Things Bipolar People Do

The society in which we live presents numerous demands to which we must respond and whose consequences can be reflected in our moods and perception of events. For this reason, we may feel joy and euphoria at the same time, as well as anger and/or sadness suddenly. For example, we may have been happy when we received good news, but later the day was full of disappointments that changed our mood. This is understandable in social contexts, since relationships with people usually awaken various emotions.

However, there are people who present major changes in behavior and emotions due to other circumstances. In this PsychologyFor article we show you the things bipolar people do

What is bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a personality disorder that alters a person’s mood This clinical condition causes marked emotional variations ranging from manic excitement to severe depressive episodes. According to the DSM-V(1)this disorder can be identified if a series of specific diagnostic criteria are met:

  • Continuous period over time of an abnormal mood.
  • Considerable increase and/or decrease in goal-directed physical and mental energy.
  • Sudden and fleeting ideas.
  • Duration of three to six months, depending on the severity of the case.
  • Lack of perception of reality.
  • The alterations cannot be explained by the presence of any other mental disorder or by the ingestion of toxic substances or medications.

If any manifestation is detected that could put the life of a person or third parties at risk, it is necessary go to a mental health center so that the patient is cared for by mental health professionals who address the particularities of each case. If you want to know more about this disorder, in the following article you will find the Types of bipolarity: symptoms, causes and duration.

Difficulty establishing lasting social relationships

What do bipolar people do? First of all, the mood swings experienced by people with bipolar disorder cause them to have serious drawbacks when establishing relationships that last in the time. This happens because manic and depressive episodes impose the need for the person with this pathology to isolate themselves from their immediate circle.

Self-harming behaviors

Although this can also be seen in other clinical conditions, the self-harm It is a factor that stands out in people with bipolarity. Thus, when a person with this personality disorder is going through a moment of crisis, behaviors may occur in which they damage their own body through cuts or blows, among other forms of self-harm.

Sleep disturbances

The difficulties falling asleep and staying awake They are part of the personality of someone with bipolarity. In moments of manic excitement, it is common for the person not to sleep for prolonged periods of time. On the contrary, depressive episodes usually cause the person to sleep for long periods of time.

Things that bipolar people do - Sleep disturbances

impulsive behaviors

Acting impulsively is part of bipolarity as a clinical entity. In general, people with this diagnosis They do not usually carry out prior analyzes of the situations they must face, which causes impulsive behaviors to appear that can put the person or third parties at risk.

Poor money management

Bipolarity also affects the rationality that allows us to understand and interpret the facts of reality in an orderly way. For this reason, impulse purchases often occur that lead to monetary problems ranging from debts to embargoes.

Lack of sexual criteria

At times of manic episodes, people with bipolar They can have sex without any care for themselves, for the other person or the environment. As with money management, in these cases there is no prior analysis of the present or the future.

Consequently, situations may arise in which impulsivity directs attention towards situations that pose imminent danger.

Unstable job performance

The same thing that happens with other areas of daily life is reflected in work. As a result of episodes of mania and depression, the person with bipolar cannot maintain stable work performance

For this reason, in cases of people with bipolarity, absences from work are frequent, as well as the impossibility of maintaining cordial relationships with bosses and colleagues.

Things Bipolar People Do - Unstable Work Performance

Food deregulation

Food is another factor that is negatively affected in moments of crisis for people with bipolarity. During these times, periods may occur in which the person does not eat food for several days or consume food in excessive amounts

Consumption of drugs

Although this aspect does not have to occur in all cases of bipolarity, drug use is another fact that is repeated in people with this personality disorder. Due to the lack of judgment regarding the behaviors carried out, drugs constitute a danger of which the person is not aware, since it It will be difficult to establish a limit

In the following article you will find more information about Drug Addiction: causes and consequences.


During periods of mania, people They usually speak quickly if they are experiencing serious episodes. Although this may seem synonymous with well-being, it is a extreme danger sign, since verbosity is directly related to the flight of ideas. This means that there is no stopping of thoughts and there are great possibilities of carrying out what is thought.

Considerable mood swings

Taking into account the characteristics of this pathology, people with bipolarity show very different moods which can vary in very short periods of time. In this way, it is possible for a person with bipolarity to show euphoria about some news and, shortly after, despair about living.

Lack of registration of other people

Another aspect to take into account lies in the fact that there is a little recording of the environment in times of crisis In this sense, it often happens that people with bipolarity do not take into account the emotions, thoughts and behaviors of other people, which is linked to the emotional instability they present at various times.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Things bipolar people do we recommend that you enter our Personality category.

  1. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.


  • Arrieta, M., Molero Santos, P. (2017). Bipolar disorder. Medicine Magazine, 12 (86), 5052-5066.
  • Tarragón, E., Miquel, M. (2011). Bipolar Disorder: A circadian regulation disorder? Neurobiology Magazine, 2 (4), 1-15.

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