The Origin And Solution For Anxiety (the 4 Essential Factors)

The origin and solution for anxiety (the 4 essential factors)

Anxiety is one of the psychological and emotional problems that most affect, condition and limit us. in our daily lives.

In our modern era we live in a true pandemic of anxiety. If just a few decades ago it was a problem that affected a small percentage of the population, today it is frequently present in our lives.

Why do we feel more and more anxious? What makes it last so long? Can we solve it without resorting to constant medication?

The extent of anxiety problems

Before 2020, my work as a psychologist and coach consisted of accompanying people in their personal change processes, to achieve specific changes in relation to their well-being, emotional management, couple relationships, professional approach, or also to overcome specific difficulties. related to a breakup or unexpected conflicts. Anxiety was present in a third of the people I accompanied.

Anxiety is a very common problem, but the solution cannot be limited to massive medication to the population. Medication addresses the symptom, but not the cause of anxiety. This is the reason why so many people carry anxiety over the years. Anxiolytics relax our muscles and diaphragm and prevent us from reaching an anxious state, but they have a temporary effect and the secondary effects also affect us and harm our health.

For these reasons I have prepared this article, in which I include a video titled “Anxiety: the most necessary change.” I am Rubén Camacho, psychologist and coach at, and above all I send you a lot of encouragement so that today is a before and after in your relationship with this unpleasant sensation and difficulty.

The generalization of discomfort

People who have experienced their processes of change and have overcome anxiety (which they began to experience for various reasons, such as a breakup, a break in the relationship, situations of uncertainty, fears, insecurity) ask me from time to time: “Rubén , today I felt that the anxiety has returned for a moment.

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The main problem we have with anxiety is that It is an experience so unpleasant that it makes us feel afraid, and that increases anxiety. Feeling anxious at certain times in our lives is normal (before an intense experience, a move, a first day at work, when you wait for the results of medical tests, or even if you watch a horror movie).

The problem with anxiety is not feeling it, but generalizing it. When we get used to living with anxiety we are in a state of alert, anxiety exhausts us, we feel it in the pit of our stomach and it can affect your digestion, your rest, lack of sleep comes, intrusive thoughts, and it produces so much exhaustion that also leads you towards discouragement as a defense mechanism.

What really is anxiety? How does it originate?

Anxiety is actually a state of fear that has become widespread.. We have become accustomed to living in fear, not necessarily because of a specific event, but because we have not known how to understand and manage those emotions in time.

At the same time, we live in a social, life and work system that is increasingly chaotic, stressful, materialistic and loaded with information (which induces anxiety).

Imagine an animal that is in the forest and is surrounded by a perimeter of predators.: he feels that at any moment they are going to eat him. For this reason he begins to breathe quickly, towards the chest, with the purpose of being ready to escape at any moment. It is a fear breathing where the diaphragm expels air quickly and presses on the pit of the stomach…

Yes, that is the reason why you feel anxiety in the pit of your stomach (and it is also the explanation for the famous “butterflies” in the stomach when we are teenagers and fall in love). Anxiety is always a result of your respiratory mechanics. It is your breathing that induces anxiety.

When we get used to living in a state of alert (due to frequent fears that we have not known how to manage, a very negative environment, stressful routines, not knowing how to set limits for people, overloading yourself with responsibilities that you cannot assume, etc.), anxiety It generalizes and conditions our lives. It is such an exhausting state that it leads to discouragement and makes it difficult to sleep and rest (by breathing so superficially, it is totally incompatible with rest, which requires complete breathing).

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This is also why any anti-anxiety solution will be completely useless if you don’t focus on your breathing first. Neither drugs nor merely verbal therapy can solve a problem that does not only occur temporarily, but every day.. So let’s go with the 4 keys to solve anxiety and prevent it in the future.

The 4 keys to permanently solve and prevent anxiety

Living stressful or traumatic experiences in our lives is inevitable. Breathing according to a state of alert and feeling some anxiety is also. But living according to an anxious state is neither useful nor necessary.

First key: complete breathing

If the main reason is the way you breathe (which motivates everything else, since your breathing causes certain emotions to be more intense, such as fear and insecurity, as well as the intensity and frequency of intrusive thoughts), the solution is always It must have breathing as its pillar.

Any process or solution that neglects your way of breathing will be like wanting to improve your physical fitness only with healthy foods and without exercise.

To solve anxiety and prevent it, it is first necessary to reduce its intensity.. This affects not only the unpleasant sensation in the pit of the stomach or chest but also the rest of the symptoms (such as intrusive thoughts or rumination).

Working with your breathing implies that you make it complete, that is, you breathe in such a way that the air reaches your navel. This is the natural breathing of the human being when he is at peace or deeply asleep.

By working with your complete breathing you can gradually normalize this way of breathing.. You will need to be patient, since breathing is a 24-hour habit, anxiety is sticky and we need time.

Second key: learn to understand and manage your emotions

The origin of anxiety is your respiratory mechanics, but above all The problem comes from the way you understand and manage your emotions..

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Feeling fear, insecurity, guilt, anger, even discouragement, is functional and practical at certain times in our lives.

However, if we do not learn to understand and manage what we feel, these emotions can become too intense, frequent and long-lasting. This is the reason why anxiety appears: the fear becomes too intense and generalizes.

The way to manage your emotions is not with activities or readings, but with your actions. It is what you do that leads you to manage your emotion in one way or another. For this reason, what works for you will always be something particular, unique, that we discover in a process of profound, practical, totally personal and private change.

Third key: patience and perseverance

Anxiety is sticky. Sometimes it lasts for years. It is therefore necessary to have patience, since the process can take some time..

However, it doesn’t have to be too many months or years. If the process is practical and we work every day, the intensity of anxiety can decrease in a few weeks and we learn to manage it in a stable way.

Fourth key: company

We are social beings, who learn, change and transform through relationships.. The company is essential in this process, but not a company that guides or advises you, but rather that helps you see yourself as a clean mirror to be able to understand what is happening to you with perspective and thus find solutions.

I am now going to make you a special proposal. At and in my Psychology and Mind profile you can find the option to schedule an exploratory session with me, which we can have via WhatsApp. In that session, totally confidential and private, we get to know each other, we delve into your problems, we find a stable solution and we see how I can accompany you so that you can overcome anxiety 100%.

Overcoming anxiety is possible if the change occurs in you. I know how difficult it is, so I send you a lot of encouragement, enthusiasm, commitment and above all a lot of confidence.