The Keys To Managing Stress And Anxiety

The keys to managing stress and anxiety

Stress has gone from being personal to being social. And according to experts, it will soon be one of the largest global mental health epidemics, along with loneliness and depression.

Because let’s not forget that stress is a normal response of the body to a society that increasingly takes the needs of the individual into account. That is why we have to learn to respond and adapt to its continuous changes.

Furthermore, it is no longer enough for experts to have the information to counteract this phenomenon: it is now necessary that each person learns to self-manage their life to be able to prevent, improve and solve problems derived from stress.

The problem is that it is a complex issue to which until now only partial solutions have been given. It is not enough to know how to apply some anxiety control technique to improve the person’s overall situation.

Learning to manage stress and anxiety: a complex challenge

One of the first things to know is how stress works. You have to know that it is a natural phenomenon designed for our lifestyle hundreds of thousands of years ago. Knowing this key we can take advantage of our nature to be aware of the first symptoms and be able to take action from the beginning.

AND It is very important to know the difference between stress and anguish, which is both quantitative and qualitative. When a person is able to realize that he is feeling one or the other, the means that he can apply in his own life are different and much more focused on solutions.

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It is also necessary to know What are the main causes that influence stress going from being an activating phenomenon to becoming a real problem?especially when it leads to anxiety, which can become disabling.

These causes can be personal and social, physical and psychological, mental and emotional. What is evident is that when we know them, the door to prevention opens, since often, with a few simple measures, we can prevent a situation from arising that can bring us many problems.

And it is very important to know, even briefly, post-traumatic stress, which a large number of people in our society suffer from and can have devastating effects.

Another issue that is essential to know is false myths, false ideas that prevent us from understanding exactly where the problem is or what the solutions are. It is already known that The only thing worse than not knowing a topic is having the wrong idea about it..


Not understanding the mechanisms of stress is expensive

In our society, very little importance is given to the phenomenon of stress because its consequences are unknown, which are many more and much more serious than is usually imagined: it affects physical health and mental health, to the point of being disabling.

People’s mental, memory and decision-making abilities are affected by stress at a truly significant level.. It can also have serious consequences on social and family life, destroying relationships of all kinds. Each year it also causes billions of euros in production losses, sick leave, accidents and incapacitations.

If we see these consequences, we will realize the true dimensions of a problem that affects many millions of people around the world. The problem is that sometimes it is difficult to quantify its importance, because its influence can also be indirect, that is, it is linked to another series of factors that favor the appearance of symptoms and problems.

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For example, Stress is a key element in everything related to addictions of all kinds. And there is no point in trying to face them if you do not first learn to control it.

Advancing in the management of emotions

If we recapitulate what we have seen so far, we will see that it is necessary to know what stress is, the myths and false ideas that surround it, the causes that produce it and the consequences it entails.

Each and every one of these elements will give us means and resources to prevent, improve and solve a problem that is increasingly widespread in our society.

But In order to act effectively, each person should know the main means and techniques to be able to act.both to prevent and to confront situations in which it seems that stress is difficult to control.

There is a wide repertoire of techniques that have proven effective against this type of imbalance, what we would call the usual methods. But in addition to that, there are skills that should be learned, since they have been shown to have a huge effect on the physical, mental and emotional levels of the people who use them.

Actually, Learning attention, breathing and relaxation is much simpler and more pleasant than is often believed and its effects are immediate and notable. in people’s life. They are skills that can be learned by spending just a few minutes a day and they are usually so pleasant that people naturally tend to apply them in more and more aspects of their lives.

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As we have seen, the problem of stress and anxiety is multidimensional. It is not enough to focus on just one of its aspects. We have to approach it from multiple aspects so that what we do is truly effective.

And not only that. Besides, It is necessary that each person be able to self-manageto take charge of your life, having all the necessary resources to face and solve the situations that arise.

That is why we have created the course “Stress and Anxiety Management”, so that whoever wants it can find in one place everything they need to overcome stress, because anyone can master it. You just have to know how.