain characteristics:

“A basic emotion implies a functional, physical and mental state, which is different and specific depending on the emotion” (Bloch,2003).

The functions of this method

Without a doubt, The basic emotion is a relational code of the human being that invites him to adapt to different circumstances without losing its essence. This system permanently regulates the functioning of life in its entire complex range of biodiversity.

On the other hand, science knows little about the physiological bases that are activated by emotional states. We know that the heart rate is altered, there is a galvanic response and blood pressure is also affected, although there is still some way to go here. But we do know after exhaustive experimentation that There are effective patterns for each emotion and these are specific and unique for each of the emotions mentioned..

The development of the method is carried out through a specialist in the Alba Emoting Vivencial system and can be done in a group or individually.

The method is studied to improve emotional blockages and all types of disordersfor the management and self-knowledge of social and emotional skills, for the development of creativity and personal growth.