Tourette Syndrome In Adults: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Tourette syndrome in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Do you usually make tics continuously when you are in stressful situations? Do you feel ashamed of making multiple tics but have the feeling of not being able to avoid it? Possibly, you suffer from Tourette syndrome, but what is this syndrome and what is it about? Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder which is characterized because the person who suffers from it chronically performs multiple tics that are repeated irregularly and that increase in stressful situations. The person has the feeling of not being able to easily control these tics, which are manifested through continuous blinking of the eyes, repetition of strange sounds, continuous hand or shoulder movements, among others.

In this PsychologyFor article about Tourette syndrome in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment we are going to learn in detail about this disorder to finally explain to you what its treatment consists of to eliminate this problem.

Tourette syndrome in adults: symptoms

The characteristic symptoms that people with Tourette syndrome present are: emissions of motor tics and vocal tics Generally, the person begins with facial motor tics and then vocal tics usually also appear.

motor tics

The motor tics that people with this condition present are classified into 2 groups as follows:

  • Simple: They are sudden, repetitive, short-duration movements that involve only one muscle group. Some examples of them are blinking, the movement of the shoulders up and down, neck jerks, among others that refer to a small amount of muscles.
  • Complexes: These are sudden and repetitive movements that are more complex and coordinated. Some examples of this type of tics would be, for example, arranging your hair or clothes in a certain way, touching a person or thing, among others.

Vocal tics

  • Simple: It is the continuous and repeated emission of sounds. Some examples of this type of vocal tics would be coughing, making sounds with the throat, making sounds with the nostrils when inhaling, among others.
  • Complexes: It is the emission of words or phrases in a constant and repetitive manner. Some examples of this type of tics are saying words or phrases out of context, insulting, repeating what others say or what one says oneself, suddenly changing the volume of one’s voice, among others.

All of these symptoms of Tourette syndrome can vary in intensity depending on their severity. When the symptoms that the person presents are very serious, this can considerably interfere with their relationship with others because communication with them becomes increasingly limited. Another issue to take into account is that tics can increase considerably when the person is exposed to situations of stress, fatigue or excitement; they can also occur when the person is sleeping and change over time.

Tourette syndrome in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment - Tourette syndrome in adults: symptoms

Causes of Tourette syndrome in adults

The exact cause of Tourette syndrome is not really known, however, it has been found that it may be related to genetic and biological factors, among them are the following:

  • Alterations in brain chemistry where some areas of the brain and chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine are out of balance.
  • People say that children of parents who suffer from this syndrome They have a 50% chance of also developing this disease. However, children may present different symptoms, more or less mild than those presented by one of their parents.
  • It has also been found that the men They are more likely to develop this syndrome than women.

Treatment of Tourette syndrome in adults

Tourette syndrome has no cure, however, there are treatments that can considerably help people reduce the symptoms of this disorder. It is worth mentioning that in most cases, people who suffer from it they do not need treatment since the symptoms they present do not interfere with their daily life, so they can lead a life without any type of limitation even despite this syndrome.

If the person with Tourette syndrome presents difficulties and limitations caused by the presence of this disorder, psychological therapy can be carried out and/or some medications can also be administered to reduce and control it.

Psychological therapy and/or the use of medication

Psychological therapy, more than anything, is aimed at overcome social difficulties which at some point can bring the person the symptoms of Tourette syndrome. The therapy also turns out to be very beneficial in reducing motor and/or vocal tics that the person may present by performing relaxation exercises so that you learn to react in a better way to situations that cause stress. It is necessary to take into account that sometimes, depending on the particular situation of each individual, some people are also administered some drugs to reduce more serious tics.

Tips to reduce the symptoms of Tourette syndrome

Some tips that people who suffer from this syndrome and want to help themselves control and cope with it in a better way can follow:

  • Do sports to help your body and mind relax.
  • Seek support from family and friends to deal with this condition and do not isolate yourself.
  • Carry out activities that you enjoy and that help you relax.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation to help you relax and calm your mind.

Tourette syndrome in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment - Treatment of Tourette syndrome in adults

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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