What Are The Areas Of The Brain Involved In Creativity?

What are the areas of the brain involved in creativity?

Creativity is a fundamental capacity of human nature that drives progress in different fields, from art to science. But how do creative processes arise in the human brain? The answer lies in the complex network of interaction between brain areas that work together to generate original ideas and innovative solutions.

Understanding the functioning of these brain areas is not only interesting for personal curiosity, but also has practical applications in everyday life and day-to-day challenges. From improving the ability to respond to problems to optimizing our work or educational environments, understanding creativity and its brain and cognitive functioning can have a significant impact.

In this article, We will explore the brain regions and systems that are involved in creative processesin addition to understanding the way in which these areas collaborate to promote the generation of new ideas.

What is creativity?

Creativity is the ability to generate new and original ideas, concepts or solutions. This ability manifests itself in a wide range of activities, from art and music to science and solving everyday problems that we face in our daily lives. It is often perceived as the ability to think divergently, that is, to consider multiple possibilities and approaches to a challenge or opportunity..

There are different types of creativity, each with its particular characteristics. Artistic creativity, for example, is reflected in the ability to produce works that evoke emotions and reflections, while scientific creativity is related to the ability to discover new theories or innovative solutions to new and complex problems. In the practical sphere, creativity translates into the ability to find effective and original ways to solve common problems in daily life or at work.

Besides, Creativity should not be understood as a linear or one-dimensional process. This capacity involves the combination of different cognitive and emotional elements. The ability to create something new can depend on factors such as imagination, critical thinking, and the ability to connect seemingly unconnected ideas. In short, creativity is a multidimensional function of the brain that allows individuals to surpass the ordinary, offering new perspectives and innovative solutions in various fields.

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Neural networks and creativity

Creativity cannot be understood as solely the result of a single area of ​​the brain, but of the interaction of several neural networks that work together. These networks are activated to facilitate the process of generating innovative ideas and original solutions. Among the main networks involved in creativity are the default network and the executive control network.

1. Default network

The default network is a set of brain areas that activate when the brain is at rest and not focused or focused on a specific task. It includes structures such as the medial prefrontal cortex and the precuneus. This network is strongly linked to imagination and the generation of spontaneous thoughts. During moments of mind wandering or daydreaming, this network activates, allowing the exploration of new ideas and the formation of unusual connections between concepts.

2. Executive control network

On the other hand, The executive control network is responsible for high-level processes such as decision making, planning, and behavioral regulation.. This network includes structures and areas such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and other locations related to the ability to focus attention and control impulses. This network helps evaluate the visibility of ideas generated by default, allowing a more rigorous selection of creative ideas that will become practical or innovative solutions.

3. Interaction between networks

The interaction between both networks is crucial for the development of creativity. The default network provides the creative raw material by generating a wide range of ideas, while the executive control network filters and refines these ideas, ensuring that the most promising are selected for development. This balance between generation and evaluation of ideas is fundamental to the creative process, allowing individuals to produce effective and novel solutions.

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Key areas of the brain and their role

The human brain is one of the most complex organs, having different specialized areas that collaborate in the creative process. Among the most relevant areas are the prefrontal cortex, the temporal cortex, the parietal cortex and the reticular activation system.. Each of these regions plays a unique role in the generation and execution of creative ideas.

1. Prefrontal cortex

The prefrontal cortex, located at the front of the brain, is crucial for the development of executive functions such as planning, decision making, and impulse control. This area is directly involved in the ability to evaluate and select ideas. During the creative process, the prefrontal cortex facilitates the integration of new information and the generation of strategies for the implementation of ideas. It also helps you stay focused and avoid distractions, allowing creative thinking to unfold uninterrupted.

2. Temporal cortex

The temporal cortex is located on the sides of the brain, and is involved in processing sensory information and memory. Its role in creativity is related to the ability to remember and connect past experiences. By accessing previous memories and knowledge, the temporal cortex allows the association of new ideas with already known concepts, facilitating the formation of new connections between different areas of knowledge.

3. Parietal cortex

The parietal cortex, located at the top and back of the brain, participates in sensory integration and spatial perception. During creativity, this area contributes to the ability to mentally visualize and manipulate concepts and ideas. It allows the creation of mental representations that are essential for solving complex problems and generating new perspectives.

4. Ascending reticular activation system

The ascending reticular activation system (SARA) is responsible for regulating the level of alertness and attention in the brain. It plays a role in focus and concentration, facilitating the ability to enter a state of creative flow. The default network, defined above, is activated when the brain is not focused on an external task. This network is vital for spontaneous idea generation and creative exploration.

Tips to enhance creativity

To activate and enhance creativity so that it is maintained over time, It is useful to apply certain strategies that stimulate the areas of the brain involved in the creative process.. In this section, we are going to propose some practical tips that may be useful in developing this capacity:

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1. Encourage divergent thinking

Spending time on activities that stimulate the imagination, such as journaling, brainstorming, or practicing visualization techniques, can activate the default network. These practices can be useful for generating a wide range of ideas and exploring new possibilities without restrictions.

2. Create an inspiring environment

Designing a workspace that is stimulating and free of distractions can improve concentration and the flow of ideas. Incorporating elements like art, vibrant colors, and objects that spark curiosity can make the environment more conducive to creativity. A comfortable, well-organized environment also makes it easier to get into a state of creative flow.

3. Maintain curiosity and open-mindedness

Exploring new experiences and learning from different disciplines and activities can enrich the variety of knowledge stored in the brain, allowing the formation of innovative connections between ideas. Engaging in activities outside your usual area of ​​expertise or reading about diverse topics can expand thinking and generate new perspectives.

4. Take strategic breaks

Temporarily stepping away from a program can allow the brain to process information subconsciously. Sometimes coming to creative solutions happens when you return to the challenge with a fresh, rested, and renewed mind. Incorporating regular breaks during intense work can encourage the emergence of these new ideas.

5. Establish routines and creative habits

Create regular habits that promote creativity, such as dedicating daily time to creative activities or developing rituals that facilitate the beginning of creative activity, can help keep the brain in a constant state of activity and stimulation that facilitates and promotes innovation and creativity.


In conclusion, creativity should be understood as the result of the complex interaction between different areas of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex, the temporal cortex and the default network. Understanding these functions can help us create environments that encourage divergent thinking and apply practical strategies that help us enhance our creativity. By implementing these approaches, we can maximize our ability to generate innovative ideas and effectively solve problems.