The Journey From Sex Taboos To Aging In Modern Society


A taboo concept refers to implicit prohibitions on human behaviors or thoughts that are considered unacceptable or immoral within a culture.. They initially emerged as a way to protect individuals from facing conflicting desires. In other words, they are a covert way of legitimizing social behaviors, but the condition of taboo is given by what is not talked about and is avoided. They are related to fundamental aspects of identity and personal morality.

That is, it could be interpreted as a deformation of an instance of social law where external supervision is not necessary, since it penetrates the human essence, guiding behavior without being stated in a manifest way and where the logical reasons for it are not expressed. . Violations of the taboo entail negative feelings that affect the mental health of the individual, because they can limit the expression and recognition of certain psychological problems, such as those related to sexuality or death.

Social Function of Taboos

Taboos help maintain social cohesion by establishing shared norms and expectations, such as what is right and wrong, acting as a form of social control that reinforces conformity and stability within a community. That is, they generate adherence to belonging to or excluding a group, since they do not require exhaustive analysis..

A norm is different from a taboo, since in the taboo the condition is that the origin or reason for it is not asked, but that it is accepted and fulfilled.

Evolution of Sex Taboo

The concept of sex taboo has evolved throughout history, influenced by cultural, religious, social and scientific changes. Previously, sex was closely linked to religion and fertility rites. Sexual practices were often seen as sacred and essential to the fertility of the land and the continuity of the community. Although sex was an accepted part of everyday life, social norms placed restrictions on sexual relations outside of marriage and sexual practices considered inappropriate by the group..

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In ancient times, sexuality was open in both Egypt and Rome; However, there were also prohibited topics such as the relationship considered incestuous between members of royalty to maintain the purity of blood. With Christianity, taboos on sex became stricter. Sexuality outside of marriage was seen as a sin, and the Church promoted a view of sex as something that should be restricted to procreation within marriage.


Sexual Revolution of the 20th Century

Beginning in the 19th century and especially during the 20th century, there was a revolution in attitudes toward sexuality. The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s onwards challenged many traditional taboos, promoting greater sexual freedom and acceptance of sexual diversity. The civil rights, feminist and LGBTQ+ movements played a crucial role in destigmatizing sexuality and fighting for equal rights. The focus on consent, sex education, and sexual liberation contributed to the redefinition of sexual taboos.

Today, sexuality is recognized as a fundamental aspect of human well-being and greater sexual education and openness are promoted. However, taboos persist in some cultures and communities, and access to information about sexuality remains unequal.

The New Taboo: Aging

However, it seems that societies do not arm themselves outside of the taboo, and today, although there is more openness about sex and sexuality, we find a new concept to repress: aging, associated today with something disposable and outside. of the development of the reality of life.

The concept of aging has changed considerably throughout history, reflecting transformations in scientific understanding, social attitudes, and living conditions. The 19th century marked the beginning of the scientific study of aging. Researchers began to examine the biological processes related to aging. Concepts such as the “weakness of old age” were introduced and some efforts were made to understand age-related diseases..

In many societies, old age continues to be viewed with ambivalence. The elderly are respected for their experience, but they are also considered an economic and social burden. Industrialization and urbanization changed family structures and affected the role and status of older people in society.

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As scientific research on aging expanded, various theories about the biological processes of aging were developed. These include attrition theory and genetic theory, among others. Research in geriatrics and gerontology became important fields of study.

From a psychological perspective, the aging taboo can be understood as a reflection of human fears and anxieties regarding the natural aging process.. Contemporary society, obsessed with youth and beauty, tends to marginalize older people, relegating them to secondary roles and limiting their visibility in the public sphere. This phenomenon can have a significant impact on the self-esteem and emotional well-being of older individuals, perpetuating a cycle of age-based discrimination.


Changes in Attitude towards Aging

Attitudes toward aging began to change with the rise of the civil rights movements and increased focus on quality of life. The contributions and rights of older people began to be valued more, and efforts are being made to promote active and healthy aging.

But there is still a long way to go before dignifying the passage of life is achieved as something natural and not as a handicap. Longevity has increased and the concept of active aging has gained popularity. But we need to know if this is a real goal and for everyone.

Colored by social networks, the older people who appear on them have a youthful and active appearance, something that is correct and desirable, but little is seen of those who do not combat the passage of time in an external or artificial way. Even today we hear that there are things that should not be done because of our age. There are also some spaces in which health and physical activity are promoted, but people of a certain age and older are restricted from attending them.

Underhanded discrimination is real and this has its consequences. There is a double message in which inclusion is talked about, but controlled; That is, to belong you must be an old young man. Having fun, enjoying love or those behaviors that may seem appropriate only in adolescence are observed with a certain tenderness by society, suggesting that it is the state of the body that directs emotions.. So, young body, young emotions, old body, tenderness or nostalgia, that is where prejudice is anchored.

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Psychological Impact of Aging

According to my practice in the office, these feelings begin to appear after the age of 50 in both men and women. Obviously, this is not a radical assertion, but I must say that they are found very frequently. Feeling that you have to change your identity and enjoy maturity as a young person is to assume that the experience was of no use to us. Trying to experience passion or love at the age of 20 could lead us to encounter certain physical restrictions, but the truth is that feeling passion or love at the age of 20 is absolutely possible..

The increase in life expectancy and demographic aging have led to a greater presence of older people in the population. As societies age, new challenges and social paradigms arise related to active aging, inclusion and dignity in old age. However, along with these demographic changes, there is also an increase in stigmas and taboos related to old age.

As the aging taboo becomes entrenched, important questions arise about how we can address and change these negative perceptions. It would be interesting to insist on the active inclusion of older people in all aspects of social and cultural life, this would allow us to challenge these stigmas and promote a more positive representation of aging in society.. It is crucial to promote policies that support healthy and active aging, as well as eliminate barriers that limit the participation of older adults in community life.
