Types Of Pedagogy: Educating From Different Specialties

Pedagogy, which today is linked to jobs based on education and for which it is necessary to have previously studied at the university, has very humble origins: paidagogoscalled that in ancient Greek, was the slave who accompanied children to school.

However, today The art of teaching has become a much more diversified discipline, and that is why we talk about types of pedagogy

Below we will see what the types of pedagogy are and what needs they respond to.

Pedagogy as a broad educational discipline

Current educational systems are so complex and have so many facets, for better or worse, that it has been necessary to create variants of pedagogy to be able to respond to all needs and cover all aspects of teaching.

For a start, Pedagogy does not focus only on children, but on people, regardless of the stage of life they are in Of course, in practice education in boys and girls has a special importance, but, unlike what happened hundreds of years ago, it is considered that adults are also prone to being guided and helped from outside in their interest in learn. Training is the object of study of pedagogy, and it is present wherever there is someone who can learn something, and in order to provide solutions to this wide range of contexts, the types of pedagogy have been formulated.

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On the other hand, The constructivist approach has had a lot of weight in pedagogy, which is why teachers are no longer understood as agents who transmit knowledge sequentially. Nowadays it is considered that the task of teachers is to accompany and offer guides so that people learn to assimilate knowledge and investigate and experiment on their own, instead of memorizing what they are told, for which it is necessary that educators and students provide constant feedback to each other.

Types of pedagogies

Thus, pedagogy has become the science that studies education, and therefore it must be adapted to all situations in which this phenomenon occurs, from various possible approaches. This has led to the emergence of different types of pedagogy, which are the following.

1. Descriptive pedagogy

This type of pedagogy focuses on creating theories that serve to describe well how teaching is carried out in the real world beyond the basic objectives and theoretical guidelines that have been established about how education should be.

2. Normative pedagogy

In normative pedagogy A philosophical and theoretical debate is established about what education should be like, the objectives that must be pursued, the way in which the concepts with which one works must be defined and what the optimal learning situations must be like. If in descriptive pedagogy we talk about what happens, in this type of pedagogy we talk about what should happen. In other words, it proposes theoretical models that serve as a reference for setting goals and strategies.

3. Children’s pedagogy

Teaching during the first years of life is very important, since during this period is when people are most sensitive to the environment: a wide variety of situations that we experience as children leave a mark on us that we retain when we are adults. That is why it is necessary to create a specialized type of pedagogy in the field of education focused on the youngest.

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4. Psychological pedagogy

Psychology has a lot to say in the field of teaching, since it helps to understand and predict patterns of thinking and behavior, something very useful in teaching. In this type of pedagogy, the knowledge, strategies and tools of psychology are used to help in the process of learning and educating.

5. Social pedagogy

This kind of pedagogy It is used by social services to respond to the learning needs of people at social risk ; Therefore, it is usually closely linked to public administration. Its objectives focus, on the one hand, on preventing behavioral patterns that entail risks or that could lead to isolation and, on the other, on providing support services so that people in precarious conditions can learn.

Concluding: a diversified education

Pedagogy is diverse because so are the contexts in which people who need to learn inside and/or outside the classrooms of a school live.

The existence of different types of pedagogy It is a way of trying to respond to the different needs of all students and apprentices so that in all cases there is help and a network of people that makes it easier for them to carry out this process.