What Are Extrapyramidal Symptoms And How To Control Them

One of the most common problems that can occur in people who consume medications are extrapyramidal symptoms. The side effects of certain drugs can cause problems in the development of daily activities in various areas of life. This set of difficulties has a negative impact on the functioning of the body due to the alterations that occur in this regard. For this reason, brain structures play one of the most important roles for human beings, since they account for a particular way of living reality. Suffering from these consequences is not something easy to assimilate and it becomes necessary to have valuable resources to deal with them adequately. Although the intensity varies according to each case, it is possible to establish criteria to achieve relief and go through life with greater harmony.

In this PsychologyFor article we explain What are extrapyramidal symptoms and how to control them

What are extrapyramidal symptoms?

Extrapyramidal symptoms are those bodily manifestations that occur due to the side effects of antipsychotic medications. In more specific terms, this type of problem receives this name because there is a dysfunction of neural circuits that make up the pyramidal system of the central nervous system. This area is linked to the regulation of voluntary body movements.

Since it is a neuronal deregulation, the effects that occur consist of involuntary sensations and movements. However, in order to establish a correct diagnosis and a predictable clinical picture, it is necessary that a series of diagnostic criteria be met:

  • Link Between Intake of Psychiatric Medications and Aftereffects: The evaluation of observable symptoms allows us to detect the presence of extrapyramidal symptoms.
  • Start and duration: The initial moment and the persistence time of the bodily manifestations are taken into account.
  • Absence of medical factors: The alterations cannot be explained by the presence of other mental disorders and/or the intake of other medications.

Causes of extrapyramidal symptoms

Knowing the possible origins of these side effects is essential to establish an accurate diagnosis. Next, we will talk about the causes of extrapyramidal symptoms:

  • Neurological factors: Among the best known, the inhibition of dopamine receptors stands out. Since this neurotransmitter plays a fundamental role in the regulation and control of movement, its deficiency can cause motor difficulties. On the other hand, alterations in serotonin levels and the cholinergic system are responsible for extrapyramidal symptoms. Here we explain how to increase dopamine.
  • Situational factors: Abrupt suspension of medications can produce the symptoms typical of the extrapyramidal system. In turn, the overdose of some psychotropic drug generates deregulations in the body and affects involuntary movements.

Types of extrapyramidal symptoms

To provide greater clarity to the area explored, it is essential to address the classification that exists within the problem. In this section, we will describe the types of extrapyramidal symptoms:

  • Dystonia: These are muscle contractions that cause rigid postures. This occurs in any part of the body without any prior warning, with the upper body being more common.
  • Parkinsonism: They include tremors, slow movements and muscle rigidity. In turn, it receives this name for sharing the clinical presentation of Parkinson’s disease. As an example, it is possible to see that the person has difficulty writing due to their tremors.
  • Bradypsychia: consists of thoughts that require great effort in the face of situations that would imply a quick resolution.
  • Dyskinesia: These are sudden and involuntary facial movements. In some cases, it can take years to manifest even if there is an underlying disease. For example, dyskinesia occurs when a person makes stereotyped gestures such as frowning without any motivation.
  • Akathisia: This symptom implies an inability to stop movements of various parts of the body. However, this symptomatology is global because people with akathisia have serious problems staying still.

Despite this description, it is essential to know that the isolated presence of any of these symptoms does not necessarily imply a neurological condition. Therefore, the clinical evaluation must be carried out by a specialized mental health professional.

What are extrapyramidal symptoms and how to control them - Types of extrapyramidal symptoms

Treatment of extrapyramidal symptoms

Despite the complexities caused by these alterations, there are some approaches that represent significant relief. In the next items, we will develop the treatments for extrapyramidal symptoms:

  • Drug therapy: Monitoring by a mental health professional helps regulate the intake of antipsychotic medications in order to avoid negative consequences for life. In some cases, the suspension or progressive reduction of certain drugs may be indicated, offering replacements that mitigate the patient’s problems and do not generate harmful effects.
  • occupational therapy: This approach helps coordinate the motor skills and body posture of affected patients. This is done through practical exercises that are repeated during a certain period of sessions.
  • Psychological therapy: Arming strategies to combat discomfort allows you to cope with situations of stress and/or anxiety in a more pleasant way.

What are extrapyramidal symptoms and how to control them - Treatment of extrapyramidal symptoms

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What are extrapyramidal symptoms and how to control them we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Tibaduiza Mogollón, YA, Miranda Díaz, AJ (2019). Extrapyramidalism due to antiemetics. Medical Magazine, 27 (2), 63-72.

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