Understanding Sports Betting Addiction

Understanding sports betting addiction

Gambling has been a very common pastime for human beings throughout the history of humanity, however, in some cases it may happen that some people develop pathological behavior towards this type of practice. More specifically, behavioral addictions, what is known as pathological gambling.

Following you will find a brief summary of the characteristics of pathological gambling and, specifically, sports betting an increasingly common phenomenon in modern Western societies.

What is pathological gambling?

Gambling addiction or gambling addiction is a type of behavioral addiction based on the uncontrollable need to play games of chance or carry out any type of activity consisting of betting one’s own money either in person or online.

Although it may be considered a minor or less harmful addiction, it is a mental health problem that entails significant psychological and physical wear on the person who suffers from it and also on the people around them (friends and family).

Gambling and sports betting

Unlike classic chemical addictions, gambling addiction is usually more difficult to detect since its symptoms are not so visible and it can develop for many months in the person without their environment realizing it.

Symptoms of pathological gambling

Although each person experiences the disorder differently, these are the main symptoms associated with pathological gambling, warning signs that can help us identify this disease.

1. Obsession with the game

The obsession with any aspect related to the game and the need to play at all hours It is the main symptom that can make us see that we are facing a case of pathological gambling.

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Spending all day talking about the game, constantly remembering previous games, and frustration when something doesn’t go well or when the person is not allowed to play is also a fairly defining symptom of pathological gambling.

2. Mood swings

Mood swings, irritability, and even irascible or violent behavior is also common in people who present a case of pathological gambling.

These changes are more common when the person cannot bet or play the game to which they are addicted, which generates great discomfort and an intense feeling of anguish.

3. Social impact

People with pathological gambling usually end up having problems maintaining their social or family relationships, or seeing them deteriorate due to their illness.

It is common that, due to the mood changes and irritability that people affected with this problem present, They end up losing their friends and becoming increasingly distant from their family

4. Tolerance

Gambling addiction operates in the same way as any other addiction, and therefore generates a tolerance in the addicted person that pushes them to bet more and more money. In other words, must increasingly become involved in the maintenance of this pathological dependency to feel temporary relief.

This phenomenon also causes their debts to increase, which in turn also increases their discomfort and worsens their physical and mental health.

5. Hiding the problem

Hiding the problem is something that most people with any type of addiction do, and in the case of pathological gambling it is also a common behavior.

The person with this problem will hide and deny their problem from day one, while the addiction fully develops and its stakes become higher and higher

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6. Difficulty controlling addiction

People with pathological gambling have real difficulties controlling the frequency and amount of bets they make during the day. They feel that they no longer have control over what happens in their lives

This symptom is visible, since the person appears unable to reduce, for example, the amount of money they bet or the number of times they do so after a week.

What is sports betting addiction?

Sports betting addiction has become a real public health problem in recent years, mainly in increasingly younger people, who are the ones who tend to present this pathology to a greater extent.

The rise of online sports betting and the massive advertising campaign that these betting houses have been carrying out for years have made it possible for every time more Youngers (especially men between 18 and 35 years old) end up addicted to sports betting.

In addition to that, the proliferation of all types of online casinos that are easy to access from any mobile device is also causing an increasing number of addicts both in our country and in the countries around us. To this we must add that many of these betting games are hidden under the alibi of being video games or other forms of entertainment that in principle we do not associate with the world of casinos.

Regarding sports betting, there are several organizations that draw on the strong interest generated by competitions between sports clubs and, from there, derive part of that attention to the field of betting, using language and symbolism. which is very familiar to the average football or basketball fan, for example. In the marketing campaigns used to promote these bets, the focus is on concepts such as success, the excitement produced by the competition, the explosion of joy generated by seeing our team win, etc. Definitely, an imaginary is created in which the person who bets is part, in some way, of the competition ; it merges with the players trying to win on the field.

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On the other hand, it must be taken into account that sports betting addiction is not a separate pathology from pathological gambling; It is rather a subtype of this phenomenon. For this reason, it is not included as a concept in diagnostic manuals.

Are you looking for therapeutic support for addictions?

Although behavioral addictions are persistent and complex pathologies, it is possible to treat them and make the person turn the page and overcome them. But to do this, it is essential to seek professional help in the context of therapy.

If you are looking for this type of specialized services, do not hesitate to contact us; in Therapeutic Forum Seville we will be happy to help you.