Understanding The Types Of Intelligence That Exist

Understanding the types of intelligence that exist

There are types of intelligence that we should all know at the moment of exploring who we are; Knowing this helps us grow as people.

The keys to understanding the types of human intelligence

This is a summary of the ideas to take into account to understand the types of intelligence that exist.

1. Deep intelligence

People with deep intelligence They tend to internalize information about what they are doing, thinking and planning

This type of person is very analytical in their way of thinking and doing things, they regularly carry out tasks sequentially and by procedures, something that is useful when you have a similar partner (since both can adapt very well in the environment). order, organization and economy). The benefits of this characteristic are cumulative, since by carrying out certain procedures you can increase your intelligence even more.

2. Liquid intelligence

liquid intelligence It has to do with fluidity of thought and mental agility Emotional intelligence goes hand in hand, it can lead people to be more empathetic. These people are excellent in jobs where they can interact with others, and can hold positions such as customer service, since being empathetic they will have a very calm temperament. People with liquid intelligence have the peculiarity of being able to increase their intelligence by interacting with people.

Typologies of human intelligence

3. Causal intelligence

People in whom causal intelligence predominates are very analytical and do not talk just to talk, but rather they speak when they have to speak. In practice they cause a lot of impact, since most of the time they are silent, but when they have to say something their voice resonates and is heard. They tend to be very argumentative, and their intelligence expands when they listen; They are excellent listeners, since to carry out the analysis they need to listen carefully.

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4. Comprehensive intelligence

These types of people listen, gather information, and draw a conjecture from it with ease Individuals who excel in this form of intelligence are excellent for research work, especially when it comes to analyzing people’s behavior; They are also excellent at emptying information on paper, tablet computer… They are also very good at art, painting, photography… If you want to use the greatest potential of integral intelligence, you must first help the person to know What type of intelligence predominates in it.

5. Focal intelligence

In this type of intelligence the person can only focus on one thing at a time. The minds of these people can be very effective and efficient when it comes to achieving goals; in general They are usually very disciplined and very dedicated in their jobs Many would like to have this quality, and it can be developed with a lot of practice and appropriate exercises for it.

6. Bifocal intelligence

People with bifocal intelligence can be involved in two complex tasks at the same time ; They can be working on the computer and on the phone with excellent attention. This ability is developed in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes; The frontal lobe is in charge of execution, the temporal lobe is in charge of paying attention to the environment in the processing of spatial information, and the temporal lobe is in charge of listening. This, together, helps to be able to receive information and process it until obtaining the solution to the problem or challenge being faced; As an important quality, it is suggested to practice reading to enhance your intelligence.

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7. Peripheral intelligence

Peripheral intelligence predominates in those people who are often told “you are in everything and you are in nothing”; It seems like they don’t pay attention to things, but no. This people They pick up external stimuli very quickly since they have a hypersensitivity of the 5 senses, sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell, and they can almost instantly receive a large amount of information to extract conjectures from the environment that surrounds them.

The most important thing about knowing the types of intelligence is to know yourself, love yourself, love yourself and respect yourself, and also enhance your abilities.