This Adorable Short About Dreams And Love Will Surprise You

Sometimes, to understand an idea it is better to leave the theory books and turn to artistic forms of expression. This, for example, can also be used to explain how love works and our expectations about it.

Precisely for that reason This short about dreams and love is interesting and you can see it below: The Wishgranter, or “The Wish Fulfiller.” An audiovisual work that, despite telling a relatively simple story, contains a powerful message.

Expectations and love

When we experience that psychological facet that has to do with love (or the absence of reciprocated love), we always do so through our expectations. The most common thing is that we think about our love life not by focusing on the present, but by judging the present from the perspective of someone who accumulates several good or bad experiences.

However, keeping in mind our memories about the role we have previously played in the world of love it doesn’t make us make the wisest decisions; Sometimes the opposite happens. For example, it can cause us to see what happens to us in a dichotomous “black or white” way. If you win, you win clearly, and if you fail, this will also be an obvious fact.

In this animated short, this is reflected in the emphasis placed on the mechanics of the machinery used by the wish-fulfiller This is a little man who from the beginning is presented to us as a simple technician, someone accustomed to routine and who is little committed to his work precisely because of its monotony: he simply gives a predetermined reward to people who throw coins at a fountain.

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This machinery represents, in some way, the theory of the just world: “you get what you give.” This theory is, in fact, a mental bias that has been widely studied in psychology ; We tend to automatically think that everyone has what they deserve, in the absence of reasons that make us change our mind. However, this belief, as a bias, does not actually always serve to explain what happens in the real world, and when we see that it is not fulfilled it is easy to think that the problem is in oneself, and not in what one does. does.

This not only lowers one’s self-esteem; also it immobilizes us and makes it easier for us to stop trying because we assume that our destiny is not to participate in this “karma justice system” in which the relationship between what is given and what is obtained is clear and instantaneous.

When our dreams don’t come true

When the two young people who go to the fountain throw a coin and see that nothing comes to them, they assume that they have failed and that what they have done is of no use. Of course, this would be true if the mechanics of love were exactly the same as those of the machine that appears in the short. However, it is at that moment when the wish-fulfiller leaves his or her comfort zone and decides to actively participate in what is going to happen.

After failing several times through his attempts (which is another demonstration that the just world theory is not always right), there is something that makes the story have a happy ending: the coincidence between an act of kindness and the fact that the wish-fulfiller has tried very hard for making love arrive.

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Luck and emotional life

The fundamental idea behind this animated short is that making an effort does not make sense because it will allow us to create the result we expect in the way we had planned, but because allows us to make luck work in our favor

Once we have accepted that we will not always immediately obtain benefits that compensate for our sacrifices, it is important to be clear that, since luck plays an important role in whether or not we achieve our dreams, we can also “hack” the system to make luck work in our favor.

In this short, the wish-fulfiller is an incarnation of that part of the two protagonists that refuses to give up and does not give in to frustration. He is a character who knows that from time to time the karmic justice system can fail, but that Instead of being frozen by pessimism, he manages to create options necessary for luck to work in your favor. In the end it is not just him who makes everything turn out well, but a mix of circumstances that would never have occurred if he had not come to commit himself to solving the problem in the first place.

Thus, the message of the short film is: “things do not always turn out the way expected, and that is why it is important that you commit to what you do.” It is not convenient to wait for some kind of divine mechanism to solve our problems, we must be clear that it is oneself who must do more than oneself to create the possibilities of success, being clear that it will possibly require the collaboration of others.

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The happy ending

Tempting good luck will not lead to the exact same happy ending that we have always fantasized about, because at the end of the day we do not have absolute control of the situation.

However, if we fight hard to get out of our comfort zone and we reject the idea of ​​becoming cold people and incapable of empathizing we will be ourselves, in collaboration with those we connect with, who will build that outcome we were looking for.

This outcome will almost always be unexpected, but at the end of the day, almost all truly original and memorable endings are.