Types Of Depression: How To Identify The Different Depressive Disorders According To Psychology?

Do you know that there are different types of depression? Do you think you may be suffering from a depressive disorder? Discover how to identify its different variants thanks to psychology.

The most common types of depression

Would you be able to describe a person with depression? Many people think that depression is only expressed through sadness. The reality is that there are different types of depression that are expressed through various well-differentiated symptoms.

So much so that each of them presents different symptoms of depression. Therefore it can be difficult to know what depression is and what the most common symptoms of depression are. Therefore, if you want to know how to know if you have depression, here we will show you the different types of depression most common that exist.

Why are there different types of depression?

The depression It is a very complex disease. So much so that it is very important to know the symptoms of depression to be able to identify them; In this way, we can seek treatment and develop mechanisms to prevent the different types of depression that exist.

In depression there is a combination of biological, psychological and social factors. Therefore, the symptoms of depression They can be caused by internal or external factors, thus leading to different depressions. Normally internal factors are associated with hormonal or neurotransmitter changes, and external factors can be due to various reasons, but are usually related to losses (the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job or our status). social) or a very stressful pace of life.

Main phases of depression

Although there are different types of depression, the reality is that most depressions have similar phases. Therefore, we can identify the following symptoms of a depressive disorder:

  • Affective: crying, melancholy, feelings of emptiness, boredom, irritability, low self-esteem, isolation…
  • Cognitive: problems with attention, concentration and memory, pessimism, lack of flexibility, regret and guilt, suicidal ideas, thoughts of death…
  • Motors: mutism, decreased tone of voice, walking in circles…
  • Somatics: alterations in sleep patterns (insomnia or excessive sleeping), changes in eating patterns (loss or increase in appetite, which is associated with weight loss or gain), irritability, decreased libido, vulnerability to illness…
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The different types of depression that exist

Types of depression and their main symptoms

Although there are many types of depression the reality is that these disorders usually present in the following forms.

1. Major depressive disorder

One of the depressions The most common is the condition known as major depressive disorder. In this case of depressive disorder, people suffer the most serious symptoms of depression: from melancholy to apathy and lack of mobility. So much so that in these types of states the person cannot leave negative thoughts behind, causing them to paralyze them in all aspects. The main symptoms of major depressive disorder are the following:

  • In this case we could say that major depressive disorder has its own symptoms.
  • depressed mood
  • Lack of interest in activities normally enjoyed
  • Weight changes
  • Changes in sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
  • Difficult to focus
  • Thoughts of death and suicide

2. Dysthymia

Another of the types of depression The most common is dysthymia. This is a chronic depression even though its intensity is less than the previous case. So much so that anxiety and depression, emotional ups and downs, loss of sense of humor, low self-esteem and also ideas that it is difficult to get ahead are experienced jointly. This is one of the most difficult types of depression to detect as it can take months or years before the person becomes aware. We can identify this depressive disorder through the following traits:

  • Sadness feelings
  • Loss of interest and pleasure
  • Anger and irritability
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Low self-esteem
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • sleeping too much
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Changes in appetite
  • Difficult to focus

3. Anxious-depressive disorder

Another quite common one is anxiety depressive disorder in which there is a mixture of the two problems. Normally due to specific situations of family or work tensions and with a good prognosis. These depressions are emerging more and more in society due to the high levels of stress currently suffered. That is why the symptoms of anxiety and depression are increasingly related since they often appear together.

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4. Atypical depression

In atypical depression we find some symptoms that are the opposite of what we can find in most depressions. In these types of depression, unlike the others, there is an increase in appetite and hours of sleep. This is a type of depression that does not follow what was thought to be the “typical” presentation of the disorder. Atypical depression is characterized by a specific set of symptoms related to:

  • Overeating or gaining weight.
  • excessive sleep
  • Fatigue, weakness, and feeling “overwhelmed”
  • Intense sensitivity to rejection
  • Strongly reactive moods

5. Asthenia

During the changes of seasons, especially in spring, what is known as asthenia appears. It is something that is linked to changes in sunshine hours. It produces something similar to post-vacation depression. Changes in the body’s rhythm produce excess tiredness and a feeling of mild depression. Normally it does not require any treatment. In these cases the symptoms of depression They are characterized by:

  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Weight gain during winter
  • Alteration of concentration
  • Lack of spirit during the coldest days

Light entering through the eyes influences this rhythm, and any seasonal variation in the night/day pattern can cause a disruption leading to depression.

6. Cyclothymia

In cyclothymia we see altered moods, changes without apparent reasons and without causes. It is a manifestation of an internal problem. This type of depression It should not be confused with bipolar disorder, which is something much more serious, where there are not only mood swings, but also mania, hyperactivity, irritation and irrational thoughts.

Types of depression

7. Bipolar disorder

Although bipolar disorder is not part of the depressions, in bipolarity and its types of expressions there is a state known as mania. At these moments, those who suffer from it experience the same as in a depressive disorder This is why, in the vast majority of cases, in bipolar disorder and its types there is a tendency to suffer from a major depressive disorder. The main symptoms of one of these phases of depression in bipolar disorder are the following.

  • Fatigue, insomnia and lethargy
  • Aches, pains and psychomotor agitation
  • Hopelessness and loss of self-esteem
  • Irritability and anxiety
  • Indecision and disorganization
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8. Postpartum depression

The postpartum depression It is one of the most common after pregnancy. These types of depression occur due to hormonal changes due to the process that the woman has experienced throughout pregnancy. To detect this depressive disorder, it is important to know that it is completely normal to experience low mood after pregnancy. The problem arises when these last more than two weeks. The main symptoms of postpartum depression are:

  • Bad mood, sad feelings
  • Severe mood swings
  • Social retreat
  • Trouble bonding with your baby
  • Appetite changes
  • Feeling helpless and hopeless
  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
  • Feeling inadequate or worthless
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby
  • Thoughts of suicide

9. Premenstrual dysphoric depression

In this case, the subjects become very irritable, suffer changes in appetite or mood. These symptoms can be reduced with vitamins or physical exercise. This depressive disorder presents the following symptoms.

  • extreme fatigue
  • Feeling sad, hopeless, or self-critical
  • Severe feelings of stress or anxiety
  • Mood swings, often with crying spells.
  • Irritability
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Food cravings or binge eating

Although these are the main types of depression that we find today, the reality is that, as we have already mentioned, there are many other depressions. Therefore, if you find that you have problems similar to those described, it is vital that you consult with a professional psychologist.

Treatment of different types of depression

For the treatment of any type of depression Both psychiatric and psychological control are essential. The doctor’s support is essential to regulate organic aspects and directly promote recovery and reduction of biological symptoms (sleep, appetite, disposition, etc.). Psychological treatment will enable emotional strengthening, the search for new perspectives and the relief of sentimental pain.