Types Of Work Stress

Living with high levels of responsibilities and dealing with external demands can be an arduous task. In general, many people have serious difficulties in their work environments because they have to carry out stressful situations. In these cases, it is common for symptoms linked to the ways of coping with the requests that arise within a job to occur. Although it is believed that there is only one possible manifestation of all the pressures to which a person is subjected, it is necessary to mention that the issue goes much further than this. Social, cultural, family and economic variables can seriously affect the performance of human beings in any area of ​​daily life. This is more evident when there is a lack of resources to face these moments and the visibility of frustration reaches high levels.

In this PsychologyFor article we will provide you with information about the types of work stress

Chronic work stress

Chronic work stress occurs when lasts in time and its effects are reflected in the actions, thoughts and emotions of the worker.

The consequences of this type of stress can be seen in the long term and are generated by various factors that harm work performance. Among the most frequent, the bad relationship with coworkers and/or bosses, arguments, pressure to achieve objectives, physical and verbal abuse, lack of incentives, etc. stand out.

Episodic work stress

The fundamental characteristic of episodic work stress is that appears at a specific time In other words, this type of stress is not a phenomenon that lasts over time, but can be resolved when the conflict situation ceases.

In general terms, periods of episodic work stress are usually related to punctual delivery of work, a temporary internal crisis or reorganization within a company, among others.

Types of work stress - Episodic work stress


Distress, also known as negative stress, occurs when those situations that caused discomfort in a work environment move into the person’s life. In this way, a impossibility of establishing a precise limit between both areas of life. Therefore, it is detrimental to a person’s emotional and mental well-being.

Distress can be a consequence of challenging situations that you do not have the necessary resources to resolve. Beyond the work loads that exist, this type of stress manifests itself in those individuals who feel vulnerable in their lives. An example of this may be that a company worker continues to worry about tasks that he could not solve during his work hours and has problems falling asleep.


Eustress, also known as positive stress, consists of beneficial adaptation of a person to engage in work activities Unlike distress, eustress brings certain benefits for performance in projects and obligations.

In this way, the response to this stress is positive and you can implement strategies to achieve favorable results. As an example, this type of stress can be seen in an employee who uses his creativity to achieve greater visibility of his brand.

Instability stress

When the worker feels that he or she lacks support from his or her colleagues and bosses, one of the most frequent responses is to experience high levels of stress. The most typical symptoms of this are irritability, low tolerance for frustration, low self-esteem, among others.

In this sense, people who work in individualistic work environments They are more likely to suffer stress due to instability.

Stress due to apathy

This type of stress is caused by lack of creativity and novelties in the development of work In line with this, some jobs require fulfilling the same modality for a long period of time. When this occurs, workers They may feel that their work is meaningless and they experience their stay in the environment with discomfort.

Stress due to non-conformity

The lack of incentives and recognition for work can be a cause of stress. More generally, this happens in those situations that They do not provide any return to the worker who has made an effort. If this persists for a long time, the person is likely to become fatigued and tired, causing a decline in performance.

Stress due to non-conformity can be experienced when the work environment does not recognize any other people’s virtues.

Stress due to excessive loads

Those people who maintain great responsibilities They have a greater predisposition to suffer work stress. In turn, this usually occurs in disruptive places that prevent adequate worker comfort. For this reason, it is possible that the person with difficult tasks and be subjected to levels of pressure that you cannot control.

How to reduce stress at work

In order to cope with this type of situation in a more pleasant way, it is necessary to know methods that provide relief. Next, we’ll talk about how to reduce stress at work:

  • Perform psychological therapy: Going to a mental health professional helps build tools to channel frustrations and anxiety typical of the work environment.
  • Set realistic goals: Sometimes, you cannot complete all the tasks that have been proposed. In this sense, frustration appears because we have objectives that are very far from the possibilities of each person. Focusing on reality is essential to live with greater peace of mind.
  • Carry out recreational activities: Establishing leisure schedules usually helps reduce anxiety and stress. Likewise, you can choose to carry out sports, artistic or other areas of personal interest.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Eating foods that activate the central nervous system is not a good resource in times of work stress. For this reason, it is advisable to adopt eating habits that relax the body and mind. In short, the consumption of green vegetables, legumes, lean meats, fruits and water represents considerable help.
  • Perform meditation: This practice helps to engage in slow and deliberate diaphragmatic breathing, which allows the heart rate to slow down. In turn, meditation helps you understand present situations and downplay stressful life events.

In this article you will find more information about How to combat stress.

Types of work stress - How to reduce stress at work

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of work stress we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Rodríguez Carvajal, R., De Rivas Hermosilla, S. (2011). The processes of work stress and personal exhaustion (burnout): differentiation, updating and lines of intervention. Occupational Medicine and Safety Magazine, 57 (1), 72-88.

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