Video Game Disorder: A New Mental Disorder According To The WHO

Video game disorder.

Our behavior evolves at the same time that our culture and our society evolve, therefore it is not absurd to think that new disorders or related psychological alterations appear as a result of these changes. This is the case of video game disorder.

A few decades ago it was almost impossible to think that a video game could lead to a psychological disorder However, the growing proliferation of video games and their accessibility have caused the WHO itself to consider whether this could pose a problem for people’s mental and physical health.

Is gaming disorder a new condition?

Last December, the WHO announced a new psychological condition closely related to current times: video game disorder.

The real existence of this condition, which will be included next July in the new edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), has been widely debated within research circles; This being one of the first steps taken by the organization when considering the possibility that abuse of video games could generate addictions or psychological alterations.

After years of research, since the WHO has been working with groups of experts in this field since 2005, the organization has seen it necessary to make a statement on the matter, since addiction or problems related to video game abuse They are increasingly recurrent in psychology consultations.

The WHO has reported that, although it is still too early to reveal completely reliable epidemiological data, it is estimated that the number of people affected by this disorder ranges between 1 and 10% of the general adult population.

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Likewise, it has been specified that although this is a disorder much more linked to the younger population, this is not an exclusive criterion, so for the moment it will be equally considered for all age groups.

Although the WHO itself admits that Most of the population that is considered regular gamblers does not suffer from any type of disorder it is recommended that these people keep the time they dedicate to this hobby under control, since excessive use of these games can cause adverse effects such as abandonment of daily obligations and activities or alterations in both physical and psychological health.

In the same way, professionals in different health fields are also encouraged to observe and admit the possible consequences that video game abuse can have on the health of children and adults.

What features does it have?

Because it is a very recent disorder that is still under investigation, WHO representatives have revealed that, for the moment, video game disorder will not have its own heading in the next edition of the ICD-11, but this will be located within the diagnoses related to digital games

Therefore, although a definitive definition has not been established, a series of characteristics and behavioral patterns typical of this disorder have been described.

Gaming disorder is defined as a pattern of behavior characterized by a lack of control over the urge to play giving more and more priority to the time spent playing video games than to other activities and interests that were previously important to the person.

This behavior is defined as being continuous or recurring, having observed an increase in the time spent playing video games despite their negative consequences. That is, the person continues playing despite the harmful effects it causes.

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In order to avoid overdiagnosis of this disorder, the WHO warns that, for it to be considered as such, This pattern of behavior must significantly interfere in the rest of the areas of the person’s life Therefore, contexts such as work, education, family or social must be highly affected.

What will be the diagnostic criteria?

For abnormal behavior related to the use and abuse of video games to be considered a disorder or disease, the following three criteria must be met.

In the same way, so that the diagnosis of video game disorder can be made, The problem must be evident, at least, during a period of 12 months However, the WHO warns that in very serious cases the time may be much less.

The three criteria to take into account when diagnosing video game disorder are the following.

1. Lack of control

The first of the three criteria is the one that stipulates that the person must be unable to exercise voluntary control over their behavior in relation to video games This symptom also includes the inability to limit and control the amount of time spent gaming.

2. Priority to the game

During the period in which the disorder develops, the person increases the level of priority given to gambling. Locating the time spent playing ahead of other obligations of the person.

3. Escalation of behavior

Finally, the third criterion states that the person affected by video game disorder must experience an escalation in their behavior, which they will continue to carry out despite the detrimental effects it has on their state of health. Regardless of the damage involved, the patient will continue with his behavior or even increase it

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Has a treatment been defined?

Despite everything described above, the next volume of ICD-11 in which this disorder is already found does not establish any prevention or treatment guidelines so it does not offer any type of recommendation for family members, professionals or institutions.

However, the WHO emphasizes that the introduction of this disorder is the first step for organizations and professionals to consider when designating resources and means for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of this disorder.

Criticisms of its introduction in the ICD-11

As expected, The WHO decision has not freed me from criticism of some specialists who consider that the generation of a specific label for this pattern of behaviors is excessive.

Some sectors argue that, although it is a behavior that must be taken into account, its introduction in a diagnostic manual can create confusion in professionals and in family members of people who are only video game enthusiasts.

Another example is that of a study carried out at the University of Oxford in which it was established that, although children spend a lot of time playing video games, in most cases they themselves are able to combine this hobby with rest of their activities or obligations without any aspect of their life being harmed.