Truth And The Human Mind: How Do Our Beliefs Influence Us?


We start from the error of believing that “I am my thoughts.” Convince your mind of something and that will be its truth. If we start from such an extremely wrong base, what we add on top only increases the confusion. All of this is based on the paradigms established throughout this world. We are saturated with messages that keep us believing that we are what we think, what we say or what we do. And that’s how it all goes.

Without a doubt, it is important to note that the current consumer reality in which we live is based on convincing ourselves that this is so and we buy their products to improve our lives.

Beliefs, truth and the human mind

Mythical phrases like that of our friend René Descartes: “I think therefore I am”, whose literal and original translation is more similar to “I think, therefore I am” show us how, if we continue living with certain beliefs (which are taken for granted), our Life cannot be anything other than true and harmful chaos. So, depending on the philosophy, religion or source where you investigate, you will find various and curious answers. And you know what? You can be sure that it is so.

The only thing that matters is what your mind believes As I told you, your brain is a rebel that doesn’t care how much evidence or people say something, because it will only focus on one thing: “what I believe is the authentic truth of true truths.” This may seem exaggerated or ridiculous to you, but do you know anyone who has fought or killed another person for thinking differently? Have you ever seen followers of some sport attack or fight with others because they believe that their truth is good? Have you observed that individuals, because they have different faiths, get confused, think that their religion is better and unique, and go to war to defend their supposed belief?

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There are millions of examples about the madness of believing that your way of thinking is the only valid one. The mind is an extremely powerful tool, and as such, it is essential to be aware of it and use it responsibly. It doesn’t matter what you tell yourself because all beliefs are lies. Ideas about beliefs are nothing more than formulations that at a certain moment we install in our modus vivendi.

And we develop this in the complete series of 7 books, “Open Your Eyes”. From my own experience, Right now, you can have a conception about something, and in a minute change it to something that has not changed in its essence


The reality of our realities

Imagine a person who is riding the bus to work in the morning like every day, with a smile on his face because it is a means of transportation that he loves, it is cheap and adapted to his needs, he suffers a brutal traffic accident. where many people die and he remains very serious in the hospital for months. Do you think he will maintain his opinion that the bus is a great means of transportation, cheap, practical and safe? It is possible, but unlikely. The most logical thing would be for your new idea to be: “The bus is a terrible place where I never want to be again, or it is very dangerous or any method of transportation is safer.” All of these premises are as true or false as the initial one.

So what is white or good today may be black or bad tomorrow; What brings you joy now could cause sadness tomorrow You know that we live in a polar world and that thinking that what you think is an absolute, profound and immeasurable certainty is like the rest of beliefs, a half-truth, or a half-lie, or simply something that you cannot establish. fixed foundations of life because in the near future perhaps these will move, change completely and the most useful thing for you is to adapt to the foreseeable change that, for example: “I am in love with my partner, I love her and I want to always be with her.” her” (belief 1) or that “I am not in love with my partner, I do not love her and I want to be alone” (belief 2).

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Perhaps you have experienced the catastrophe of having taken as irrefutable this belief that, like all beliefs, varied. But the best thing about this great damage is that it was foreseeable, avoidable and, in many cases, dispensable, if you had done your homework beforehand.
