Treatment Of Post-traumatic Stress After Confinement

Treatment of post-traumatic stress after confinement

During this crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, not all the problems that arise are medical or economic. The context conducive to the emergence of psychological disorders has also been created, given that there is a combination of negative factors: anxiety and stress due to uncertainty about what will happen, fear of contagion, risk of losing loved ones, limitation of freedoms, etc

One of those psychological problems that many people may be exposed to these days is post-traumatic stress, a very harmful alteration that makes it necessary to go to therapy as soon as possible. In this article we will see What does post-traumatic stress treatment consist of? and what are the characteristics of this psychopathological phenomenon related to trauma.

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder, sometimes known simply as “post-traumatic stress” is a psychological disorder that appears in some people who go through traumatic situations, as its name indicates

Here it should be noted that there are no events that are traumatic in themselves, since the same event can be traumatic for one person and not be traumatic for another. Thus, trauma is defined by whether or not it leaves consequences for the person, and it is always relative: it is part of the individual, not the experience that generates this psychological phenomenon.

And what are the situations that are most likely to produce post-traumatic stress in people? Normally it is catastrophic or violent events and that occur more or less quickly: car accidents, sexual abuse, a beating, falling from a high place, etc. It can also appear as a result of the sudden death of a loved one, something that unfortunately is more common during the weeks of the coronavirus crisis.

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In all these situations, there is a rapid rise in the amounts of hormones and neurotransmitters linked to stress, leaving a “mark” on the nervous system. The expression of this emotional mark is the basis of trauma, and it can manifest frequently over years, or even decades, if it is not treated.


Among the symptoms that are most representative for understanding post-traumatic stress are the following.

Treatment of post-traumatic stress at the end of confinement

Post-traumatic stress can produce very intimidating and emotionally painful symptoms, especially in the case of flashbacks, which are experienced in a very vivid way, as if what caused the trauma was happening in the here and now. However, Fortunately, it is possible to treat this psychopathology through psychotherapy

Furthermore, contrary to what many people think, it is a relatively short process, lasting a few months. Of course, a commitment to attending appointments with the psychologist is required, and consistency in the way of applying the exercises proposed in these sessions on a daily basis.

The main tools and methods used in the treatment to overcome post-traumatic stress are the following.

1. Systematic desensitization

This is one of the most useful strategies to stop the person from experiencing those stressful flashbacks. Consists in “train” the patient in his ability to experience these flashes of memory without trying to block or avoid them, and carrying out actions that promote a state of relaxation. In this way, the association between those memories and their anxiety-inducing emotional load is broken.

2. Cognitive restructuring

Although the person with post-traumatic stress does not notice it, their problem is probably reinforced, in part, by beliefs that they have internalized and that prevent them from overcoming the disorder. Cognitive restructuring serves to get rid of these maladaptive beliefs.

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3. Training in detecting problematic thoughts

In a complementary way to cognitive restructuring, psychologists favor that the person gets used to detecting problematic thoughts linked to the disorder and be able to neutralize its influence. For example, “anything makes me cry”, “no one can love me”, etc.

Are you looking for psychotherapy?

In Psychologists Majadahonda We make our in-person or online psychotherapy services available to anyone with post-traumatic stress. We have a team of psychologists with many years of experience treating problems such as PTSD and disorders linked to anxiety in general, basing our work on proven effective methods. To learn more about our psychology center or see its contact information, access this page.