The Best Training In Emotional Intelligence For Psychologists

Emotional intelligence training

In recent decades, the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI), popularized by Daniel Goleman, has been gaining popularity in the field of both popular and scientific psychology.

Although from a scientific perspective Goleman’s initial point of view was untenable, it served to stimulate academic interest and the subsequent work of many authors, who has served to develop more serious and practical models that can be applied both in the educational field work, sports and clinical and psychotherapeutic.

Emotional intelligence, therefore, is a powerful tool for psychologists. In this article we will review the theoretical and practical aspects of this construct and explain what a psychology professional can do if they want to train in this topic.

What is emotional intelligence

There is a lot of research that has been carried out to find out what benefits emotional intelligence provides in terms of work or sports performance and people’s well-being.

This concept can be defined as a series of mental skills that are aimed at identifying and regulating our emotions and feelings. It takes into account both one’s relationship with these (emotions) and the influence they have when it comes to motivating us and relating to others.

Some authors affirm that emotional intelligence is made up of five elements:

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The benefits of emotional intelligence in the clinical setting

In recent years, knowledge of emotional intelligence has become a useful tool for psychotherapists, as many research studies have shown that it provides benefits to the mental health of patients. But what are these benefits? We can highlight the following:

1. Improves self-knowledge and decision making

Emotional self-knowledge and self-esteem go hand in hand, since self-knowledge is necessary for people to evaluate their own emotions, thoughts and beliefs, in addition to their virtues and defects. Being aware of who we are helps us make better decisions, which has a positive impact on our evaluation of ourselves.

2. Improves interpersonal relationships

Whether it is a partner, family or friends, emotional intelligence allows us to have healthy relationships with other people. Self-knowledge, empathy, emotional regulation, etc., are fundamental aspects to have successful relationships. (edited)

3. Promotes personal development

Personal development and self-esteem are also closely linked concepts, since people who fight for their life goals are more motivated and feel more fulfilled. Both psychological variables positively influence the perception we have about ourselves.

4. Protects against stress and reduces conflicts

Emotionally intelligent people manage their emotions better, which is why they experience fewer conflicts (for example, arguments with their bosses). Less conflicts also means fewer stressful situations. In addition, emotional intelligence has proven to be key to reducing and protecting against work stress, as many researches affirm.

5. Promotes psychological well-being

There are many psychological problems that arise due to poor management of emotions. This is the reason why many psychologists use emotional intelligence as a therapeutic tool. Scientific studies also suggest that this practice reduces anxiety and protects against depression.

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Training in emotional intelligence for everyone

D'Arte Training

One of the main uses of emotional intelligence is that it helps us recover after experiences that have damaged us psychologically. This ability to recover, called resilience, leads us to learn from these hard experiences, to get something useful from them. In this sense, one of the most recommended emotional intelligence training programs is the course “Expert in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness”, developed by D’Arte Human & Business School.

In this 450-hour course, both the theory and practice of Emotional Intelligence are explained, exercises are proposed to be developed and whose principles can be applied on a daily basis, and Mindfulness is also used to better regulate emotions and have greater ability to concentrate on solving problems from a constructive philosophy of life.

On the other hand, the Expert in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness course allows you to have the support of an individual mentor who provides personalized advice to the student and resolves doubts.

Furthermore, if you are very interested in this topic, you will like to know that D’Arte Human & Business School also has a Master’s Degree in Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Happiness, perfect for professionals and individuals interested in coaching, positive psychology and Human Resources. .