Types Of Borderline Personality Disorder

Types of borderline personality disorder

Have you ever felt like you lost control of what you do? How many times have we had difficult relationships with other people, due to various events, and then we have realized that there is something in our behavior that causes discomfort? It is common for us to go through difficult circumstances as time goes by, as we face certain demands that life places.

Given this, there is a great variety of human reactions. The ways we respond to life’s difficulties protect us from encountering situations in which we become paralyzed and cause greater harm. However, there are people who present behavioral traits that cause serious problems in their daily activities. Maybe something like this has happened to you or you know someone who has had these types of sensations. Understanding the qualities of this problem can offer us tools to confront it in time. Therefore, in this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about the types of borderline personality disorder.

What is borderline personality disorder

When we talk about borderline personality disorder, we are referring to a mental condition that affects our emotions, thoughts and behaviors in relationships with other people in everyday life. In other words, those people who suffer from this clinical condition usually have problems relating, since they present great emotional instability that affects the way the person perceives themselves.

Characteristics of a person with borderline personality disorder

According to the DSM-V(1), borderline personality disorder has a series of characteristics that differentiate it from other pathologies. We show them to you below:

  • Pattern that lasts over time that affects thinking and interpersonal relationships.
  • Loss of impulse control.
  • This modality persists during a wide variety of personal and social situations.
  • Deterioration of relationships social, family and work.
  • The onset of this disorder can be in adolescence or early adulthood.
  • The disorder is not related to the use of any substance, such as drugs or medications.
  • The boss not linked to other mental disorders.

The presence of any of these characteristics does not necessarily imply that we are facing borderline personality disorder. The diagnosis must be made by a health professional who evaluates the patient’s clinical qualities.

Borderline personality disorder of impulsive type

People with impulsive borderline personality disorder are characterized by being very impulsive. Given this, it is crucial to determine the causes that cause the condition. Here we will place the most important ones:

  • Environmental factors: It is possible that situations have occurred at the family level related to acts of physical violence and marked emotional changes. This can be learned by the person who suffers from this disorder and become established as a behavioral pattern.
  • Genetic factors: a person can acquire some genetic traits from parents. In this sense, if they present an impulsive borderline personality disorder, it is very likely that the person also has this clinical picture.

Symptoms of impulsive-type borderline personality disorder

Regarding the symptoms of impulsive borderline personality disorder, special attention should be paid to the following manifestations to act in time:

  • Aggression towards oneself and towards third parties.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Sudden mood changes.
  • Feelings of inferiority.
  • Fear of loneliness.
  • Fear of abandonment.

Treatment of borderline personality disorder of impulsive type

In the presence of the above symptoms, it is important to understand that there are adequate treatments to deal with this problem:

  • Psychological therapy: can help the person understand the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that control their life. This can allow you to adopt more pleasant ways of coping with stressful situations and episodes of anxiety.
  • Psychiatric medication: In certain cases it is important to provide some psychotropic medication, since it can modify the neuronal connections of people who have this pathology.

Types of Borderline Personality Disorder - Impulsive Type Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline-type personality disorder

Individuals with impulsive borderline personality disorder are characterized by being very emotionally unstable a fact that has an impact on the quality of their social relationships and the degradation of their self-perception.

This represents a starting point to understand the causes that determine the condition. In the following items, we will locate the main causes of borderline personality disorder:

  • Environmental factors: The presence of emotional instability during childhood has an impact when it comes to understanding the pathology. The events that occur in this period become behavioral patterns that persist throughout life, a product of the imitation of behaviors. In addition, traumatic experiences also play a transcendental role in this type of borderline personality disorder.
  • Genetic factors: Genetic inheritance is also linked to the emergence of this problem. If one of the parents suffers from this clinical condition, it is possible that the person also has it, given that there are neural connections associated with the processing of emotions in humans.

Symptoms of borderline personality disorder

The symptoms involved in determining whether it is borderline personality disorder are the following:

  • Variations in mood.
  • Feelings of inferiority with respect to third parties. In these cases, this article on how to overcome the inferiority complex can help you.
  • Fear of abandonment and loneliness.
  • Impulsive acts.

Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

If the symptoms described above appear, the most indicated treatments in these cases, with greater effectiveness, are the following:

  • Psychological therapy: Psychotherapy sessions can help people with these difficulties control their emotions and behaviors, so that they do not have repercussions on the work, social and family environment. Because of this, the goal of therapy is for the person to adopt other ways of dealing with situations that are difficult for them.
  • Psychiatric medication: The provision of medications can be a valid resource, since they act on the chemistry of the brain and produce neuronal modifications. As a result, they produce an improvement in the patient’s emotional processing and behavior.

Types of Borderline Personality Disorder - Borderline Type Borderline Personality Disorder

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of borderline personality disorder we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.

  1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.


  • Vizcaya Association of Relatives and People with Mental Illness. (2010). Avifes notes on borderline personality disorder. Bilbao: Avifes.

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