The Reality Of Masturbation

The reality of masturbation

Have you ever heard that if you masturbated you would go blind? And if you did that, hair would grow on your hands? Maybe you’ve been told that masturbating makes you infertile? Or do you think that doing it makes you lose power in your sexual relationships?

Masturbation has been seen as something negative for many years and these are some of the consequences that have been attributed to this practice.

All these negative connotations have meant that we have learned that it is something bad, dirty, and even that it has to be done quickly and in secret. It has affected both the reduction of our sexuality to coital and the couple, as well as other problems such as premature ejaculation, although this is not the only variable nor is it essential in this one.

So much so that It became a taboo topic, which has been disappearing due to the era of digitalization in which we find ourselves. We are more informed than ever and have many resources at our disposal. Despite this, there are still many false beliefs around it and shame to be able to talk about this practice with other people or our children.

Masturbation throughout our development

Since we are babies, even before we are one year old, we touch our body to discover it, going so far as to self-stimulate to explore that pleasure. It may surprise you that we have masturbated since we were little, but it is something natural for us.

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When we grow up, we recognize ourselves and others, beginning sexual games This is not with a dirty or erotic nature as adults may see it, but with the aim of discovery. What’s more, the peers with whom we carry out practices of this type do not want to say anything about our sexual orientation, since it is being explored and discovered.

From 6 to 11 years old, there is a natural time when children feel ashamed of their bodies, even though their family has normalized nudist situations such as bathing naked on the beach. Most researchers affirm that sexual games do not decrease, but are hidden from adults, but as we grow up, as you will understand, we forget much of these games.

Later, sexual exploration increases drastically after puberty, becoming the greatest concern at these ages. This is because puberty, as we know, is a key moment in which the body faces numerous changes and prepares for reproduction.

The truth about masturbation

Masturbation is included among sexual practices that can be performed alone and with a partner. Masturbation consists of the intentional stimulation of the erogenous zones of our body.

It is not something negative, nor does it have bad consequences for your physical or psychological health. On the contrary, there are various studies that suggest that it is beneficial for our physical, emotional, relational and sexual health.
Some of the benefits of masturbating alone are:



Conclusion, Masturbation is a healthy and positive practice but that does not mean it should be considered mandatory, but it is up to each person to decide whether they like it or not and whether they want to practice it or not.

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Despite all this, we have many prejudices about masturbation or we do not know how to manage these behaviors in minors. Your child may masturbate at home or at school and you don’t really know what to do with it. You may not say anything to him, but your face already gives him information about what you think of what he is doing. If you identify with these situations and need guidance in this regard, at the PsicoAlmería center, both in person and online, we will help you in a personalized way.

We have to give ourselves and give minors the privacy to be able to carry out these practices, since they are part of our knowledge about ourselves and are beneficial. But we were not born with a book under our arms about the best ways to educate or we may have learned that we must do it in a hurry or that it is something dirty.

We cannot change our entire mentality overnight just by reading an entry on a website like this. Therefore, if you have difficulties in your sexuality or want to learn a little more about these issues, do not hesitate to contact us, a group of psychologists and sexologists.