The Dilemma Of Time Without Balance: Anxiety, Emptiness And Lack Of Passion


Today’s society faces several challenges that can hinder enjoyment and passion in everyday activities.. It is for this reason that in the office we frequently encounter people who report difficulties when it comes to finding something to have fun with or how to develop passion for what they do. Many times they only find emptiness when asked what they have fun with.

The role of hobbies in personal well-being

A hobby, or pastime, is an activity carried out regularly during free time for pleasure and not for professional or lucrative purposes. They are a form of recreation that allows people to disconnect from their daily obligations, reduce stress and develop personal skills or interests. Having a Hobby gives us meaning, in addition to specific issues such as reducing stress, improving mood, developing skills, meeting new people and establishing social connections, and of course improving the balance between life and work..

These activities are usually chosen because of the internal sensation they provide and they are practiced because the pleasure they produce is a genuine passion. The goal is not to make money, it is a voluntary and selfless activity that is carried out regularly.

Hobbies can be varied and range from painting, gardening, photography, crafts such as knitting, sewing, jewelry making or woodworking. Writing stories, poems, blogs or even personal diaries, as well as reading books, magazines, comics or articles on various topics. Without leaving aside board games and puzzles or participating in strategy games, chess or solving puzzles. We include studying and practicing new languages, sports, dancing, walking through nature or exploring new paths. Everything that in our imagination provides us with pleasure.

It seems difficult to understand how, among so many possibilities, many people, more than one might think, cannot find something that they might like or to dedicate part of their time to. This tells us about an evil of the time rather than the limitation in supply. Entertainment for humans has evolved significantly over time, reflecting changes in society, technology and cultural structures.

Constant exposure to information through electronic devices and social media can be overwhelming. This continuous bombardment of stimuli can hinder the ability to concentrate and enjoy simple activities. Being a source of immediate gratification, it distracts and allows us to quickly escape from what is happening inside us..

Its effect on the brain is more ephemeral than the consistency and pleasure that a hobby produces; it is this immediacy that makes it as tempting as a sweet bite. The feeling of lack of time due to multiple responsibilities can make people feel that they do not have enough space to enjoy recreational activities.

The lack of fun and passion in today’s society is the result of multiple factors, including information overload, social pressure, fast-paced life, and loss of purpose. Addressing these challenges through mindful practices, meaningful connections, and activities aligned with personal values ​​can help improve the ability to enjoy and find passion in daily life.. Generation Z faces unique challenges in terms of having fun and finding meaning in life, but they are not the only ones, although these differ from those experienced by previous generations, the differences are the result of technological, social and cultural changes that have transformed the way people interact with the world and with themselves.

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Factors that hinder passion and enjoyment in modern life

Lack of passion in life can be a result of various factors, both internal and external. Many people have not spent time exploring their interests and talents, making it difficult for them to find activities or goals that they are truly passionate about. The fear of not being successful can stop people from pursuing their passions. This fear can paralyze them and make them avoid taking the risks necessary to discover what really motivates them..

Lack of self-confidence can lead to the belief that you are not capable of achieving or deserving what you want, which can stifle passion. In terms of mental health, both depression and anxiety can drain energy and motivation, making it difficult for people to feel enthusiastic about something that takes them away from their fast but familiar pace. The expectations of society, family, or the work environment can divert people from their true passions, leading them to follow paths that do not really interest them.

In the digital age, information overload and constant distractions can make it difficult to concentrate and discover deep interests. In some contexts, opportunities to explore and develop passions may be limited due to economic, social or geographical factors. Daily responsibilities and routine can make people feel trapped, without time or energy to pursue new experiences or interests, but a lack of passion leads to Dissatisfaction and boredom leads to a feeling of emptiness in life..

Without intrinsic motivation, people may have difficulty reaching their potential at work or in other areas of life. Lack of purpose and passion can contribute to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety or anxiety and depression can lead to a lack of purpose, we need to target these issues and not minimize the effect of the era in which we live. .

It is also convenient to make a difference between an objective, such as a new job or a material or social good, with the search for purpose and internal motivation. In one case we can say that we run outside, and in the other that we enjoy inside. It is about finding passion throughout life, it does not necessarily always have to be the same, it can change as I experience different options and learn from the passage of time..

Exploration, experimentation, trying new activities and hobbies can help you discover interests that you had not considered before. Experimentation allows you to find what you are really passionate about. Spending time on reflection and self-awareness can help identify which activities or goals resonate most with personal values ​​and desires. Learning about different topics and skills can open new doors and awaken interests that can become passions and are a value and pleasure in themselves.

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Seeking professional help can be helpful in overcoming emotional or mental blocks that prevent you from finding passion in life. Implementing self-care practices and reducing stress can free the mind and body, making it easier to pursue pleasurable and meaningful activities.

The increased anxiety and stress levels of modern life, partly due to academic and work pressures, negatively affect the ability to engage.. Job insecurity and social expectations contribute to this problem, as it is necessary to be attentive to the level of competition and exposure

Social media encourages constant comparison with others, which can diminish the ability to enjoy recreational activities without feeling pressure to live up to unrealistic standards. We are more digitally connected, but feelings of loneliness and isolation are experienced more frequently than in times past. This is due to the lack of face-to-face interactions and the replacement of personal relationships with virtual connections.

The vast amount of options means that many may want to not miss out on anything and in this way and with little care, try to exceed the real limits of their own body and existence. The paradox is that there seems to be not enough time to do everything that could be done in a single lifetime. From this thought, quite frequent, the levels of anguish at a mental level and cortisol at a physical level, among others, necessarily increase, deteriorating an existence that refuses to accept that we are finite beings and that this also has its good side..

it's hard for me to find a hobby

Strategies to combat emptiness and lack of commitment

Maybe we don’t notice the consequences of this way of thinking and feeling, but let’s imagine starting from an extreme, where I experience a lack of passion, nothing entertains me, everything bores me, I don’t care, I get home and turn on the TV, I play the computer, I drink alcohol to relax, etc. to do everything that is available and within my reach in a compulsive way, today you have a meeting tomorrow with a group and thus the entire agenda for the week is covered.

Even trying to evade or avoid it with the apathetic way or the way of excess, it is in that journey that the underlying feeling is anguish, which accompanies, which does not abandon. If this were the healthiest way and guarantee of pleasure, the emotions would have to be different and anguish, anxiety and fear of finitude would not occupy the stage. It is a necessity to take everything in one gulp because life ends soon, and in that dizzying time we confuse enjoying savoring with choking, assuming that this is how life is eaten, when perhaps we are eaten..

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Practices such as meditation and mindfulness can help improve our ability to concentrate and engage with ourselves, and promoting the conscious and limited use of digital technologies can help reduce information overload and stress. But above all, it seems that no advance has replaced the fact of Encouraging personal interactions, promoting activities that promote face-to-face interaction and the development of meaningful personal relationships.

Providing access to mental health resources and emotional support can be crucial to helping manage stress and anxiety. Not only does the anguish worsen, but anxiety about the inability to commit to tasks or projects can generate feelings of insecurity and anxiety.. Lack of commitment and social isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and hopelessness, factors that increase the risk of developing depression. Difficulty committing and achieving goals can erode self-confidence, contributing to low self-esteem.

Sleep disorders are also the order of the day in very young people, requiring medication to be able to resume healthy sleeping patterns. Along with this, eating disorders come hand in hand, low self-esteem and stress can contribute to the development of disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, especially when social comparison on networks affects the perception of the body. The search for immediate gratification is often the cause of substance abuse, drug addictions, technology addictions, compulsive use of social networks or video games and something that is regaining prominence such as gambling addiction.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other forms of psychotherapies practiced by professionals can be effective in addressing anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems related to disengagement. Maintaining meaningful personal relationships and seeking support from friends, family, or support groups can be crucial to improving mental health.. Learning to set and achieve short- and long-term goals can improve motivation and sense of accomplishment.

The paradox of modern life lies in the overabundance of options and stimuli that, instead of enriching our existence, often complicate and wear it out. The frantic search to make the most of every moment can lead us to a life of excess and distraction, masking a deep sense of emptiness and anguish. Constant digital stimulation and the need to fill every space of time with activities intensify stress and anxiety, creating an illusion of plenitude that actually accentuates hopelessness.

Accepting our finitude and reducing the pressure to meet unattainable standards can allow us to enjoy a more balanced existence. Recognizing the value of simplicity and self-care, rather than succumbing to the compulsion to be all-in, may be key to regaining a fuller, more meaningful life..
