The Origin Of NLP

The origin of NLP

Imagine that you are walking down the street and you find a map lying on the ground. It is not an unusual map, it describes with millimeter accuracy the way you process each stimulus that comes into your life. And not only that: it reveals to you why you think the way you think, what the underlying beliefs are that drive your decisions, and it also shows you the deep structure of your experiences.

But this map not only tells you what the inner workings of your mind are like, it also gives you the tools to transform it. It teaches you to communicate effectively, develop assertiveness and make empowered decisions in the face of any challenge. It shows you a wide panorama of options that you didn’t even consider before, which would allow you to open up a world of possibilities.

This map, if it exists, would be the representation of the solutions offered by Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is not a science, and although it is a discipline with conflicting opinions, it is notable that it has offered contributions to knowledge in language, neurology and human behavior. Today we invite you to learn about the origin of Neurolinguistic Programming and its different uses.

    What is NLP?

    Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is presented as a communication and personal development model that seeks to decipher the codes with which our brain processes information and how these influence our behavior and experiences.

    In the words of its creators, NLP is defined as “the study of the structure of subjective experience.” That is, it focuses on how we perceive, interpret and respond to the world around us, taking into account that a large part of these processes occur at an unconscious level.

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    NLP proposes that our language and behavior are a reflection of the mental patterns that we have acquired throughout our lives. These patterns, many of them learned in childhood, can be limiting and hinder the achievement of our goals.

    Through NLP, we search identify and modify these patterns to reeducate the mind and generate new, more effective behaviors. To do this, various techniques are used, such as: sensory analysis, representation systems, language and modeling.

    In other words, the aforementioned techniques seek to pay attention to how we perceive the world through our senses, identify how we prefer to process information (visual, auditory or kinesthetic), use precise and powerful language to communicate more effectively and Learn from those who have achieved what we want.

    It is important to note that NLP is not an exact science or a magic recipe. It is a set of tools that, used properly, could help you better understand your inner workings and generate positive changes in your life.

      How was Neurolinguistic Programming born?

      The origin of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) emerged in the 1970s in California, United States, as a result of the joint work of Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

      Richard Bandler, a mathematician by profession, was fascinated by human behavior patterns and their relationship with language. His interest led him to study hypnosis with Milton Erickson, recognized as one of the most influential hypnotherapists of the 20th century. From Erickson, Bandler learned techniques that would later be fundamental to the development of NLP.

      For his part, John Grinder, passionate about linguistics and philosophy, was exploring the relationship between language and human experience. His studies led him to analyze the work of Virginia Satir and Fritz Perls, pioneers of family therapy and Gestalt respectively. From them, Grinder extracted models of communication and change that would be pillars of NLP.

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      The union of these two exceptional minds gave rise to an approach that sought to understand how we process information, how we communicate, and how these variables influence our behavior and experiences.

      Bandler and Grinder, through meticulous observation and modeling of therapists such as Erickson, Satir, and Perls, identified patterns of language and behavior that were common to all of them. These patterns, they postulated, were the key to therapeutic success and could be learned and replicated by anyone.

      This is how NLP was born, a study and transformation model that seeks to unravel the codes of the human mind and provide us with the tools to modify those patterns that limit us and create the reality we desire.

      In this journey through the origins of NLP, we cannot fail to mention other figures who played a fundamental role in its development, such as Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier and Anthony Robbins. Each of them contributed their own perspective and contributed to enriching the field of NLP, turning it into the discipline we know today.

      What is NLP for?

      There are many areas in which Neurolinguistic Programming can have a positive impact; Today we will focus on five of them: personal development, communication, health, education and business.

      1. Personal Development

      Neurolinguistic Programming provides tools to define clear objectives, identify obstacles and develop effective strategies to achieve them. Likewise, it helps to recognize our strengths and values, modify limiting beliefs and develop a positive image of ourselves.

      Another objective of this discipline is to improve interpersonal relationships, help us better understand others, communicate effectively and build stronger and more lasting relationships.

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      2. Communication

      NLP aims to teach how to use clear and precise language. It also provides tools to identify others’ points of view, negotiate effectively, and find creative solutions to conflicts.

      This tool also It is widely used to enhance leadership skills motivate teams and create a positive and productive work environment.

      4. Education

      Neurolinguistic Programming provides tools to learn more effectively, retain information and develop critical thinking skills. It has also shown its effectiveness in motivating students, creating a positive learning environment and encouraging the development of their potential.


      5. Business

      As each map is unique, the creators of NLP know this, this technology shares effective communication techniques with clients, to Identify their needs and offer them personalized solutions. In addition, it provides tools to negotiate effectively, build relationships of trust and reach mutually beneficial agreements.

      Now that you know the origin of Neurolinguistic Programming and what its uses and benefits are, would you add it as a new tool to your life?