The Best Training In Psychotherapy (masters And Courses)

Psychotherapists are psychology professionals whose objective is to help those individuals with psychological, relational, behavioral, sexual or psychosomatic problems so that they can improve their well-being. Their work is extremely important today, and it is not surprising that many people, in a society that demands so much of us, seek psychological assistance to regain happiness or improve their quality of life.

Scientific studies affirm that Psychotherapy is effective in overcoming many problems that can occur on a daily basis and allows patients to resolve a conflict from the past, restore their psychological balance, acquire greater self-knowledge, achieve emotional balance, etc.

The importance of continuous training in Psychology

Patients want to put themselves in good hands because their suffering often affects different areas of their lives. In this context, psychotherapists must be prepared and properly trained to provide maximum care to people who need it. Good training is the best investment for psychotherapists, either to be able to grow professionally or to do a good job in the practice

In Spain, it is necessary to have the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology (MPGS) or the PIR to be able to practice as a health or clinical psychologist respectively; However, there are many students who, upon finishing the Degree in Psychology and the MPGS, recognize that, at least as far as psychotherapeutic practice is concerned, they do not feel fully competent and are not fully prepared to exercise as psychological therapy professionals.

As we saw in the article “The problem of the Psychology degree: a lot of theory but little practice”, both the Degree in Psychology and the MPGS cover a little bit of everything and provide a good foundation, but they are not very practical training. and they do not prepare you to be able to sit in front of a patient with complete confidence.

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The best training in Psychotherapy

Training in psychotherapy must be continuous, and often requires different specializations, since psychotherapists offer different tools to their patients so that they can face different problems: relationship breakups, childhood problems, grieving processes… Therapists must master these areas if they decide to develop their professional future in that direction.

Luckily, many educational institutions are aware of this, and that is why they offer a wide variety of training opportunities and certifications for therapists interested in their own professional training.

Below you can find information about the best Masters and courses in psychotherapy in case you intend to expand your knowledge both theoretical and practical and become a more prepared psychotherapist to be able to care for your future patients with greater security and guarantee.

The best offer of Masters in Psychotherapy

The Degree in Psychology does not prepare graduates to practice as psychotherapists, but rather offers a general vision of what the science of behavior is and allows them to get started in the different areas that comprise it (Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, Organizational Psychology , etc.).

That is why to become a good psychotherapist it is necessary take post-university training, and choose those Master’s degrees that are of quality and that fit the professional expectations you are looking for. For example, getting practical experience or specializing in a specific field: couples therapy, child and adolescent therapy, grief therapy…

If you are looking for a therapeutic specialization through Masters…

Several university institutions offer the opportunity to specialize in a specific field of psychotherapy.

UNIR, for example, is one of the most interesting options to specialize in the field of psychotherapeutic intervention. In this sense, UNIR offers its Master’s Degree in Psychotherapy: Third Generation Therapies an Official Title for professionals qualified in Psychology or Psychiatry who want to identify and work on the main psychological disorders and incorporate intervention with contextual therapies in their daily professional practice.

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The Master is offered online, consists of live classes for its students and also allows the possibility of having a personalized tutor with whom to resolve all types of doubts and queries.

With this Master’s degree you will be able to take masterclasses with specialized teachers and you will learn to develop personalized intervention plans; to manage emotions when approaching the patient, family members or caregivers and to interpret and analyze the results of a psychological intervention.

The Master in Integrative Psychotherapy at the Mensalus Institute It is offered online or in person depending on the needs of each student and its start date is September 26, 2023.

This Master’s Degree is a University Degree from the University of Nebrija, it lasts one academic year and is aimed at psychology professionals who want to specialize in the Clinical Practice of Psychotherapy from an integrative theoretical position.

In addition to that, in this Master you will be able to have access to practices with real cases, to view real therapies in real time, to practice as a therapist and to participate in teams.

The University of Deusto (Bilbao) teaches the Master in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy, making it ideal for those professionals who wish to engage in couples therapy and family therapy

To delve into the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in childhood and adolescence (behavioral problems, mental deficiency or emotional disorders, etc.), the Miguel Hernández University of Elche presents the “Master in Psychological Therapy in Children and Adolescents”, which has three large modules: basic foundations, psychological intervention and professional applications in this field.

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Finally, for psychologists who want to specialize in the field of clinical sexology and sexual health, the University of Valencia offers the “Master in Clinical Sexology (University of Valencia)”, quality theoretical-practical training to become a sex therapist trained to function successfully in the workplace.

Excellent psychological therapy courses

In addition to these Master’s degrees, educational institutions also teach less extensive courses that are intended to provide experience and the tools, methods and psychotherapeutic skills necessary to meet patients’ expectations

In Murcia, The Couples Institute offers the Practice Course in Couples Therapy a highly recommended way to train in this type of psychological intervention in marriages and emotional relationships based on the love of a couple in general.

It is a 20-hour specialization program divided into 4 sessions, in which you learn both the theory and practice of therapeutic assistance to couples: ways of interviewing, exercises to perform, problem detection, use of questionnaires and self-records , etc. All this from the hand of couples psychotherapy professionals with many years of experience. If you are interested in reading more information about this course, click here.

On the other hand, the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid offers the opportunity to take the “Psychological Intervention Course in Couples Therapy” in order to intervene successfully in relational problems that hinder the good functioning of the couple and their health and well-being; and at the University of La Laguna (Tenerife) it is possible to take a University course in Third Generation Therapies, a new therapeutic approach that has a more contextualized and holistic vision of the individual.