The Importance Of Forgiveness To Overcome Anxiety

The importance of forgiveness to overcome anxiety

If I asked you “who would win when you allow yourself to forgive?”, you might think it’s silly, but the reality is that everyone wins.

Both achieve an inner peace that is very difficult to acquire through other it is important to practice forgiveness whenever we consider it necessary from the heart.

Practicing forgiveness reduces the intensity of depressive symptoms, pain, stress and anger. The individual experiences a sense of peace, compassion and hope, as well as complete self-confidence..

Forgiveness in psychology and its influence on anxiety

Before you continue reading, I would like you to take a few seconds to reflect and ask yourself what your definition of forgiveness is. This word is very present in our lives since we are little, that is why I want to share the importance of its meaning and its relevance when it comes to overcoming anxiety.

Forgiveness in itself is freeing a person from a punishment or obligation.. I don’t know if it sounds like the definition you wrote, but in this case I’m going to focus on the word liberate, which is fundamental.

As we have seen, allowing ourselves to forgive someone means that both parties are victorious, since forgiving the other is also forgiving ourselves. It consists of going beyond the judgments and perceptions that limit us and pigeonhole us in insecurity.. That is why a change in perception is necessary, another way of considering the circumstances and people who we believe have caused us problems and pain.

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So do not justify yourself in these erroneous ideas for not doing it.

people make mistakes

Recognizing and learning to forgive is difficult, but not impossible. As with losses, we go through the phases of grief when an affront is caused to us. and you may notice somatic problems, guilt-related concerns, hostile reactions, loss of behavioral patterns.

1. The rejection phase

It is a protection mechanismbeing a natural and temporary escape that cushions the immediate impact and helps to assimilate the terrible reality, because even when there is “intellectual” acceptance the emotional process is very slow.

2. Anger

Resentment decreases sufferingis a phase where we improve by being able to express very strong feelings that we did not believe we were capable of expressing.

3. Resistance

We feel powerless, incapable or weak to face new situations or decisions.. We want to take the time to grieve and we resist calling it a day. Although working through our pain is important and allows us to feel fully, it is worth remembering that it is a temporary phase and we cannot remain pigeonholed forever.

4. Recovery

Gradually hope makes its way. We regain a sense of ourselves by facing harsh reality.

Externalizing our pain and trying to coexist with it says a lot about our mental health. There is no simplification when it comes to pain, we cannot avoid it, we must face it.

Steps to forgive

The best way to forgive is to understand what hurt you.understand that that person could also make a mistake and continue moving forward.

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That is where forgiveness makes sense, because it has much more to do with acceptance, it is liberation in its purest form.

If you want to transform your history of resentment, I can offer you my online workshop “Turn forgiveness into gratitude”; There I will teach you that the most heroic decision you can make is to forgive.

The ability to forgive has many benefitsbecause in the act itself the pain is released, and makes one forget the feeling of rage and helplessness, being able to recover hope, tranquility and self-confidence.

You must understand that if you find yourself in a situation of “non-forgiveness”, you are angry, but not only with the person who insulted you, but to a large extent you are angry with yourself and with everyone.

Therefore, the ability to forgive implies leaving your spirit in peace, fixing that damaged relationship to make way for the emotional stability that you so need.