Waking Up Suddenly With A Feeling Of Suffocation Due To Anxiety: Causes And Treatment

Waking up suddenly with a feeling of suffocation due to anxiety: causes and treatment

The fact that sleep is abruptly interrupted by a feeling of suffocation is one of the most distressing moments for human beings. Firstly, the fear of suffering greater consequences negatively influences the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that can be used in daily life. In this sense, people who suffer from high levels of anxiety can suffer the after effects through the idea of ​​running out of air. For this reason, the uncertainty and concern that this problem could extend over time is one of the main reasons that affect the consultations of men and women.

In this PsychologyFor article we will provide you with information about waking up suddenly with a feeling of suffocation due to anxiety: causes and treatment.

How to know if I wake up suddenly due to anxiety drowning

In general terms, waking up suddenly due to choking due to anxiety is an interruption of the sleep cycle due to psychological factors. The reasons may be associated with high stress levels that affect the regulation of the central nervous system, but do not cause problems at a biological level. Due to this circumstance, it is necessary to make a distinction with diverse clinical entities to avoid confusion.

Next, we will talk about how to know if I wake up abruptly due to anxiety suffocation:

  • Excessive sweating: Perspiration involves the loss of water in the body. Given this, it is possible that it is due to a state of nervousness that is not linked to real danger.
  • Distress: In global terms, sudden awakening is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and sadness. In turn, it is convenient to take into account the emotional factors that surround a person to account for anxiety.
  • Chest pressure: It is common for there to be a sensation of localized discomfort in the chest. This differs from a biological clinical problem, in which other areas of the body are affected.
  • Arrhythmia: Anxiety can generate an acceleration in the person’s respiratory rate that usually decreases after a few seconds.

Waking up suddenly with feelings of choking due to anxiety: causes and treatment - How to know if I wake up suddenly due to choking due to anxiety

Why do I wake up suddenly with a feeling of drowning due to anxiety?

Sudden awakenings associated with high amounts of anxiety are usually linked to certain causes. In this section, we will talk about why I wake up suddenly with a feeling of suffocation due to anxiety:

  • Nightmares: The presence of dreams in which stressful situations are glimpsed has a direct relationship with the person’s emotional state. In this sense, anxiety is one of the most frequent responses that appear in the face of uncertainty that is evident in the present and the future.
  • Daily worries: Not knowing how to handle worries that arise during the day is one of the main causes that makes it difficult to sleep properly.
  • Other associated anxiety disorders: some clinical conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder that are linked to situations that could not be created by the person. This includes moments of abrupt changes such as traffic accidents, loss of a job or a loved one, serious illnesses…

If you have doubts related to the medical causes that may be affecting your sleep cycle, it is recommended that you go to a medical specialist who will evaluate the person’s conditions according to their particularities. In the following article we explain how to know if it is a heart attack or an anxiety attack.

What to do if I wake up suddenly with a feeling of suffocation due to anxiety

Beyond the inconveniences that this problem can cause, there are some recommendations that can be followed to mitigate the effects that arise. In the next items, we will develop what to do if I wake up suddenly with a feeling of suffocation due to anxiety:

  • Perform psychological therapy: One of the alternatives that provides favorable results is going to a mental health specialist. Therapy is a space that invites reflection on problematic situations in everyday life, as well as the development of strategies aimed at combating moments of uncertainty.
  • Practice relaxation: There are techniques that allow mental and physical relaxation that brings several benefits. You can try doing guided meditation exercises, since they lead to concentration on the present. In effect, this provides significant relief to the person.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Some foods relax the central nervous system, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, among others. Likewise, drinking relaxing infusions before going to sleep helps control anxiety.
  • Doing physical activity: Practicing exercises that involve body movements produces a release of endorphins in the human body. In short, playing sports according to each person’s interests provides a social environment that generates emotional support.

Waking up suddenly with a feeling of choking due to anxiety: causes and treatment - What to do if I wake up suddenly with a feeling of choking due to anxiety

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Waking up suddenly with a feeling of suffocation due to anxiety: causes and treatment we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Chóliz, M. (1999). Anxiety and sleep disorders. Magazine Emotions and health, 1 (1), 159-182.
  • Lozano, JA (2000). Insomnia and anxiety. Therapeutic measures and pharmacological treatment. Offarm Magazine, 19 (2), 84-93.

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