What Are Flying Monkeys In Psychology

What are flying monkeys in psychology - What are the narcissist's flying monkeys

You’ve probably seen or are familiar with the movie “The Wizard of Oz.” In one scene from the movie, the evil witch wants to annoy the heroine Dorothy. To achieve her goal, she carries out a plan based on discrediting the protagonist through actions aimed at lowering her reputation. In this way, other characters appear who aim to harm the heroine.

If we think beyond the movie, this can also happen in real life. Aren’t there people who try to defame others at the request of someone in particular? Manipulation can be the order of the day if you do not know how to proceed with it. Having effective tools to deal with this type of people can be useful to handle these situations in a different way. Do you want to know more about this? In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about what are flying monkeys in psychology

What are the narcissist’s flying monkeys?

When we talk about the narcissist’s flying monkeys, we are referring to those people who are used by a narcissistic person to achieve their own goals Here it is worth mentioning that flying monkeys they may be conscious or not of this condition, so that it will depend on each particular person.

Characteristics of the psychopath’s flying monkeys

To understand more closely the flying monkeys of the narcissist or psychopath, it is important to take into account some particularities that occur in them:

  • Shows fidelity towards the narcissist
  • They act under the orders of narcissistic people when it comes to causing harm to others.
  • It denies the real version of the narcissist, creating a fictitious image.
  • Adopt an attitude of contempt towards the victim sometimes without realizing it.
  • They show obedience to authority.

What are flying monkeys in psychology - What are the narcissist's flying monkeys

Causes of people turning into flying monkeys

Beyond the intention of each person to adopt the role of the narcissist’s flying monkey, the truth is that there are variables that influence when thinking about the reasons why this occurs. For this reason, we will address in the following paragraphs the main causes linked to this topic:

  • Have low self-esteem: when a person has feelings of inferiority with respect to his environment, one of the ways of trying get approval It consists of becoming a flying monkey. In this sense, you can seek a strengthening of your own personality through this condition.
  • Avoid feeling of guilt: The person with narcissistic traits usually blames other people for the actions they commit. For this reason, if the person who adopts the role of flying monkey decided to reject the tasks given by the narcissistic person, he could feel guilty given the possible manipulation. Implicitly, there is low self-esteem behind it.
  • Possess narcissistic attitudes: When the person understands that their actions can have a direct influence on another person, becoming the flying monkey can respond to the search for self-satisfaction that narcissistic people possess.

How to Neutralize the Narcissist’s Flying Monkeys

It is logical to think that the narcissist’s being a flying monkey can cause a wide variety of conflicts, both in the victims and in those people who adopt the role of flying monkey. Therefore, it is essential to have resources that allow you to neutralize the narcissist’s flying monkeys. Next, we will talk about how to achieve this purpose:

Do therapy for flying monkeys

Therapy consists of a space that allows reflection on personal aspects that cause problems for the person. In this sense, it is important to work on the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that account for the way in which flying monkeys manipulate the person. In this way, it is possible to adopt new strategies that favor strengthening autonomy and personal decisions.

Analyze the actions of flying monkeys

In other words, it lies in understanding when the action of a flying monkey has the objective of causing personal harm. Given this, it is important put limits through actions and words that are intended to make the narcissist’s flying monkey manipulation cease.

Study the environment of flying monkeys

When we understand in which social spheres flying monkeys operate, the greater the possibilities that will arise to neutralize them. One of the options is cut off social contact or refer to some authority figure that establishes precise limits. In this article we tell you what zero contact is and how it is applied.

We hope you found this article interesting about what they are and how to neutralize the narcissist’s flying monkeys. However, as we have mentioned before, it may also happen that you have unconsciously taken on the role of flying monkey.

In these cases, our articles How to identify a psychopath and The types of narcissism and characteristics to identify them will be very useful to avoid being a victim of the plans of these types of characters.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What are flying monkeys in psychology we recommend that you enter our Social Psychology category.


  • Olmos Benatuil, G. (2019). Narcissism and its discontents. Diagnostic dilemmas and treatment strategies with narcissistic patients. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 60 (10), 1-15.
  • Serra Undurraga, J.K. (2016). The diagnosis of narcissism: a rational reading. Journal of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry, 36 (129), 171-187.

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