The Ego Trap

The ego trap

What secrets does our mind hide? Do you think you are really free of decision? Do you live in a mental prison? Do you have a hard time getting out of your looping thoughts?

If you want to discover the answers to these questions, be sure to read this article where I explain how the human mind works and specifically our ego

    Let’s start with the most basic: what is the ego?

    Have you ever heard the phrase “this person has a lot of ego” or “his ego has increased”? When this is said… What do you think the person who says it is referring to?

    Okay, I can imagine your answer. Maybe you think that that person has a lot of self-confidence or that he is very arrogant, am I right?

    And yes, generally this person’s behavior is governed by an ego that plays the role of a character who believes himself superior to others But this is not the only ego structure that exists; For example, if a person feels inferior to others, this is also a role played by his ego.

    Let’s say the ego is any character that operates in our mind and with which most of us feel identified This ego will always present itself with feelings of guilt, suffering and struggle.

    The ego is that little voice that tells you you will never succeed, that the same thing always happens to you, that you will never find a partner who loves you for who you are, that you should not try, that you are too old to change careers, that you should continue as you are there because you never achieve anything… And the list is endless.

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    And sometimes there are different little voices in the mind that try to overlap each other: when one tells you that you won’t be able to, the other tells you “of course you can, if you are the best and you don’t need anyone to help you.” achieve success.”

    The ego always wants more, you will always have a multitude of needs and demands so that you feel incomplete/or insufficient.

    ego problems

      How is the ego structured in the human mind?

      The ego It is neither good nor bad ; In fact, it has its share of usefulness. In the childhood stage it helps us survive emotionally, which is why it is necessary in our development process.

      The problem exists when we grow up and We fully identify with that character who constantly disturbs us and we think that we are him

      Let’s say that the ego has different phases and that there are different ego structures depending on the person’s mental model or their personality. This is studied in the theory of the enneagram with the different enneatypes that make it up and that explain in detail how the ego operates in the human mind. This model says that each person is born with a predominant enneatype and with it a birth wound which will have to heal from the strength of the being in order to advance in its evolution; This explains how two brothers can have very different personalities, even if they have received the same type of education.

      When we take a decision based on fear we are taking it from the ego’s perspective; However, when you make a decision from what is best for your being, you are making it from love, inner peace and serenity. This is a very good way to identify where we make decisions and thus be able to reflect before rushing.

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      It is not about eliminating the ego from our lives, ignoring it or avoiding it, but about reaching a point where you can accept it because you have done that work of self-knowledge and you are no longer disturbed or identified with it.

      Working with the ego

      There are several techniques to be aware of our ego and not give it so much importance in our daily lives; one of them is simply to close your eyes for 5 minutes a day and focus on any external noise without judging it or you can simply focus on your breathing.

      Surely you may feel overwhelmed at first if you have never done this before, and you want to quit, but think that what really encourages you to quit is not you, but your ego telling you that you are not good for meditation and that this is of no use..

      But if you really want to understand how the nature of the mind works and work on mental mastery or liberation from it, the best way is to know the “enemy” very closely. To do this all you have to do is observe the thoughts in your mind and return to the present every time you fall into their networks.

      I hope you liked this article and that from now on you understand that the ego is just a character, a protection mechanism, a mask, but that you are much more than that character, and that simply by being you are complete and, therefore, you are enough.

      I would like to end the article with this thought-provoking quote from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar “Nothing in the world can bother you more than your own mind. In fact, the others seem to be bothering you, but it is not the others, it is your own mind.”

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