The Best Online Training In Psychotherapy

Online training in psychotherapy

The daily professional life of psychotherapists goes hand in hand with the need to adapt to each patient. Each person is different, and mental disorders and relational difficulties treated through psychological intervention can take many forms. As taught in schools, simply consulting a diagnostic manual does not solve even half of the problem.

That’s why, online training in psychotherapy is very useful since it helps to combine learning with the usual activities of those who have already entered the labor market or want to specialize without suffering the geographical limitations of the place where they live.

In the following lines we will see some recommendations about how to choose online psychotherapy training programs, and what are the characteristics of these that we should take into account.

How to choose the best online training in psychotherapy

Before looking for institutions that organize psychotherapy training plans over the Internet, we must take into account a series of criteria to guarantee that the option we choose is the most appropriate. The main characteristics to evaluate are the following.

1. The type of academic material

Online training programs in psychology or any other subject must take advantage of all the potential that the Internet puts at our disposal. Therefore, it is not understood that learning through them is the same as reading documents or books, taking into account that it is possible to record content or make consultations by videoconference

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2. It should be aimed at people with your specialization

It is always possible to continue training in disciplines not related to Psychology, but if what you want is to learn about psychotherapy, then you should opt for online psychotherapy training plans designed for psychologists although it seems redundant.

This is important, because otherwise you will expose yourself to the risk that the training is not based on rigorous and scientifically endorsed content, and the methodology that you extract from there is based on popular beliefs and not on what has been proven following methodologies. rigorous.

3. Supervision of tutors

The fact that it is online training does not mean that students are alone with the material to understand; it is necessary to have the help of a tutor who supervises people, resolves doubts, makes suggestions and be available to talk about the syllabus or the study plan itself.

4. Possibility to learn from professionals

Theoretical is always necessary, but to truly learn how to do psychotherapy it is necessary to ensure that whoever has designed the content and explains it is people with real professional development in the practice of psychological intervention in patients beyond the academy.

Thus, given that psychology is based on the study of something as dynamic as human behavior, it is necessary to know the practice from professionals in the sector.


Given this, it will be much easier to choose which online psychotherapy training options are best for us, given that it is relatively easy to check, among the information available on the Internet for each of them, if these criteria are met. But, beyond these general tips, let’s look at some interesting recommendations.

The first of them is Tap Center, one of the leading psychological and psychiatric care centers in the capital of Spain. In the different training courses they offer, you can learn everything related to psychotherapy from an integrative approach, that is, one that puts the general well-being of patients as a priority and uses the most effective tools for each case, avoiding dogmas.

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Since Centro Tap is an organization that works with many real patients on a daily basis, this allows us to have content extracted from real professional practice, and on the other hand the tutors are always psychologists who practice in the clinical health field.

These formations They are supported by both audiovisual and written content and live classes has the collaboration of more than 30 professionals who contribute their work to learn what the practical and theoretical part of psychotherapy is like.

In addition to focusing on practical knowledge applicable to most psychotherapy sessions, it offers the possibility of having mentoring from a mental health professional who has been dedicated to it for more than 25 years.


The Internet offers many interesting possibilities when it comes to remotely learning the skills associated with psychotherapeutic practice, although that is precisely why it can be difficult to choose. However, if we look at several quality criteria it will be much easier for us to make the right choice and find the learning program that best suits our needs.