The Usefulness Of Online Therapy For Coronavirus Anxiety

The usefulness of online therapy for coronavirus anxiety

The coronavirus crisis has given rise to two situations for which there are no precedents in recent decades: psychological problems are affecting more people than normal, on the one hand, and many of these people cannot go to the doctor’s office. psychologist, on the other.

Fortunately, today There is a solution that allows you to adapt to these circumstances: online therapy

Throughout this article we will see the way in which our work as psychologists can involve effective support for those suffering from anxiety problems, very common during these days of confinement

What aspects of the pandemic are a source of anxiety?

These are the different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic that favor the appearance of anxiety problems among the population of the countries most affected by the coronavirus.

1. Economic and labor uncertainty

We must not forget that Psychological well-being is greatly influenced by the material living conditions we have at our disposal: In general, it is more difficult to be happy and have an optimal capacity for emotional management if you are in a situation of job insecurity and scarcity of resources to live.

This is why the expansion of the coronavirus is generating such a strong psychological mark among a good part of the layers of society: we must not only manage the discomfort caused by seeing our freedoms limited during these days, but there is also We have to know how to manage thoughts of anticipation of what will happen to us in the face of the economic crisis that is emerging as a result of the pandemic. And given the lack of information and knowledge gaps in general, it is very easy for fear to arise ; The most pessimistic ideas have the power to attract our attention if there are no certainties that counteract their effect.

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2. Isolation

Social isolation is another factor that enhances the appearance of anxiety disorders. Specifically, it favors the development of what is known in psychology as anxious-depressive symptoms. The tendency to spend a lot of time without interacting with other people drags us into an unhealthy way of life in which we do not expose ourselves to activities that can stimulate us, we suffer greater discomfort and have a harder time regulating our emotions, and this is capable of generating a domino effect that makes the situation worse.

For example, Spending hours and hours alone makes us more likely to sleep irregularly, eat poorly, and do less physical activity and organize our schedules worse, as well as getting involved in a smaller number of activities that are truly satisfying for us.

This lack of stimuli, added to the possible appearance of problems derived from the above (accumulation of responsibilities, malnutrition, postural and muscular problems, lack of sleep, etc.) increases the probability of developing generalized anxiety, depression, addictions, etc.

3. Coexistence problems

For many people, it is very hard to be constantly surrounded by the people they live with. This crisis situation exacerbates conflict management problems and makes the consequences of these more negative, not even having the possibility of leaving the house until the situation calms down.

On the other hand, for many fathers and mothers, confinement means having to take care of their young children 24 hours a day for several weeks in a row, as they do not go to school; all this added to a committed work context.

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4. The duel

We must not forget that for many people, the pandemic implies the need to knowing how to deal with grief over the loss of loved ones who have not survived COVID-19 or that they are in very bad condition.

The feelings of anguish produced by this type of situation usually generate psychological rumination, that is, disturbing thoughts that come to our mind over and over again, and that normally end up going away in a matter of days, but that sometimes represent a true psychological crisis in the face of the situation. which makes it necessary to go to therapy.

5. Fear of contagion

Finally, the fear of becoming infected is also a source of anxiety for which online therapy can be very useful. For some people, it is difficult to “disconnect” from these catastrophic thoughts according to which being distracted for 5 seconds can mean becoming infected and/or transmitting the virus to the rest of the family.

How does online therapy help in these cases?

As we have seen, emotional alterations related to anxiety are the protagonists when it comes to the psychological impact of the coronavirus crisis. Given this, online therapy provides the following benefits.

1. It is accessible to everyone

In Western societies, virtually anyone can receive psychological treatment without having to leave home: the state of health or age does not matter, as long as you have an Internet connection and an electronic device capable of connecting to the network.

2. Helps balance schedules

Since the patient saves time traveling to the psychologist’s office, It is easy to incorporate these sessions into your weekly schedule

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3. Fear of contagion is not a barrier

People who suffer from fear of becoming infected can count on the professional support of a psychotherapist. from the safe environment of your home

4. Allows you to choose from more options

On the other hand, since they are not conditioned by distance, the patient can choose the psychologist they like the most regardless of the kilometers that separate them.