This Is Psychological Intervention In Women With Fertility Problems

This is psychological intervention in women with fertility problems

The problems when trying to conceive a baby can be experienced in a very intense way that generates discomfort, especially in the case of women, whose gender roles are strongly linked to the concept of motherhood. In this sense, it is difficult to maintain a dispassionate and objective vision about what happens in our lives when we do not manage to go through all the phases of pregnancy, arriving without problems at the moment of delivery; Both biological and psychosocial variables play a role in this experience.

In fact, in the same way that the biological characteristics of the body can facilitate the appearance of certain forms of discomfort in a certain context, psychological processes also influence the way of facing fertility problems in a more or less constructive way, and, therefore, in the chances of being able to have a baby.

That’s why it’s so important psychological intervention in women with fertility problems ; If you are interested in knowing what this type of support consists of, keep reading.

What are the aspects that perinatal psychology addresses in women with infertility problems?

Fertility problems and associated psychological disorders are one of the areas most addressed by perinatal psychology professionals, which is the branch of psychology that is responsible for professionally addressing the problems and needs linked to conception, pregnancy, childbirth and the first weeks of raising the baby.

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Perinatal psychologists are among the professionals indicated to treat any type of difficulty when conceiving a child, and in their intervention they use all types of strategies, knowledge and techniques adapted to each of their clients and based on the scientific method.

If you are interested in knowing the nature of this type of intervention and what are the main areas that perinatal psychologists work on when intervening in women with fertility problems, below you will find a summary.

1. Emotional management

The prospect of not being able to have children in the future generates great psychological and emotional discomfort in women who have been trying to have a baby for some time; That is why emotional management is one of the main aspects addressed in the consultation of a psychology professional.

Faced with the impossibility of getting pregnant, many women and their partners They may experience pessimistic thoughts and emotions over which they have no control and that affects their mental health in multiple ways.

A common reaction that many women put into practice in this situation is to avoid all types of negative emotions that make them suffer, pretending that their infertility problem does not exist.

Perinatal psychological therapy helps women identify their emotions at all times, recognize them, accept them and put into practice a series of strategies that allow them to convert them into more positive and adaptive thoughts and emotions.

2. Stress management training

One of the emotional states in which women find themselves in fertility processes is constant and generalized stress which affects all aspects of your life, as well as cases of anxiety.

To overcome stress or anxiety that systematically affects a person’s mental health, perinatal psychological therapy offers a wide variety of relaxation strategies that can be applied in combination to reduce or eliminate symptoms linked to stress.

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Some of these strategies may be relaxation techniques, Mindfulness, psychoeducation, guided meditation, yoga and all types of specific training adapted to each client.

3. Promotion of self-esteem

Self-esteem is one of the fundamental pillars in the mental health of any person and it constitutes one of the aspects that must be worked on with the help of a psychology professional.

When a woman goes through an unsuccessful fertility process, her self-esteem ends up suffering and progressively undermined, especially if motherhood is her greatest dream in life.

Women with fertility problems

There are cases in which women grow up their entire lives believing, due to various family pressures or their environment, that motherhood is the only thing that can give value to their lives; In these cases, intense work must be carried out to change these retrograde approaches and teach to value other aspects in life.

Self-esteem can be improved in many ways, and the psychologist’s consultation will offer a wide variety of strategies, techniques and training that will allow each person to improve their self-esteem and assess other perspectives with which to perceive themselves.

4. Management of feelings of guilt

Many women may develop a strong feeling of guilt over the impossibility of conceiving a child after several failed attempts, and this feeling can be motivated by a wide variety of causes. These are dynamics of irrational thinking that lead to self-sabotage and which usually have their roots in the internalization of female gender roles.

Some women consider that the inability to get pregnant is their fault and that they are a burden to their husband, which makes them suffer and experience great internal pain. Other causes of blame are usually unhealthy habits from the past such as smoking or drinking or the fact that they waited too long to become mothers.

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5. Support during couple crises

Going through a fertility process without obtaining the desired results can erode any relationship no matter how strong the love that the couple professes or the bond that exists between them.

The main couple crises that perinatal psychology professionals address are communication problems in a painful situation, conflicts and discussions, lack of motivation to continue with the fertility process, fears, doubts and in general any problem. arisen in the couple due to infertility.

6. Support for hormonal changes

Fertility processes are based on the application of measures that produce hormonal changes in the woman’s body, which can have a destabilizing psychological effect on an emotional level. Therefore, to counteract it, it is sometimes necessary to carry out a psychological intervention based on emotional management training.

7. Support in cases of miscarriage

Abortion cases are one of the most devastating experiences that a couple who has been having trouble conceiving can go through. In fact, it gives rise to psychological grief whose effects can last for months.

In the consultation of a perinatal psychologist, these events are also addressed and resources are offered so that both the woman and her partner can overcome the ordeal suffered as soon as possible and satisfactorily.

Are you looking for psychotherapeutic assistance services?

If you are interested in having perinatal psychology services or psychotherapy in general, contact us. In Cribecca Psychology We will be happy to assist your case.