Understanding Cyber-relationships

Understanding cyber-relationships

Long-distance relationships are an increasingly common phenomenon in an interconnected and globalized world The widespread use of the Internet multiplies the opportunities to meet someone living in a distant country, and as always, love does not understand geographic areas.

Maintaining long-distance relationships is a psychological challenge that not everyone knows how to manage. In this sense, there are currently new studies that indicate that a long-distance relationship can be much more successful than a conventional one. What is the reason for this?

The keys to distance relationships over the Internet

Interestingly, it has been shown that the degree of communicative intimacy is seen much more often in long-distance couples than in those who are in the same place.

However, Long distance relationships can also be very painful because they expose people to uncertainty, jealousy, lack of commitment, lack of physical contact, misunderstandings in communication, monotony and ignorance of the other person’s social circle. In a sense, these problems also occur in a relationship where both people are in the same place. Could it be that long-distance relationships really aren’t as crazy as they sounded before?

The problem that existed before was the lack of communication channels between two people far from each other; those that existed were not effective. But now all that has been remedied. Likewise, new communication channels such as the recently announced Metaverse offer us hundreds of possibilities to continue communicating despite the distance, and establish in this context and in a healthy way a relationship, whether friendship or love

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We have seen over time some successful cases of emotional or loving relationships initiated on the Internet; stories that end in weddings or lifelong friendships. That is why I think it is important not to negatively prejudge these new ways of establishing relationships.

People’s psyche is an extremely important element when entering into a relationship of any type. And in this case, in the context of interactions on the Internet, rules should be upheld to keep oneself safe from threats, deception and emotional farce Especially if you want to carry out the relationship at the level of knowing each other deeply.

Consolidation of relationships

Once we have decided to venture into a situation in which there is face-to-face contact after meeting on the Internet, it is important to take precautions, such as being accompanied (although it is known that a date is for two, you can ask someone you trust to look at them until the feeling of security appears), or meet in public places. Or, if the other person changes location with respect to the previously agreed upon location, walk away immediately.

We must review basic user information that is not a very recent profile, that has real photos, make video calls on different channels so that it is more difficult to modify the video, etc.

Making friends online

Speaking of cyber friendships, this can also be a tricky thing to manage. Especially for children and adolescents, who They tend to objectify the participants of online video games

A child may be playing with another in online mode and suddenly disconnect and see messages such as: “see you later, I’m leaving”, “goodbye”, “let’s keep in touch”. This can cause two reactions:

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Addiction to social networks in youth

What to do in the case of minors?

It is important to keep an eye on the children to see if they manifest behavioral alterations linked to their Internet entertainment routine

Another very important point is to supervise the conversations they have with strangers, and if it is possible to be aware while they play.


If the isolation of the pandemic did anything, it was exacerbate the need for contact, even assuming that some online interactions are “fictitious” relationships. I think that Internet use is a two-sided coin ; But having a mature and healthy psyche we can enjoy and avoid going to the “dark” side.