The New Masculinities: What Are They?

In the face of a Society of changes in favor of evolution The new Masculinities in the awareness of men in the face of sensitization to progress in gender.

The new masculinities: What are they?

Women after so much historical struggle and having achieved from the references to whom we must always be grateful for the legacy we currently have and so little recognized. They are architects of the path we must follow to build more egalitarian societies. The reality we have continues to be plagued by sexist attitudes and behaviors that want to make us look like “normal“a patriarchal culture that is present in all institutions of society.

What are the new masculinities?

The situation of the women as well as what it means to be a woman today in all areas of life, both cultural, social, political and social, is increasingly important in the socialization processes of adolescent girls. Girls increasingly incorporate demands and demands into their educational space and thus in a progressive transformation in communication with teachers.

All these transformations sometimes create confusion regarding the demands that at times some classmates and teachers express and as for the boys, sometimes they are dealing with their socialization process linked to this change and perhaps their tools are not enough to facing new models aimed at equality.

Unfortunately, in today’s society a fantasy is triumphing where women can achieve equality without the need for the loss of men’s privileges.

Organic Law 3/2007 for the Effective equality of women and men (chapter II, articles 23-25) and Organic Law 1/2004 on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence, are laws whose priority is to incorporate the gender perspective in educational matters. It includes a declaration of intent regarding the need to incorporate the Equality between men and women in the curricular contents of secondary education. In chapter I of the same law, we can see how there is an article aimed at the importance of education for the construction of an egalitarian society. This is necessary, among other things, to eradicate gender violence.

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The conceptualization around the “hegemonic masculinity“has been one of the central themes in scientific literature on the social construction of masculinities.

It is considered that gender socialization is a process modulated from the adult’s perspective and that allows boys and girls to be integrated into the social world without them playing a too active role.” (Rodríguez Menéndez, 2007:398).

Elizabeth Badinter in this regard tells us:

There is no single masculinity, which implies that there is no universal and valid masculine model for any place, time, social class, age, race, sexual orientation…, but rather a heterogeneous diversity of masculine identities and ways of being men. in our societies. The dominant version of masculine identity does not constitute an essence but an ideology of power and oppression of women that tends to justify male domination. “Masculine identity, in all its versions, is learned and therefore can also be changed.”