The Benefits Of Education Without Screens In The Classrooms

The benefits of Education without Screens in the classrooms

The use of screens in schools, such as digital whiteboards, projectors, computers and tablets, has increased significantly in recent decades. However… Is this good or bad? In general, many times we go through something that There are benefits of education without screens in classrooms

Screens are not always bad in the educational context

The use of screens in the classroom can offer some advantages that improve the quality of both teaching and learning.

First, some Internet-connected electronic devices allow teachers to access a wide range of online educational resources.

Also make it easier for information to be presented visually especially benefiting students with less imagination or abstract thinking capacity so that they dynamically learn complex concepts through images, videos, graphics, among others.

The screens allow content to be presented in various formats, thus enriching the experience and including different learning styles.

Finally, Educational videos or interactive presentations can make more complex lessons more engaging ; Therefore, work at home may be reduced, since much of it will be learned in class.

It should be noted that for these advantages to occur, it is important that the use of screens in the classroom be balanced, ensuring that technology is effectively integrated into the learning process. In general, They do not have to be integrated into educational dynamics constantly but only to offer material that explains in an audiovisual way lessons that are difficult to explain with words alone.

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The benefits of education without screens

Despite the different advantages of using these devices, The disadvantages of education with screens must also be considered and addressed correctly.

On the one hand, distractions appear when the screens can access content not related to the lesson, such as social networks. Screens can be A source of distraction for students and negatively affecting concentration and performance Not all students can have access to electronic devices outside the classroom, thus creating a digital divide between those students who can continuously use technologies at home and those who cannot.

It should be noted that today’s easy access to technologies creates excessive dependence that can lead to a lack of development of traditional skills such as writing by hand instead of using a computer. When using electronic devices, there may be technical interruptions such as the Internet connection not working or the equipment slowing down, interrupting the flow of teaching.

Besides, Prolonged exposure to screens can cause eye strain, so it is important to take into account the eye health of students and schedule considerable breaks to avoid problems related to it. Face-to-face communication and social interaction between students can also be affected by spending too much time using devices.

On the other hand, Inappropriate use of electronics can lead to behavioral problems When these are used excessively, students may have their cell phones in class while the teacher is explaining, thus interfering with the learning dynamics. Reliance on multimedia presentations and the use of mobile phones can interfere with the development of active listening skills.

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Regarding privacy and security, the use of these can cause concern regarding the privacy of student data, especially when using cloud-based services. The costs of implementing and maintaining devices can be costly for educational institutions with limited financial resources.

It is important that both educational institutions and educators effectively address these disadvantages with management strategies and balance between the use of devices and more traditional teaching methods. To maintain this balance, teachers must be trained in practices that integrate new technologies effectively.

How to use electronic devices in educational centers?

The integration of electronic devices in classrooms is beneficial if it is done in a planned and balanced manner. Some recommendations on how to use the devices may be: